I take it as you like it? Heard it got a free DLC which is pretty much a own game both in hours, storyline, character amount, new locations, etc. That’s really nothing compared to EA, throwing games onto the market half-finished for full non-plus-ultra-price and they keep doing it and keep making billions of it.
Yeah, the latest example is Mass Effect Andromeda. Some of the animations were just bad and the eyes of the humans and asari were just plain horrid. It’s like it needed another month or two of development to put on the polish. The latest patch did fix some of the issues.
Other than those issues though, I had fun with the game but EA should learn to let their companies finish their games and focus less on DLC.
The things you counted are from the two paid dlc. The free ones aren’t as fancy: quests are short and mostly below an average tw3 quest in quality (though an average tw3 quest is far above better quests in other games so it isn’t much of a complaint)
I tried it, good draw distance but there’s no bloom, lacks healthpacks, saves, skill trees, quest markers and has permadeath. 3/10 would not recommend.
Skill trees there are. But they are very complicated somewhat like in EVE Online. And no explanation, mostly. You need very long to get just one skill, mostly about 2 up to 5 years…Quest markers just until about level 17 (called school, homework), after level 17 you get no help anymore. Except you have high score (score is called money in that game) or big family or both.
7 years ago
I suffered of Side Quest Paralysis and stopped. It lasted almost two years, got eh… distracted with other stuff, over and over. I’m back now though. xD
Isaiah j
7 years ago
Clicked the back button to see the previous comment. Redirected to porn about eating clean snatch.
There is free DLC indeed (outfits and stuff, couple of quests). But the expansions….my goodness (Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine). Not free but well worth it.
7 years ago
I would like to point out that the 2 paid DLC’s are 100% worth it.
This really helps me, to be honest, because I also hated the first two games and haven’t really looked into the third. Can it be enjoyed with zero knowledge of the first two beyond “dude fights some other dudes in a fantasy setting”?
Absolutely. I played maybe the first two hours of Witcher 2 a couple of years ago and couldn’t get into it. Never played the first game. So I started Witcher 3 with basically zero knowledge of characters, lore, etc. You won’t recognize what would be “familiar faces” to people who HAVE played previous games, but that really hasn’t detracted from my enjoyment (I’m still waist deep in my first play-through and LOVING it). There’s plenty to learn, characters and story and well-written, none of the quests really feel dead/boring/pointless, and the paid DLC is WELL worth the price.
Never played the first one. Only played the first mission of the second one and hated it. But good god I spent hundreds of hours in Witcher 3. Characters you should be familiar with get a short “remember when he killed your family?” to give you a rough idea but not seeming like an out of place exposition dump. Main quests are for the most part fun and interesting but the game really shines in the side quests once you get into them. And the game has a nice way of putting them into your way to make them seem… Read more »
So, you went back and touched the stove again? 😉
I’m kinda there with you. I liked the first game a lot, still haven’t gotten around to completing the second, and the third is sitting on a shelf waiting for me to get to it. Too many other games to play and that annoying thing called “real life” keeps interrupting.
I bought the first two games after playing The Witcher 3, and didn’t really enjoy them. There are some references to the story here and there (mostly when you meet characters who seem to have some prior relationship with Geralt), but I didn’t think it detracted at all. The Witcher 3 is 100% worth playing, imho.
7 years ago
Yeah that game is fantastic and beautiful, even when it gets dark and gritty and brutal it still made me stop and stare.
7 years ago
You better grab the Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine expansions while you’re at it!
One fella I know won’t play it until he plays first 2 games. Even that ugly 1st one with horrible models and ugly running and fencing posture. Good job on actually getting to 3rd, man.
7 years ago
It’s taken me months to finally get round to a full playthrough of this. Started it before but bailed after 20h. Bought all the DLC, applied a few visual mods and am now really enjoying it. I’d finally come to the end of my multi-playthroughs of Fallout 4 which came in at 400h so I can see me putting 100h into The Witcher 3.
