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Swapped, p8

November 28, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

turns out she’s the evil mastermind behind the robots

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Oh, I’m waiting so long for this to happen!

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I’ve kinda wondered if that is going to happen, but she seems pretty tech favorable. I mean maybe it’s a really great cover. But yeah I definitely see her being a super villain of some sort.

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

My money is on the roommate.

6 years ago

Tim I love you and your head that makes up the comics. Dont make her evil please?

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago
Reply to  Scott

The best writing advice I ever got was this (paraphrased): Take the worst thing that can happen to your protagonist, and that’s usually exactly what needs to happen to make a good story. Overcoming the worst challenges is what makes the best stories. This seems to be the model that Mr. Buckley follows. Look at what he put Ethan 1.0 through, what he’s already put 2.0 through, just in backstory. I don’t expect there to be many pulled punches, nor should there be. Something definitely is going to happen to or involving Emily, the current is absolutely running that way.… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

I… do not agree that the worst thing possible makes the best story. You need conflict for drama. Some things will destroy a person’s ability to continue conflict. You can be put out of commission for good, in a lot of ways. Maximum conflict requires a minimum level of balance. To put it another way, the war ends if you blow up the planet. I would argue that the greatest challenge would be trying to keep a relationship going with a secret identity, an unresolved crush, and multiple enemies. But I also think she deserves and exhibits some agency here.… Read more »

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago
Reply to  DannyboyO1

I see your point, but I wasn’t trying to say that there are hard and fast rules to story-telling. There aren’t. Context is always relevant, and there will always be exceptions to any principle you might cite. Like blowing up the planet – though I would point out Alderaan as a possible counter-example. What I was attempting to suggest was a general principle, rather than a catch-all recipe for great story-telling. I think I should have said the worst *reasonable* thing, rather than the worst *possible* thing, because to your point, there’s an argument to be made that having to… Read more »

6 years ago

No no, she’s not evil. Calling it now, she gets killed by the evil robots because they’ve figured out Ethan’s secret identity via fingerprints. All the best superheroes accidentally get their girlfriend’s taken hostage/killed as soon as they let them get close.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Hostage maybe, getting all turned up in the A+D problem definitely, but getting killed off when they come after Ethan I don’t see as much, honestly would be too easy a way out for his whole “staying with Emily because he can’t have Lilah thing”

6 years ago

Wait, she doesn’t think the movie theater can be a sexy makeout place? I take it all back, Ethan needs to break up with her right now.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

I’m sure she thinks the movie theater can be a sexy makeout place
the ground of the movie theater, where it’s all sticky and covered in buttered popcorn crumbs? not so much

(that said, don’t make out in a theater, there are places for that, you sickos)

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

There are places like that, like movie theaters 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  MightyThor34

this is no joking matter, if you do that in a public place, I consider you’re an animal and should be castrated
this is disrespectful to the theater’s staff and to other people sharing the room with you

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I’m all for movie theater etiquette, but I’m going to go with castration being a bit of an overreaction.

Can’t we just put them in stocks and make snide comments about their mothers while pelting them with slightly rotting cabbage?

Also, as a side note, I’m totally for bringing back as a general form of punishment.

6 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

“castration is a bit of an overreaction”
duh I was exaggerating to make my point lol

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

I was watching Rogue One with a guy behind me making out with 2 girls. It was disgusting… all that slurping and gagging and moaning and that during the awesome Darth Vader scene as well! Get a room for fuck’s sake! >.<

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye


6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

OK, while I fervently believe you are correct about where they should do that sort of thing, ya DO kinda have to give the guy props for managing an open relationship with 2 women at the same time (I’m not talking about 2-timing that is different from what I’m talking about and totally wrong).

Lucky Mudman
Lucky Mudman
6 years ago

How much butter is there in American popcorn? O_o

I prefer popcorn with cheese, or just plain salt.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lucky Mudman

Technically, the butter is entirely optional. You can get as much or as little as you want. Same with salt and any other seasonings or toppings.

