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September 18, 2020 by Tim

Man, the Avengers game is like being transported directly into one of the amazing comic books I grew up reading!

(Disclaimer: I love this game, I’m just poking fun.)

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4 years ago

if they have comics like these in the game id be leaning toward it.

Dean Bennett
Dean Bennett
4 years ago

Thank god I’m not the only one that gets an endless loop from Sarah Garza. Seriously though, this is the best

Little smile
Little smile
4 years ago

I dont know…The Hulk one seems pretty accurate and similiar to his normal comic books. xD

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
4 years ago

Can Spidey escape the sinister PlayStation prison and reunite with all his fans across all gaming platforms?!

(disclaimer: I hate this game and its awful anti-consumer business practices, I’m not poking fun. This is a genuine complaint)

4 years ago

I feel like games and companies in general have crossed a line in the last few years with their business practices. We need to stop asking ourselves if we CAN do something, and start asking ourselves if we should.

4 years ago

I remember when this was actually common, and kind of preferred it as having unique characters that were console specific gave actual meaning to which version you decided to get if you had more than one console, or in the case of only owning one console it was a way to show off what you had. The only complaint I ever had was the lack of cross-platform PvP where this would actually be a deal, getting to see the PS exclusive going up against the X-Bot exclusive character, it would have been a way to use the console rivalry as… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

The only “point” to having more than one console is to spend more money for largely redundant capability that does not scale. (You can only use one at a time, right?) 90% of the evils of all modern entertainment industries stem from tight coupling between content and platform. Companies should not even be allowed to own both, and there should never be legally backed limits to who can use the technical interfaces that join them. I mean never mind the “I pay 5 different subscription fees to see all the shows I want” issue. How about “I have to use… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  HonoredMule

Back with PS2 and X-Box there were differences in the game libraries though is the thing. Case and point, I have zero interest in sports and find FPS games boring. Yet I bought an X-Box because I was a huge Star Wars fan and KOTOR was a really fun game that I enjoyed and played to death. Same with Panzers Dragoon Orta and Jet Set Radio Future. Grand total I owned less than a dozen X-Box games, but I loved them dearly. At the same time I owned about 2/3 of the PS2 library and loved those games just as… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Don’t think i can delete this, i realised my mistake xD

good sheeple
good sheeple
4 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Wow, that’s one of the dumbest arguments I’ve seen!
So if you have two options:
a) everyone gets everything
b) you get something unique but in turn you can’t have lots of other unique things
… you go for b). Thanks for being part of the problem, dude. We really don’t appreciate it.

4 years ago
Reply to  good sheeple

Console exclusives were literally a single character or a single stage, a far cry from ‘lots of other unique things’. At the peak of this you had a grand total of THREE exclusives, one character/skin/whatever for PS, one for X-Bot and one for PC. You get one and miss out on two, big deal. Life isn’t about having everything all the time, it’s about making choices, having to decide between several things when you can only have one, like a car, or a wife (in most countries at least) then being happy with the choice you made at the end… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

You need to realise its not the content (or lack thereof) itself which people tend to have a problem with, its the principle behind it. Outside of situations when the money coming from an exclusivity deal is actually contributing to the development of the game/content, any situation where something is an exclusive has absolutely no benefit to the consumer. Yet it DOES incentivise someone to spend a shitload of extra money on a console they might only end up using for one or two games and that’s it. Its often a marketing strategy to make money for the big boys,… Read more »

4 years ago

Spider-man is not even part of the story. You would literally miss out on nothing by not having him. Heck, I am pretty sure you can not even play as him on PS yet. You are butt hurt for no reason and you are missing out on a very fun game. It is not anti-consumer, it is a deal PS made with Square Enix. Sony has been making exclusive deals with Square for decades, but I am sure they are worried about upsetting you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Drood

Even if he is not part of the story, the problem is it creates an imbalance as X-Box and PC lack an exclusive of their own to even it out. Imagine how people would react if PlayStation didn’t have Spiderman but PC did.