7 years ago
Johnny-come-lately is the best value entertainment these days Tim!; too many broken games on release.
A few months or even year down the track, may leave you feeling out of the loop, but you’re more likely to have the BEST experience with a game! The Witcher 3 really is a great game, you’re in for a treat 🙂
Brian Glenn
7 years ago
Nice knowing you. I don’t expect to hear from you for the next few weeks.
“even though the jokes are all a year to 2 years old?”
Have you seen akwardzombie?
Those comics (although awesome) average 1-9 years old!
Still though Tim if you ever come up with a brief but REALLY good old game comic maybe you could try making it into a Silly, so you don’t lose much momentum. Although making it smaller and compressed into a few panels could have problems…Okay fine it’s much more complex than I thought you decide.
Regardless, it is fairly good to know your staying relevant. So what’s your comment on *INSERTGENERICFILLERJRPG*? 🙂
Steer clear of Gwent in that case….that’s pure no-life territory.
7 years ago
I’ve always been a sucker for open world games. I’ve told many people that The Witcher 3 is… my favorite game of all time haha. The first two weren’t great, so maybe you’ll share my same opinion. Have fun!
7 years ago
I never bought a game when it came out or pre-ordered a game except SWTOR. I am always the last person to try a game. I buy it when it comes discounted at 80% and comes bundled with all previous versions with a free head sock and butt-warmer. I just can’t fork over cash for something I haven’t heard enough about. Just who I am.
7 years ago
I stopped playing the second game after losing interest. However, I recently did exactly as you did and bought the 3rd on when it was on a sale. Its now only one of 4 games I have ever taken the many many hours of gaming to get all trophies/achievements and it was definitely worth it. I think i have something like 134 hours of gameplay and I haven’t even touched the DLC yet. Definitely worth it and you don’t HAVE to have played the game before. The codex offers all the backstory you need.
7 years ago
Excellent game, I never played or had even heard of the first 2 games but this one was raved about so much and I like RPGs so I got it. Not dissappointed. It is hands down my favorite game ever and I’m definitely excited for further Witcher 3 related comics 😀 Sometimes I googled an obscure refrence but for the most part the codex and the in-game story give you all the background you need and then some. It’s soooo beautiful, too. I took so many screenshots of the sun and the skyline and the general scenery. You go play… Read more »
7 years ago
I actually had a lot of fun collecting and playing the in-game card game. I know it’s a minor part but it was quite entertaining.
7 years ago
Like you, I grabbed it late when it was on sale back in December, having heard good things but never played the prior two games and having no idea what the game was about except for a monster hunter RPG. I’ve never been more blown away by a game before. It stands in a class all it’s own. Also, as others have said, the DLCs are way worth it.
7 years ago
Yes! I just picked this up last week! OMG – where has it been all my life?!
7 years ago
…Or when spring finally hits Finland…
But anyway… witcher3 is awesome, have fun, wish I could have that feeling (again).
7 years ago
He! Have fun with Witcher 3. For me I must say, that I started with the Witcher Series in the mid 2005, in a book store i found a couple of Witcher Novels, even if they are not AAA novels, i got hooked to that world. Son i started with the PC games, when they were released. The story in the PC Games is over all 3 games well written IMHO, if you take the time to read all the stuff. The handling of Gerald is another story, 1 was a mess, get used to the controls, the second, better… Read more »
7 years ago
I just picked it up for the second time. This time for Xbox One. I played the hell out of the PC version. First two games didn’t grab me. Third one is RPG done right.
7 years ago
This. This is exactly how i feel. Picked it up 10 weeks ago and my friends just sighed when I pointed out all the shiny-ness.
7 years ago
I hated Witcher 1&2 as well… but I got DESTROYED by Witcher 3. I got so obsessed with that game I called in sick on a Friday so I could binge for three days. Wife didn’t like that. Haha. So worth it though. I’ve beat it twice and still have the urge to play again.
