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4 days ago

Time and a place Ethan. Time and a place.

4 days ago
Reply to  M37h3w3

Or… it could be the perfect timing. Sometimes a stupid thing like this can help disarm a situation. I think Lucas knows Ethan enough to just burst in laughter from that realization 😉

4 days ago
Reply to  M37h3w3

Sometimes a little comic relief is just what the doctor ordered. Hit me at the right time at least.

4 days ago

Good thing they’re on a superheroing break!

Seriously, just shaggy defense up and lay low.

4 days ago
Reply to  Esc

That actually raises a really good question: what if you got powers, but decided “nah, I’m just gonna use them to be lazy” (like Lucas using his arrows to grab a remote without getting up)? It’s not like Lucas and Ethan decided to be heros first then got powers, they got the powers first by accident, then decided to be heros. You don’t want to do heroics, you don’t want to do villain stuff, you just want to live your life except you can do something cool, like spawn arrows. Maybe using them in your day to day (like using… Read more »

4 days ago
Reply to  Pajuka

This would be me. Invisibility? Awesome, now I don’t have to get dressed to go to the store. Super strength? That jar of pickles is no match. Telekinesis? This couch is gonna have a me-shaped dent in it, cuz I am never moving from it again.

3 days ago
Reply to  Tutunkommon

I don’t know where you live, but 90% of the time it is too cold/windy for a naked trip to the store where I live. Not to mention the aggressive air-conditioning in the stores here. I take a ‘summer sweater’ with me if it is nice and warm outside and I go to the store.

3 days ago
Reply to  Pajuka

So far, it seems it’s mostly the vigilante thing that raises the legal questions

If someone had powers, but didn’t do any heroics or break any laws with them, I don’t see why they couldn’t use them openly without problems (though law enforcement would definitely still have some questions)

3 days ago
Reply to  Paradox

A person with powers is open to manipulation or employment by villains, so law enforcement needs to be aware of people with superpowers.
And every unexplained crime which shows the possibility of superpowers being used can be pinned on an unregistered super.

3 days ago
Reply to  Pajuka

The movie got shit on quite a bit, but I really liked Jumper. Beginning of the movie had a similar vibe to that. Probably don’t need to spoiler it, but…

Jumper Movie Spoilers
Dude basically has teleportation powers, and just uses it to live comfortably. A bit of villain in there, he does rob a bank, but it’s just a lot of petty stuff to have live a good life.

4 days ago

I don’t remember last tine when Ethan was on this side of events… feels wierd man.

3 days ago
Reply to  Tuomari

last reality if im remembering right

4 days ago

Whether or not I can back the campaign, will depend on one of two things

How long the campaign runs for.


Whether I can back for $1 and adjust in the pledge manager

Other than that ..



4 days ago

Ben is so reasonable with Lucas, I doubt it would be much more than “Look, now I better understand what you were dancing around and why you felt like youb couldn’t tell me. I can let it slide this time, for now, especially because you have *already* worked well with law enforcement in the past (unlike your partner The Chucker, on the other hand…), but if this relationship continues, you’ll eventually have to either register or quit for good.”

The Legacy
The Legacy
3 days ago
Reply to  Steve

I’m now really curious to know how registering benefits superheroes and why they’ve avoided it up to now?

3 days ago
Reply to  The Legacy

they get coverage for some of the things doing their job entails. like how technically a cop can run you over if they have a good enough reason.

4 days ago

HAHAHAHHHHAHAHHHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHhhhhhahaaah… aaaaaahhhh. *whew* That was a bullet dodged. Well, back to my game now.

4 days ago

Ethan…focus…we know is hard, but focus.

4 days ago

Will there be an option to add on Vol 1 books if we back Vol 2?

4 days ago

Remind me, why didn’t they want to register?

4 days ago
Reply to  Bethany

I can’t specifically remember all the details, but I think it basically puts everything they do under a microscope from now on. They want to help people, but being registered means the police can track them down if they do something legally grey and it effectively puts red tape around their attempts to rescue people in a lot of cases.

3 days ago
Reply to  Soeroah

For example: I imagine that if they were registered, they’d have had a hard time keeping Zeke around in the back of their video game store.

3 days ago
Reply to  Bethany

No more throwing people off buildings

3 days ago
Reply to  SBlack

Too soon, man…

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 days ago
Reply to  Bethany

Why would you want to let the country with an insanely well-funded military, police force, and probably hundreds of godlike beings at their beck and call, who you are, what your powers are, what your weaknesses are, where to find you? Do you anticipate that your goals and that country’s goals will always align? Do you believe that they will only ever do what’s right? Do you believe that they won’t ever coerce you if they believe something critical needs to happen and you’re the person for the job, or take you out if you could become a potential threat?

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
3 days ago

He’s not wrong, but Lucas’s case is it’s much harder to conceal his power in that instance. It’s much harder to brush Ethan’s power to the side if a reveal happens, you can’t pretend he didn’t respawn, where as Lucas can try with the arrow appearing out of no where. I am wondering if the cop (can’t think of his name at the moment) will brush it aside though, now that he knows part of why Lucas wasn’t looking for a permanent partner.

3 days ago

Love how the first panel reads ‘I just had to f.’ And ‘I just had to …..f.’

2 days ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

Yeah fucking is what got him into this mess.