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Silly #644

March 31, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago


6 years ago

Yeah, its pretty true. People complain about games that dont have longevity and then play 100 hours in the first week.

I mean, they arent wrong, but its sort of silly.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eilibex

The Monster Hunter games technically come with hundreds of hours of gameplay
The issue is that eventually it just feels like more of the same.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eilibex

How are they not wrong? I don’t think longevity is the problem if a game is fun enough to play for 100 hours.

If a game has 10-40 hours of play time (depending on the price) I can agree to that argument but anything beyond that seems like a pretty reasonable amount of play time.

A quick look on gamestop tells me that the most expensive games cost $60 right now, that means you’re paying $0.6 per hour of play time. Not a bad deal imho.

Tom B
Tom B
6 years ago
Reply to  wolph

I guess I have one game on steam with over 400 hours logged, so I suppose I really got my money (generally, I buy them when they drop to %50 of original price or to $25, whichever comes first) so I *really* got my money. Then I bought the sequel and logged over 100 hours in it. For most titles wanting a decent price tag at release, I figure 40-50 hours of quality gaming ought to be the expectation. And by quality, it shouldn’t be just grinding. Some grinding is okay, but when it gets over about 20-30% of game… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Tom B

Hours are not directly comparable to worth.

I’ve played games that were under ten hours, but are totally $60 gems.

I’ve played games for hundreds of hours, but would never actually pay real money for.

‘Time’ just means ‘How much can they suck you in?’ If a game has addictive qualities, or gives you rewards for continuous play, you can be tricked into thinking you’re having fun.

Your time is worth more than that. Any old thing that fills up the hours isn’t worth the same.

6 years ago
Reply to  wolph

I have spent less than a centper hour on Monster Hunter.

6 years ago

So I got Breath of the Wild when it first came out. Played it for quite some time. Then my switch broke, had to get it fixed, and after that, I just kinda didnt play it because I lost all my progress. Then I started playing it more, doing ANYTHING OTHER THAN the main quest, but I did eventually come around to beating the game. The game equates to 4 tiny dungeons of middling puzzle difficulty, and one final dungeon, which is even smaller in size, no puzzle, but more plentiful enemies which are more difficult to beat. Even with… Read more »

Mr. Larry
Mr. Larry
6 years ago
Reply to  Entercoven

I whole heartedly agree. It was a HUGE disappointment when I found out after the 4th dungeon the game was practically over. I typically don’t 100% because I don’t have the time so exploring seemed out of the question. I had realized that the game was designed to make travelling to the dungeons more of the aspect than the dungeons themselves. Which was good and all, but I didnt feel like I was doing anything but walking for miles. After dungeon 4 I roamed the world to see if there were additional dungeons maybe to find items (like hookshot, etc)… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Entercoven

Do an Ethan and make your own side-quests
“My character is now an avid collector of garden gnomes”

Gary Goodewill
Gary Goodewill
6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

You say that like you haven’t played Fable 3.

6 years ago

I remember a talk by the EvE Online developers, how they had exactly calculated how much a ship can mine, how long it will take to mine enough to build the next bigger ship and how long it will take for someone to build a battleship (which were the biggest ships at the time). And then one of the devs played the game with a corp that mined as a group, the higher yield ships were mining and the large cargo ships were hauling the ore to a station. And the dev just sat there in in his mind all… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Senjiu


6 years ago

need updates! I am now caught up on every single thing that has been out out on this website so far!