7 years ago
Me too! Actually, when the Playstation store had their sale a few weeks ago. It’s awesome and it’s just as good as everyone says. I hope CDProjekt Red makes other stuff, I wouldn’t mind supporting good developers like this.
7 years ago
80 hours in on my first play through and STILL haven’t managed to beat the main campaign… and I haven’t even touched the major DLCs…
But I’m a student, I don’t have that kind of time!
7 years ago
Nothing wrong with coming to the party a little late. The Witcher 3 can, and should be enjoyed at any time, by anybody.
7 years ago
Sooo what are Your thoughts on the Witcher 3? apart from the “oh … I can see the sun it’s beautiful” part of course.
7 years ago
I had the same reaction to it when i eventually got around to playing it
7 years ago
I couldn’t get into the first 2 either. I forced myself to play the witcher 3 and honestly while it isn’t a bad game at all, it just doesn’t really do anything for me. Usually I love open world rpg type games. Loved all the soulsborne games, enjoyed skyrim, dragons dogma, etc. All of those games while I played them almost the entire time I wanted to keep playing or do more, could lose hours in them. Don’t get that feeling at all with the witcher games, and really cant pinpoint why.
7 years ago
For the curious:
CD Projekt RED are currently working on another RPG – Cyberpunk 2077.
Here’s a link to it, in case you were wondering 🙂
Funnily enough I hated this game at first. Thought the combat and camera controls just made it impossible to play, but thought the voice acting and story were good. It was a disappointment that such good talent could go to waste like that… Except that I was just playing it wrong, and it wasn’t a waste. Curse mouse+kb controls. Steam controller is where it was at, allowing me to easily swivel the camera, as well as use gyro to aim the hand crossbow. My other problem was I guess I somehow missed how quests worked, because I completely missed doing… Read more »
So Good. Go nuts and have fun, take risks!
I take it as you like it? Heard it got a free DLC which is pretty much a own game both in hours, storyline, character amount, new locations, etc. That’s really nothing compared to EA, throwing games onto the market half-finished for full non-plus-ultra-price and they keep doing it and keep making billions of it.
Yeah, the latest example is Mass Effect Andromeda. Some of the animations were just bad and the eyes of the humans and asari were just plain horrid. It’s like it needed another month or two of development to put on the polish. The latest patch did fix some of the issues.
Other than those issues though, I had fun with the game but EA should learn to let their companies finish their games and focus less on DLC.
Personally, I didn’t think those problems detracted from the experience… the eye and lipsync problems were easily ignored.
What I didn’t appreciate was the infinite loading screens. UGH.
Yeah, Publishers need to let developers actually complete the game before publishing…
The things you counted are from the two paid dlc. The free ones aren’t as fancy: quests are short and mostly below an average tw3 quest in quality (though an average tw3 quest is far above better quests in other games so it isn’t much of a complaint)
What is that “Sun” thing you’re talking about?
It;s from this came called “life” suppose to have super realistic graphics, human interaction, sensory feedback…real cutting edge stuff.
I tried it, good draw distance but there’s no bloom, lacks healthpacks, saves, skill trees, quest markers and has permadeath. 3/10 would not recommend.
Skill trees there are. But they are very complicated somewhat like in EVE Online. And no explanation, mostly. You need very long to get just one skill, mostly about 2 up to 5 years…Quest markers just until about level 17 (called school, homework), after level 17 you get no help anymore. Except you have high score (score is called money in that game) or big family or both.
I suffered of Side Quest Paralysis and stopped. It lasted almost two years, got eh… distracted with other stuff, over and over. I’m back now though. xD
Clicked the back button to see the previous comment. Redirected to porn about eating clean snatch.
Mobile version.
*comic not comment.
Well at least it was clean!
There is free DLC indeed (outfits and stuff, couple of quests). But the expansions….my goodness (Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine). Not free but well worth it.
I would like to point out that the 2 paid DLC’s are 100% worth it.
Got the Complete Edition. It was on sale for like $20, so I decided ‘what the hell’. Even though I hate the first two Witcher games.
