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3 months ago

I repeat again: He is a keeper! Don’t you dare break it off, Lucas.

3 months ago

I’m pretty sure after his conversation with Ethan that he’s going to come clean about being D-Pad. 80% sure.

But Tim’s very good at making me guess wrong, so…

(But yeah, don’t break it off!)

Last edited 3 months ago by Zair
3 months ago
Reply to  Zair

Maybe. My fear is though, that he uses the reason of “he’s a cop and he might know our secret identity” to break off the relationship because he’s getting cold feet. He was just looking for something casual after all.

The Legacy
The Legacy
3 months ago

Hey, now. If I were dating casually and some was able to make awesome food, if asked, I’d be willing to ditch that casual title in a heartbeat! 😋

3 months ago
Reply to  Zair

Honestly he’s set up perfect for it.

“Hey look, I feel like you probably know already… I have super powers. I don’t currently use them, except out of pure reflex when that child was in danger. I have in the past, and I can’t rule out whether or not I would in the future but currently I am not engaged in any vigilante activity and haven’t been for some time.

Is that a deal breaker? And if it isn’t, what does this look like…”

3 months ago
Reply to  Zair

Maybe the idea is that it’s better not to tell him for SURE, because that might force him to abide by his duty as a cop.

But if he knows but doesn’t know for sure he can ignore that.

3 months ago

He is too much of a keeper to an almost creepy level of perfection. Which makes me worried about the calcium contents of his closets.

3 months ago

I’m a Lucas level chef 😀

The Legacy
The Legacy
3 months ago
Reply to  Flanker

Same! 😅

3 months ago

I’ve created masterful recipes that could impress even the pickiest eaters. Heck, my stuffing recipe is specifically for those who don’t like stuffing (myself included) and I have yet to encounter somebody who doesn’t like it.
I’ve created a low carb pie crust that is better than standard. (Really just a short bread.)

That said, I still can’t do the “appropriate” amount of spaghetti and usually just end up having a LOT of leftovers.

3 months ago
Reply to  AustynSN

As someone who has been eating Italian cuisine for years, I can definitively state that there is no such thing as too much spaghetti.

3 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

nah, I once made a giant stock pot full one time when my wife was going to be gone for a long time and after about a week of nothing but leftover spaghetti you get sick of it

3 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I was going to say the same, always a final bit more of pasta, just in case 😅

3 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

So you’re saying that Dakka and spaghetti are essentially the same thing ?

3 months ago
Reply to  AustynSN

I’m not much of a chef at all, but even if I were, I wouldn’t even try to make the “appropriate” amount of spaghetti. I actively encourage my relatives who do cook to make more than we need. Because leftovers are awesome and not getting enough because you underestimated how hungry you were sucks.

3 months ago

I was always under the assumption the appropriate amount of pasta was, assume fifteen more people are just going to randomly show up

3 months ago
Reply to  Scortch

And this is where the trap is because I end up making enough to feed 60 thinking the “handful” is just enough to fill my small plate.

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
3 months ago

Okay, I was iffy about the mustache, but cooking like that? He’s a keeper.

3 months ago
Reply to  Austin Mills

I mean, norwegian salmon w. stuff is EASY. I once made some for a friend who’s kind of a “connoisseur” (by that I mean he’s a VERY picky eater), and he asked for seconds, thirds, and the recipe. He was somewhat disappointed when I told him that I make salmon 2-3 times a week and this time just I wanted to try out how it tastes if I marinate it for a few hours in butter. So, no recipe, I just rubbed the cuts dry with a paper towel, mixed up some butter with a ton of random spices, poured… Read more »

3 months ago

portions are easy with pasta. open box, cook contents, eat. obviously style and extras are important for personal taste at this point.

3 months ago

Ok, after that pitch, I’m gonna need a recipe Tim. My mouth is watering.
And Lucas would be a damn fool to let this fall apart.

3 months ago

Cop-Guy is going to turn out to be a hero, isn’t he? I mean, his Supranym is probably not going to be ‘Cop-Guy’, but this is leading to something.

3 months ago

Hey! I did salmon last night! Mine was with mushroom risotto, though.

