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Silly #645

December 2, 2018 by Tim

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Benoit Bourdua
Benoit Bourdua
6 years ago

Welcome back!B

6 years ago

Oh..Hey…He remembered to update this for his non paying subscribers. Was supposed to be doing more for the paid people, but continue to update these as normal.

Guess that was a lie.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Just going by what you said when you first launched your Patreon stuff.

And I’m also a paid subscriber. So take that however you want.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That was my first immediate thought. Hadn’t seen a patreon silly in a LONG time. Not complaining, just citing my confusion toward the initial comment here.

Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

As someone who can’t afford to become a patron at least until I get a job, I’m fine with that. Thanks for all the work you do!

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Honestly, as a non-paying person, I’m just glad that we get extra side comics at all. Doesn’t matter how often they come out.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Woah, woah, woah. Entirely free? What’s all the tosh about privacy settings and so forth then? Sounds like you’re selling off our metrics, so don’t try to tell us it’s “free”. Someone’s paying you for ratting on us, i. e. we pay for being here.

I don’t particularly mind if the people also paying with money get the content before the people who merely pay with their personal integrity do, but calling them the “free” users is wrong as a simple point of fact.

6 years ago
Reply to  konaya

Not how it works buddy. You’re a free user if you are not directly paying for a subscription.

Source: worked for a marketing software company

6 years ago
Reply to  Lith

Just because a ” marketing software company” is naming it that way this does not mean that it how it works. You pay differently and for sure less money but you pay.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

You wouldn’t need GDPR notifications if you weren’t collecting data…

6 years ago
Reply to  wut

*cough* Directly. *cough* If you have ads on your site, you ARE selling our data as well as our attention by passing it to a third party, for which I’ve no doubt you get paid (however much of a pittance that may be). Disappointed isn’t being half as rude as you are, and to people who are just recognizing the truth: that they are the product. Mabe take some care with you’re “I don’t owe you anything” arguments. I think we’re all well aware how that flippant rejection of expectation runs in all directions, and just culminates in nobody getting… Read more »

Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy
6 years ago
Reply to  wut

I have to call b*s*t. That boilerplate is necessary to allow European readers to read the comics.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
6 years ago
Reply to  konaya

The ad view generates generates what? .0003 cents? And you think you DESERVE something for that? Yes you’re paying, but you’re getting the best deal of all time to exchange a comic that takes 15 seconds to read for 3/100th’s of one cent that someone else pays on your behalf. By comparison I paid 10.00 to see Fantastic Beasts 2 last week. It’s a 2:13 minute long movie, meaning I paid .133 cents a minute (and was forced to watch 30 minutes of ads before hand, and bought popcorn which I’m not even factoring in here.) That’s over 110 times… Read more »

6 years ago

Keep up the great work Tim! Love what you’re doing ion the main comics and the sillies are an added bonus 🙂

6 years ago

ahah that makes sense

6 years ago

As someone who lives less than an hour away, I’m just glad to get a Winchester Mystery House reference.

6 years ago

Please note I love you even more now. That is how Death would take a permanent holiday. ?

6 years ago

Me in Seasons 1-5: “Oh no! ____ died! The real ultimate evil has won, and t world is ending!!! How on earth will they come back from this?”

Me in seasons 6+: “I wonder who’s starring as the Deus Ex Machina this time?…”

6 years ago

Hey you lot, quit being dicks to the content creator. He works just like you do. Fucking kids, swear to Jesus…

6 years ago

Tim: do a silly about freeloaders complaining they don’t get free stuff often enough.

Oh wait, that would be in the “assinines” comic, not the sillies. 🙂

Thanks and keep it up.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Na. i still would like to see his visual representation of this.

lemon wrangler
lemon wrangler
6 years ago

I can’t lie, this has made my day, started watching season 12, and enjoying the sheer levels of cheese rick springfield can bring to the screen. besides, death was killed by dean, this death has at least multiverse powers of foresight!