This really helps me, to be honest, because I also hated the first two games and haven’t really looked into the third. Can it be enjoyed with zero knowledge of the first two beyond “dude fights some other dudes in a fantasy setting”?
Absolutely. I played maybe the first two hours of Witcher 2 a couple of years ago and couldn’t get into it. Never played the first game. So I started Witcher 3 with basically zero knowledge of characters, lore, etc. You won’t recognize what would be “familiar faces” to people who HAVE played previous games, but that really hasn’t detracted from my enjoyment (I’m still waist deep in my first play-through and LOVING it). There’s plenty to learn, characters and story and well-written, none of the quests really feel dead/boring/pointless, and the paid DLC is WELL worth the price.
Never played the first one. Only played the first mission of the second one and hated it. But good god I spent hundreds of hours in Witcher 3. Characters you should be familiar with get a short “remember when he killed your family?” to give you a rough idea but not seeming like an out of place exposition dump. Main quests are for the most part fun and interesting but the game really shines in the side quests once you get into them. And the game has a nice way of putting them into your way to make them seem… Read more »
So, you went back and touched the stove again? 😉
I’m kinda there with you. I liked the first game a lot, still haven’t gotten around to completing the second, and the third is sitting on a shelf waiting for me to get to it. Too many other games to play and that annoying thing called “real life” keeps interrupting.
I bought the first two games after playing The Witcher 3, and didn’t really enjoy them. There are some references to the story here and there (mostly when you meet characters who seem to have some prior relationship with Geralt), but I didn’t think it detracted at all. The Witcher 3 is 100% worth playing, imho.
Yeah that game is fantastic and beautiful, even when it gets dark and gritty and brutal it still made me stop and stare.
You better grab the Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine expansions while you’re at it!
3 hearts in one?
One fella I know won’t play it until he plays first 2 games. Even that ugly 1st one with horrible models and ugly running and fencing posture. Good job on actually getting to 3rd, man.
It’s taken me months to finally get round to a full playthrough of this. Started it before but bailed after 20h. Bought all the DLC, applied a few visual mods and am now really enjoying it. I’d finally come to the end of my multi-playthroughs of Fallout 4 which came in at 400h so I can see me putting 100h into The Witcher 3.
Johnny-come-lately is the best value entertainment these days Tim!; too many broken games on release.
A few months or even year down the track, may leave you feeling out of the loop, but you’re more likely to have the BEST experience with a game! The Witcher 3 really is a great game, you’re in for a treat 🙂
Nice knowing you. I don’t expect to hear from you for the next few weeks.
The comic just got a two month hiatus because of this game!
I don’t get that luxury 😉
No hiatus, does that mean we’ll get to enjoy Witcher comics, even though the jokes are all a year to 2 years old?
I wouldn’t go that far 🙂
“even though the jokes are all a year to 2 years old?”
Have you seen akwardzombie?
Those comics (although awesome) average 1-9 years old!
Still though Tim if you ever come up with a brief but REALLY good old game comic maybe you could try making it into a Silly, so you don’t lose much momentum. Although making it smaller and compressed into a few panels could have problems…Okay fine it’s much more complex than I thought you decide.
Regardless, it is fairly good to know your staying relevant. So what’s your comment on *INSERTGENERICFILLERJRPG*? 🙂
Steer clear of Gwent in that case….that’s pure no-life territory.
I’ve always been a sucker for open world games. I’ve told many people that The Witcher 3 is… my favorite game of all time haha. The first two weren’t great, so maybe you’ll share my same opinion. Have fun!
I never bought a game when it came out or pre-ordered a game except SWTOR. I am always the last person to try a game. I buy it when it comes discounted at 80% and comes bundled with all previous versions with a free head sock and butt-warmer. I just can’t fork over cash for something I haven’t heard enough about. Just who I am.
