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Patreon: Analog and D-Pad One Shot #126

January 30, 2024 by Tim

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8 months ago

I really don’t like being advertised to in my RSS feed. I’ve stopped reading webcomics because of it. There are far too many things trying to convince me to give them money already.

Craig Stewart
Craig Stewart
8 months ago
Reply to  Tim

As one of the freeloaders who read your RSS feed, I heartily endorse this message. I’m grateful to you, and your patreon subscribers for allowing me a little joy, and fully accept your right to tell me that I could get bonus content in exchange for currency.

8 months ago
Reply to  Tim

I actually check the RSS feed more often that the update box of Gmail or the Patreon app, so thanks a lot for setting this up, Sir

8 months ago
Reply to  Tim

I can see where @Donut is coming from. Pretty much everyone has ads on their websites, advertises their merch, shills for sponsors, asks for patreon support, or in the case of youtube asks for sub/like/share/comment.Resulting in us consumers being advertised to or asked to pay/donate dozens of times a day. It’s to the point where for youtube you now have an addon specifically for blocking such things. But you’re right. While we view/listen to/read/whatever this content for free the people behind it can’t survive on just us watching and moving on. As much as it sucks almost all essentials for… Read more »

Alexis Fleming
Alexis Fleming
8 months ago
Reply to  Tim

This argument convinced me to subscribe. ♥️

Blair Stewart
Blair Stewart
8 months ago
Reply to  Tim

Just lending my vote as a fellow freeloader, this is totally acceptable, (Honestly its better than acceptable) and is the most likely method to convince me to support you via Patreon.

8 months ago
Reply to  Tim

I’m sorry, I let my irritation and anonymity get to me. I can only imagine what its like having to use ADs and Patreon. It just feels more intrusive to have it in my RSS feed than seeing it on the page when I visit the site.

8 months ago
Reply to  Donut

I’d rather be shown an ad for a paid version of the very product I came here to see than all the regular ads to the side. You can just click past things dude.

8 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

No kidding. I’m literally here for these comics, I’m not going to get mad that Tim lets us know there’s content we’re missing out on (and reasonably so) that helps fund the fact that this site even exists for free two decades after I started reading it for free.

I don’t even recall ever seeing one of these updates before. It’s really not that big of a problem.

8 months ago
Reply to  Donut


8 months ago
Reply to  Techbender

Okay I’m really not understanding why my comment got so many downvotes. I thought the reference was pretty spot on. It was the polite and humours way to tell the guy

“why don’t you go and fuck off then”

8 months ago
Reply to  Techbender

I’m guessing cos it’s a horrible video you’re referencing. I hadn’t seen, I searched for it and now wish i hadn’t.

8 months ago
Reply to  Donut

i kind of get your view, especially as CAD is crawling with ads and links to patreon/his store. its a tad bit pushy. but still he running a business and we as consumers of product can not complain if we getting fee samples.

like going into costco and stocking up on the free cheese then complaining they want to sell us crackers.

8 months ago
Reply to  Donut

I’m with you man. Ye it sucks that people have to sell out for just making a living but it also sucks to be fed ads everywhere.

8 months ago
Reply to  MyBigPony

for me its totally fine, it only sucks that this page is littered with adds already. even an addblocker makes frames look dumb with all the adds everywhere.

the who
the who
8 months ago

I thought for a moment it was a wednesday and Tim is pay walling his content

8 months ago
Reply to  the who

I thought it was in replacement of a normal site strip, too. Much less worried if it’s an extra update. It’d be nice if they have their own archive separate from the free ones, tbf, but I don’t mind it as an additional update on reflection. (For what it’s worth, we’re all lucky to get the other strips for free in today’s dystopian environment. It’s still sad when something long-running leaves the access of those most screwed by said environment, however! And after the last strip I was scared it’d do so on what might be a massive cliff-hanger. Glad… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by Kelibath
8 months ago
Reply to  the who

Exactly.. Maybe some text like Special Tuesday announcement would prevent few heart attacks 😀

8 months ago
Reply to  the who

Now it is Wednesday 🙂

anonymous hawk
anonymous hawk
8 months ago

to everyone here complaining about the patreon thing. mayi remind you tim cant run a website like this for free?! and advertisements usually get adblocked by people who dont like their screens getting popups or have a hard time finding the comics. tim gives us 3 comics a week, across multiple storylines and events. he works VERY hard on this, and he needs money to keep the site going. all you people complaining about the patreon mention here on the free images GROW THE FREAK UP! he put it here in case new readers didnt know about the patreon, which… Read more »

8 months ago

Thank you Tim for your hard work and the weekly updates.

8 months ago

i like this format. do more of these. i can envision all the possible ways this could go.

8 months ago
Reply to  Marcus

I am guessing lucas’s character comes back with a bag of metal and ethan has not only cleared the forest, but built a futuristic base?

Nate Anderson
Nate Anderson
8 months ago

Just popping into say, This is the most tasteful version of this kind of advertising i’ve ever seen. You could be like Linus at LTT and be completely fucking shameless about it. But no, you took the time to actually make it look like it still belongs on your site (much like the ads for your comics down the right side, etc).

Though maybe you should be the shameless man that Linus is, and write an entire Comic series (Maybe bring back Chef) that is an in your face patreon add. 😉

Last edited 8 months ago by Nate Anderson
8 months ago
Reply to  Nate Anderson

I’ve been saying for years to please bring back Chef Brian, yes please!

8 months ago
Reply to  Nate Anderson

I much prefer the on-the-nose advertising at LTT vs sneaky influencers who try to hide their ads and sponsorships.

8 months ago

While I’m too cheap for Patreon, I at least do my part by disabling “AdBlock” CAD. I sometimes even click into ads (though im not sure if that helps or not).

This comic does peak tempt me though.

8 months ago

Must confess that first I was like “oh! But he really need to do this?” But then I remembered myself that is how Tim earn money, so is needed.
Sorry for the selfish lapsus

8 months ago

If anything, I think Tim should advertise more. The guy needs revenue, I only wish I could afford to support his Patreon myself.

Tim, you do you, don’t let the haters worry ya. Your work is fantastic, and it deserves to be financially supported.

Last edited 8 months ago by Xenneth
8 months ago

What happened with Ethan’s thumb???

Michael L Livote
Michael L Livote
8 months ago

Whilst I cant contribute every month, I do try and buy some of your collections when I do have a few spare bucks, it’s what I do to keep on watching this awesome site grow. Don’t apologize for doing what needs to done to stay solvent, Tim, most of us get it.

Last edited 8 months ago by Michael L Livote