(That said, I fail to understand the point in getting anything that isn’t double layered butter with nacho cheese seasoning and salt sprinkled on top)

6 years ago
Reply to  Lucky Mudman

I’d say enough to clog a 2 yo child’s arteries

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Ethan… oh, Ethan, buddy, I don’t think you realized what just happened here. Look, you just had a big heart-to-heart with her. You admitted you were holding back in the relationship, and agreed to be honest and open with her. You gave your word. That means you really can’t hide your ‘extracurriculars’ anymore. You have to open up to her about what you and Lucas do as A&D. And you have to do it soon. Look, it would be understandable to not share it in the beginning. You can’t, after all, go blabbing your alter-ego to every person you start… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I mean the whole point of dating her was to not let the secret identity out, I don’t think that is in the cards just yet.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  MightyThor34

The “Whole Point” of dating her was because she liked him and Ethan wanted to try to have another relationship. The “Whole Point” of not dating Lilah is because she already knows him face-to-face as Analog, and would immediately recognize him and have no legitimate reason to NOT break the story, as a reporter.

I’m pretty sure that Ethan and Lucas wouldn’t expect to live their entire lives keeping the secret from any spouses (at least), so the question is not “if,” but “when.”

Biff Tannen
Biff Tannen
6 years ago

I tried it. Not so great. Popcorn ended up everywhere. The seat folded up and spilled my drink and the ice ruined the mood.

6 years ago
Reply to  Biff Tannen

Was this before or after you crashed your car into the manure truck?

(Sorry, kinda a bit of a Back to the Future fan, I saw the name and couldn’t resist.)

6 years ago
Reply to  Dakala

But which manure truck are you asking about — the one he hit in town or the one he hit outside town near that tunnel?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

I bet it’s actually the wagon he collapsed into after Clint Eastwood knocked him out.

Biff Tannen
Biff Tannen
6 years ago
Reply to  Dakala

Before. The smell doesn’t come off easily and is off putting

Giuliano Marques
Giuliano Marques
6 years ago

Totally off topic… Tim, what about the digital downloadable books now? Will they be available somewere else or “that’s all folks”?

Taylan Ertan
Taylan Ertan
6 years ago

So there is something I am wondering. Is Ethan Immortal with his powers ? Will he die of old age, only to spawn a moment later ? Will he spawn young or at the same old age ? If so, would he just keep dying and spawning over and over at old age ? THESE ARE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS !

6 years ago
Reply to  Taylan Ertan

People have argued about this before, the consensus seems to be that: -Ethan regenerates everything. Broken bones, lost limbs, and all alliterative aspects come back when he dies. -Any Ethan has lost is destroyed, unless he has regenerated it already via normal human healing skills (see the blood donation arc). So blood and broken off skin cells are fine if it is minor. A cleaved off hand or a liver or something will vanish regardless of whether the wound has healed. -Each Ethan is identical in every way. -Ethan respawns to a nearby “safe zone”, much like how video games… Read more »

The Legacy
The Legacy
6 years ago

Man… I really like Emily. A lot. I really hope that Ethan keeps her. It would actually be highly intriguing if Lilah ended up not being a true love interest this time around. Especially if someone else in the household (Scott?) ended up with her.

That… or Emily dies, and makes Ethan snap into a rage. Then falls for Lilah.

Either way, color me intrigued. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

It would make sense (within the limits of a Lilah based story arc) for Ethan and Emily to end as basically being adoptive siblings (very close platonic friends, but not in a relationship) even after a hypothetical breakup, with Lilah becoming the love interest after such an event. Honestly, I want to see Emily continue to be a recurring character no matter what (though I am open to her not having the same role all the way through), and it seems like most of the commenting fanbase agrees with that sentiment.

6 years ago

See, I hate that about comics and stories. We KNOW Ethan is going to wind up with Lilah, like it’s going to happen. So Emily is just an in-between and it sucks. She’s nice, and understanding and she’s just going to be thrown out when her “story” is over. I know she’s not real, I get it. But I sympathize, with these kinds of characters because they’re everywhere.

whats the point
whats the point
6 years ago

Or imagen how amazing it would be if Emily turns into the love of his life, just to get sucked into a green chaos… to start CAD 3.0 with Emily returning to a future were Ethan and Lilah live happy ever after… sounds like an award winning story doesn´t it? ^^ …Please just leave Lilah out of the comic for good! It just feels extremly odd to see”the ex love of his life” as a sidekick besides a new relationship. You ended it all 6 years ago because there was “no other way to turn the comic in the direction… Read more »