I stopped playing the second game after losing interest. However, I recently did exactly as you did and bought the 3rd on when it was on a sale. Its now only one of 4 games I have ever taken the many many hours of gaming to get all trophies/achievements and it was definitely worth it. I think i have something like 134 hours of gameplay and I haven’t even touched the DLC yet. Definitely worth it and you don’t HAVE to have played the game before. The codex offers all the backstory you need.
Excellent game, I never played or had even heard of the first 2 games but this one was raved about so much and I like RPGs so I got it. Not dissappointed. It is hands down my favorite game ever and I’m definitely excited for further Witcher 3 related comics 😀 Sometimes I googled an obscure refrence but for the most part the codex and the in-game story give you all the background you need and then some. It’s soooo beautiful, too. I took so many screenshots of the sun and the skyline and the general scenery. You go play… Read more »
I actually had a lot of fun collecting and playing the in-game card game. I know it’s a minor part but it was quite entertaining.
Like you, I grabbed it late when it was on sale back in December, having heard good things but never played the prior two games and having no idea what the game was about except for a monster hunter RPG. I’ve never been more blown away by a game before. It stands in a class all it’s own. Also, as others have said, the DLCs are way worth it.
Yes! I just picked this up last week! OMG – where has it been all my life?!
…Or when spring finally hits Finland…
But anyway… witcher3 is awesome, have fun, wish I could have that feeling (again).
He! Have fun with Witcher 3. For me I must say, that I started with the Witcher Series in the mid 2005, in a book store i found a couple of Witcher Novels, even if they are not AAA novels, i got hooked to that world. Son i started with the PC games, when they were released. The story in the PC Games is over all 3 games well written IMHO, if you take the time to read all the stuff. The handling of Gerald is another story, 1 was a mess, get used to the controls, the second, better… Read more »
I just picked it up for the second time. This time for Xbox One. I played the hell out of the PC version. First two games didn’t grab me. Third one is RPG done right.
This. This is exactly how i feel. Picked it up 10 weeks ago and my friends just sighed when I pointed out all the shiny-ness.
I hated Witcher 1&2 as well… but I got DESTROYED by Witcher 3. I got so obsessed with that game I called in sick on a Friday so I could binge for three days. Wife didn’t like that. Haha. So worth it though. I’ve beat it twice and still have the urge to play again.
Me too! Actually, when the Playstation store had their sale a few weeks ago. It’s awesome and it’s just as good as everyone says. I hope CDProjekt Red makes other stuff, I wouldn’t mind supporting good developers like this.
80 hours in on my first play through and STILL haven’t managed to beat the main campaign… and I haven’t even touched the major DLCs…
But I’m a student, I don’t have that kind of time!
Nothing wrong with coming to the party a little late. The Witcher 3 can, and should be enjoyed at any time, by anybody.
Sooo what are Your thoughts on the Witcher 3? apart from the “oh … I can see the sun it’s beautiful” part of course.
I had the same reaction to it when i eventually got around to playing it
I couldn’t get into the first 2 either. I forced myself to play the witcher 3 and honestly while it isn’t a bad game at all, it just doesn’t really do anything for me. Usually I love open world rpg type games. Loved all the soulsborne games, enjoyed skyrim, dragons dogma, etc. All of those games while I played them almost the entire time I wanted to keep playing or do more, could lose hours in them. Don’t get that feeling at all with the witcher games, and really cant pinpoint why.
For the curious:
CD Projekt RED are currently working on another RPG – Cyberpunk 2077.
Here’s a link to it, in case you were wondering 🙂
Is my client not working or has there not been an upload in almost two months?
You need to manually clear your cache.
Funnily enough I hated this game at first. Thought the combat and camera controls just made it impossible to play, but thought the voice acting and story were good. It was a disappointment that such good talent could go to waste like that… Except that I was just playing it wrong, and it wasn’t a waste. Curse mouse+kb controls. Steam controller is where it was at, allowing me to easily swivel the camera, as well as use gyro to aim the hand crossbow. My other problem was I guess I somehow missed how quests worked, because I completely missed doing… Read more »