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Surrender, p22

January 19, 2024 by Tim

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8 months ago

We all know that this chapter is gonna end in a cliff hanger with Ethan succumbing to a fatal injury and we don’t know if he comes back or not…

8 months ago

He will have to learn how to do thşis without depending on his respawn ability, doesn’t he.

8 months ago
Reply to  Urainkhali

People keep saying this and I’m confused. Without his power he isn’t a superhero anymore. Like at all. The logic of superheros in this universe is that if they have powers they fight crime and do stuff for the good of Omnitropolis. Or they become a villain and do evil shit. Ethan is OUT OF THE GAME. If he can’t rely on his power he’s just a civilian playing dress up, and can’t leverage anything productive. This isn’t Batman. It’s okay to hang it up Ethan.

8 months ago
Reply to  Esc

He used his respawn a lot more than he needed to, even for a pregame stomache ache or paper cut, despite the nagging trauma with it. Them learning more about his power like if the respawns are infinite, is an important arc, and learning how to be a hero without using his body as a thrown object or disposable shield is a level up in skill.

8 months ago
Reply to  Merida


8 months ago
Reply to  Esc

He is obviously going to get his powers back at some point. This is just good character building, and is narratively interesting. Like Super Man doing something heroic around kryptonite.

8 months ago
Reply to  Blair

But is that actually narratively interesting, given how that exact arc has already been done so many times, and we already know the outcome? More importantly, that classic type of ‘relearn the basics/now do it without powers’ storyline feels like it doesn’t really work for Ethan. Usually Heroes that undergo those arcs have powers that normally solve fights for them, and losing those forces them to learn some new tricks. That’s not really the case with Ethan. His power has virtually (pun intended) no active application, so he already had to rely on normal training to actually achieve anything. There’s… Read more »

Jacob K
Jacob K
8 months ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

Ethan doesn’t really have anything to learn as Analog, training wise, but he has gotten reliant on his not being able to die. Reminds me of an Arc with Deadpool where he lost his regeneration ability and noticed how out of practice he was with his fighting prowess and survival skills because he knew he couldn’t be hurt.

Maybe we see something in that mindset with Ethan becoming a better hero just in physical ability because his new fear of death.

8 months ago
Reply to  Merida

Yes, his power changed him and should continue to do so, but you’re missing one important point. Ethan went from a normal video game run to a (possibly) Hardcore one without any warning. Choosing to give up hero work is a very reasonable option. This isn’t a Hero’s Journey “Refusal of the call” situation, this is Ethan grappling with his own mortality. Do you really want to watch the baby steps for Ethan becoming Batman without any of the money, tech, training or mystique?

8 months ago
Reply to  Urainkhali

Rooftopping or killing the electricity?

8 months ago
Reply to  7eggert

Yes. 😉

8 months ago

Just me or is the art just a little different today?

8 months ago
Reply to  Stuart

Yep, i also noticed it. Maybe Ethan just killed all the lights for security reasons …

8 months ago
Reply to  Jedi

To my eye, the lights are off in the flat because it’s night, and we see yellow light from the street lamps through the open window Ethan’s about to leap through.

8 months ago

Electricity isn’t a bad idea. If they stop his heart, his power should respawn him. If it doesn’t, they can restart his heart manually.

Last edited 8 months ago by Nekopanzer
8 months ago
Reply to  Nekopanzer

That’s still a hell of a risky thing to do.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nekopanzer

In the movies it’s easy.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nekopanzer

That was very House M.D. of you to say.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nekopanzer

That’s not really how hearts work

If a heart stops completely, it’s actually kind of hard to get it going again (electricity to “restart a heart” isn’t a restart, it’s a reset, as it shocks the heart back into a regular rhythm, it’s still beating, just wrongly)

8 months ago
Reply to  Nekopanzer

There is a big misconception about defibrillators.
They DO NOT restart a stopped heart, a stopped heart is DEAD. Defibrillators reset a heart that beats TOO fast and cannot pump blood effectively. Movies say the wrong things just for drama.

8 months ago
Reply to  Austindorf

While yes, defibrillators do not start a stopped heart, a stopped heart is not dead yet.
You can use CPR to get the blood flowing again and sometimes the heart will pick up the pace on it’s own, other times it may require an adrenaline shot. Also sometimes CPR can get the heart “vibrating”(beating erratically) and then a defibrillator can be used to get the heart beat back to normal.

Also it should be said, the odds of any of this getting the heart starting again is low, but not impossible low. So always worth a shot with CPR.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nekopanzer

The bigger issue with that idea is the elecricity is more likely to damage his brain and nervous system than it is to just stop his heart. So not the safest idea.

8 months ago

Friggin Troll. This is far worse than the cyber bullying he was doing before.

8 months ago

Ethan’s terror is going to kill him before any trip, fall, or villain does. Heart attack city with the level of stress he’s under now.
OTOH, his need to “get out there and DO something” even in the face of his fears? That’s kinda heroic.

8 months ago

Well, Ethan finds ways to keep himself busy alone in his early pension should be interesting to watch. It’s a great opportunity for Lilah to appear in Ethan’s daily life, but as we know him, he can as well get addicted to some game so it’s won’t have any affection at all

8 months ago

I like this a lot because now this plot point is an arc for both of them. Lucas is about to learn just how much Ethan relied on him and the difference he makes in his friend’s life. Ethan is now officially shattered. He will get better of course, whether because he will come to realize his powers still work, or through understanding that he doesn’t need them, but right now they are on a journey together to help Ethan find out who he really is. And of course a journey like that also helps teach Lucas who he is… Read more »

8 months ago

Lucas is making the right call here. He wanted to boost his friend’s confidence, but he knows how Ethan operates.
Ethan does not do “middle-grounds” or “moderation”.
He would start off a hesitant, but give it a few days of heroing and he’ll go back to full “dying for any inconvience” mindset and that first death could be his last.
Odds are the Troll is lying, but it’s not worth test without more concrete evidence.

8 months ago

Lucas is a good friend. The temptation to wait to tell him or cushion the truth, must be big.

It feels like the worst possible moment, to let him know. But he cares, so he’s honest.

8 months ago

Ethan has the worst superpower ever. The only way to find out you have it is to die. To use it, you have to be willing to die. The only way to know you haven’t lost it is to die.
It wasn’t worth it from the start.

8 months ago

Epic Cliffhanger:
Ethan has to do something to save the girl of his dreams, but to do it, he’ll die… There will be an extra panel of no respawn, then the final panel “E…E… Ethan?” With tears in eyes. Fade to black..
We’ll get an update when The Trol.. Er when Tim decides we’ve waited long enough.

8 months ago

Lets not forget Zeke, he’s still out there and we might see him show up at a critical moment… The only way the troll could have effected Ethan’s power would be if he could of gotten a hold of his DNA before the change, and even then, troll is no scientist, so what he gave Ethan may only limit his re-spawns for a short time. if anything at all. The troll’s only “power” isn’t uncommon, he just likes to get inside other people’s heads and turn the screws. It’s “bully 101,” and the easiest way to defeat one is ignore… Read more »

Dan McCurdy
Dan McCurdy
8 months ago

My call is another appearance by Deathblood. Now that he’s put Analog into the “bad guy” category, if he learns that Analog might not be immortal anymore, he might hunt him down to finish the job, and fire the shot that proves that Ethan still has respawns.