There is nothing wrong with console exclusive content, when it is fair and equal across all platforms. Like say, PC having Dr. Strange and X-Box having Starlord, neither appearing in the story but playable same as Spiderman is for PS.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I may be a bit of an idealist (blame it on my playing too many CD Projekt red games lately) but it is worth pointing out how common this practice was only a few years ago. Look at the Soul Caliber series as an example, SCII you had Heihachi for PS2, Spawn for Xbox and Link for GameCube. SCVI (at least originally) did something similar having Darth Vader exclusive for PS3 and Yoda exclusive for the Xbox. You are ABSOLUTLY correct that the fault with this lies entirely with the platforms, and that was kind of what I meant in… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

First just want to say I love the whole CAD comics. Main thing I want to say to do with this thread is I think people are taking this one thing out of preportion. It’s 1 character who is currently only available to the PS. Fine I understand it might be unfair that the others don’t have their own but thats business. Avengers is available for every console. 1 small add on is not a reason to give the game such hate or the reason to hate a company for something it did over other companies. It’s not like Sony… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

The issues, on the large scale of franchises like Marvel and Star Wars (and owned by Disney who are a part of a variety of evils), is not with the platforms even. They are doing what they think sells platforms (and by observation, it has). The issue is with the desire to monetize content on behalf of the content owners. As a human being and understanding artists need to eat, I can see why it happens even if some might do so reluctantly. On the other hand, it is not the best situation for consumers and definitely not for fans.… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

In my case, they have cost the companies some amount of money because when Star Wars and Marvel decided to balkanize their products into different silos (because profit!), I lost a fair bit of interest in their products because now I would always know that there were parts of it that weren’t accessible to me and that really sucked my enjoyment out of the thing. I used to be a star wars completist and I used to be a big fan of some of the Marvel work but both have failed to get my money lately because there’s no way… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  TomB

The thing about cross platform support, is PC’s are always going to be an issue because of mods and hacks. I have Monster Hunter World for both PS4 and PC, but I only played it on PC for a few weeks because I got sick and tired of people with one shot kill mods ruining my fun. I wouldn’t mind if PC players could play with console players, but only if mods of any sort were disabled for all online play. Problem with that is mods are a massive factor in why people play PC games. And of course whenever… Read more »

4 years ago

Honestly, the more I hear about this game, the more I think it’s been utterly polluted by it’s monetization scheme and it’s game bloat. Your comics have not helped this matter.

4 years ago
Reply to  Herald

the more I hear about the more I think it’s a warframe-like but not as good as the true one.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Im not saying that there’s some grand conspiracy or wallet melting scheme at work here, but are the mtx in Avengers on disk or as packs downloaded post installation? I ask because on disc mtx are a fairly big red flag for a lot of people, being not far from On-disc DLC. I can see some people having a hard time looking at the price of the game and not wondering if the development of those items are part of the cost or not.

Peter Piers
Peter Piers
4 years ago

Amazing mock-up. I had to look several times before I could identify your drawing style (which, of couse, once you see you can’t UNsee, so I find it amusing that I was so thoroughly fooled). When the image loaded, I saw the covers, and they registered so strongly that I didn’t even read the text, I went straight to your caption to try and understand why you were posting covers of old Marvel comics.

This is praise, I think. Either that or just me realising how little attention I pay to things sometimes.

…let’s go with praise.

N7 Elmo
N7 Elmo
4 years ago

Seriously Tim, you’re the best

4 years ago

I love the classic comic book look for this gag.

4 years ago

I am more surprised by the fact that it wasn’t a comic about the PS5 Preordering Shit show and the 3080s yesterday…..Tuesday is going to be so bad that it might be worse than the PS5 Preorders considering EVERYONE knows when to preorder and these sites are totally going to crash

4 years ago

Media ruins everything -_-…….

4 years ago

Damn son, those comic book covers are unbelievably well done. I love the old school style.

4 years ago

Oh my god im so glad im not the only one that is haunted by “Seriously, you’re the best!”

4 years ago

Seriously? You’re the best.

4 years ago

the campaign was fun, and in my eyes the strong part of the game, for that it was a bit short with quiet a lot of filler missions. The looter shooter part of the game is really meh, especially as matchmaking is not working properly. From the loot not changing appearance, awfull inventory management, obvious bugs, really incontinent vendor placement, 5 second waiting time after coming out from character screen, bad and few bosses mechanics, lackluster skins and so on and on… Over all they really got the superhero feel right, and most of my critics are minor and easily… Read more »

3 years ago

And Black Widow dies of boredom cause she’s not included (or not nearly enough)

(I don’t actually know for sure, haven’t played yet)

(Don’t kill me for saying that please)