3 months ago

Cmon Lucas it doesn’t have to be that awkward!

“Hey, I feel like maybe you knew, but that flash of light was me. I can summon bits of light and will use it to save lives of others and wanted to come clean.”

Honestly Lucas should just become a traffic controller XD Bro can probably save more lives parked over a busy freeway or intersection. Have a car accident and need to get out of the car? Magical barrier to ferry you to safety! Medical emergency in traffic? Ferried to safety! About to fall off a bridge? Ferried to safety!

3 months ago

that sounds delicious, I am a heterosexual guy & I find myself being seduced by this man.

3 months ago

I’m sorry, I know this is unpopular, but this gay romance has dragged on…and on…and on…tired of this arc moving so slowly.

3 months ago
Reply to  RblDiver

> this gay romance

Aka…a romance?

3 months ago
Reply to  RblDiver

It’s just a romance. Gay or not just a romance.

Also it’s fun watching Lucas go through the ringer on this. Normally Ethan goes through the angst.

Terrycloth Monkey
Terrycloth Monkey
3 months ago
Reply to  RblDiver


3 months ago
Reply to  Tim

Hang on a second. I seem to remember you have 2 kids. I’m fuzzy on the whole procreation thing, but I think that means you had at least 2 more interactions after that.

3 months ago
Reply to  Tim

This is a comic, not real life. I prefer to see advancement, but Lucas, well, hasn’t. He’s still whining about “Does he or doesn’t he know.” Meanwhile, Ethan IS showing signs of advancement, realizing he can’t keep hiding in fear.

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
3 months ago

I think most people who have that kind of problem have it because they’re clinging to the idea that cooking must be done by eyeballing everything. Otherwise? The appropriate portion of pasta is usually 80g dry, and not a lot of people are capable of fucking up using a scale. It’s no shame to be precise, and you’ll get more consistent results than people who insist on winging it every time.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rex Vivat

That only works if you keep perfect control over how much everyone eats. It’s indeed not that hard to measure a quantity of pasta, but figuring out the right quantity isn’t an exact science.

80g each can be a good standard, but then the difficulty comes in when Bob and Alice are extra hungry one day and eat 120 each. Or Charles is feeling under the weather and only takes 40. Or Danielle usually eats 100, but today only ate 60…

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
3 months ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

I’m talking about appropriate portions, not damn near prescient perfect portions that aren’t reasonable to expect the cook to magically know. Most people will eat 80g, if someone usually eats more or less than most people you keep track of that, but if someone isn’t feeling hungry and eats less than their usual portion that’s still not a failure to calculate an appropriate portion unless they specifically told you “hey, I’m not that hungry today” before you started cooking; mind reading is not a required kitchen skill.

Last edited 3 months ago by Rex Vivat
3 months ago
Reply to  Rex Vivat

Of course, but my point was (trying to be) that even if you know how to cook (theoretical) appropriate portions, people don’t necessarily eat that amount.

(I do suspect there are two different versions of ‘appropriate amount’ in play here; One is simply about what is a good amount for X people, and the other is what amount you’d need to let everyone eat as much as they’d like without running into leftovers.)

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
3 months ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

the second version you mention is not what “appropriate amount” means, it’s a perfect amount and expecting that to happen other than by sheer luck is unrealistic. And considering how my original comment was aimed towards people who think they can’t cook because they can’t eyeball things, trying to call that “appropriate amount” is counterproductive to say the least

Last edited 3 months ago by Rex Vivat
Terrycloth Monkey
Terrycloth Monkey
3 months ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

A recipe, which is what is important while cooking is always better with an exact amount. Whether or not the entire bowl of food gets eaten is irrelevant to cooking it correctly. There’s a ratio of salt to flour in a cake that you shouldn’t eyeball. It doesn’t matter if you only eat one slice.

3 months ago

I gotta say, this is NOT a typical police officer….at least not in America anyway.

Like I feel like the closest a guy like this would normally get to being a police officer is being part of the Village People.

Last edited 3 months ago by Phire
3 months ago

Reading the recipe: *start drooling like Homer Simpson*

3 months ago

Cooked. Served. And happily sated.