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Tagged, p2

September 21, 2018 by Tim

Friendly reminder: I get to do what I do thanks to the support of my readers. If you enjoy my work, it would be appreciated if you’d consider white-listing my website on your ad-blocker. Ads are annoying, but they really do put food on my table.
Alternatively, chipping in directly via Patreon  helps as well, circumvents ads, AND you get some extra stuff to boot!

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6 years ago

So Mauler did it?

why tho
why tho
6 years ago

Hey Thad… Why do you still have an ad for the original model PS4 at the launch price of $399 hanging right next to your door? ?

6 years ago

Yeah, “Poison Trafficker” sounds like a cliched low rank villain to me. Probably not Ethan.

6 years ago

Agreed. Someone’s definitely marking their territory. Plus, as Ethan himself pointed out, if he did it the graffiti would be much less threatening and much more childish. Don’t know about quality – we don’t know how good of an artist this Ethan is.

6 years ago
Reply to  Austin

Tim, I think you have a demon roach infestation in your server room again.
It least it wasn’t the Deep Crows this time.

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

That’s supposed to be on the weird looking comment below sorry

6 years ago

Do you get paid by the ad’s just showing up or do I need to click them?

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

C̩̩̞L̴̫̙͚̗̮I̤̝̬̯̗͚̻C͇̪̰͍͡ͅͅK̩̖͚̙͖̜ ̣̘͚͜ͅT͚̟̬̻̀H̥̭̝̺̬̝ͅE͜M

6 years ago

So what kind of graffiti-ist doesn’t center their work in the window or at least make sure all their work lands in the original window? I mean it looks like someone with great art skills put a sticker on a piece of paper like a 3 yr old would? I’m guessing it is a chaos villain intentionally screwing with my OCD.

6 years ago
Reply to  TheCK

I keep thinking of spray painting/tagging in CS or whatever shooter it is.

6 years ago
Reply to  TheCK

The kind who wants to make your life hell by crossing paint over the rubber and metal parts, making it insanely difficult to clean up fully compared to just containing it on a clean window which could be cleared off in an instant, by comparison.

6 years ago
Reply to  TheCK

Well, it looks like a perfectly flat section, so it wasn’t too hard to do.
I’d guess the paint acts as a marker (hence tagged) so its put like that so even if a section is cleared off, another is still painted.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

Just say that Ethan cannot have done that due the words being written correctly. Bet Thad would believe that immediately.

6 years ago

umm…not to nitpick but that is a marker…not a pen.

Loving the comics though!

6 years ago
Reply to  Digi
6 years ago
Reply to  Plloi

What if it was a pen marker

Sean Connery
Sean Connery
6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Yer sittin’ on a gold mine, Trebek!

Erik B
Erik B
6 years ago
Reply to  Plloi

I just learned more about felt pen etymology than I ever knew was possible.

martin stringer
martin stringer
6 years ago

That’s some pretty good artwork on that. Just erase the “stay away” and say it’s an advertising for a new game in beta.

The artwork itself will draw people to the store. kind of a total win for them, actually.

6 years ago

It looks like an ad for a badass new game. Is this supposed to scare children away?

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
6 years ago

Hmm 100 internet cookies its the work of robo dudes master or the trolll just stirring the pot

6 years ago
Reply to  aaron Smith

Isn’t the troll slightly unconscious?
Probably a new person or Emily/Emily’s friend in disguise.

6 years ago

I had your site white listed for years, I’ll do so again when you remove autoplaying videos from the page.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

As often as they stay muted, they start playing their sound for no explicable reason. I often have many tabs open at once, as I read all my online comic updates at once (and sometimes with music playing). I have, do, and will always block ads on any website that uses these types of ads if they tend to unmute themselves, as they’re aurally obtrusive. I know it’s not in your power to fix this, as it’s an issue with either the ad code itself or the browsers I’ve used over the years. But I will continue to block ads… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’ve had videos which played sound on mouse-over in the past, but I’ve not noticed that anymore in the last months.

6 years ago
Reply to  Vandril

Here is a simple counter to the sound issue. Somewhat new in Chrome is the ability to right click the tab a web page is open on and “mute site” no more sound from that site. Ads still show, video auto plays, but no sound even if you tell it to play the sound unless you unmute the site.

6 years ago
Reply to  Drake

Oh, interesting. I knew Chrome had a mute feature, but I wasn’t aware it persisted between sessions. Firefox’s “Mute Tab” feature doesn’t, so I just sort of assumed Chrome’s worked similarly. I’ll look into that.

Thanks for this information.

6 years ago
Reply to  Vandril

Previous version of Chrome you could only mute the tab and it did not persist between sessions. The most recent version changed that and I am very thankful for it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Drake

Thank you once again. I’ve discovered a Firefox extension named MuteLinks which allows muting sites via a blacklist.

I’ve happily exempted CAD from my adblocker. 🙂

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I like that you own it. Feels like half the websites I go to say “What? A Self-playing ad?!? So it ain’t so!”

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Sadly tim auto playing ads are the ones that chew phone data, 🙁 cant whitelist with those things around

ads suck
ads suck
6 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Agreed. And despite that they’re supposed to play muted, they don’t. They play the first second or two with sound on and then mute themselves. If it was muted for the entire duration, I’d be fine with it. But they don’t, so adblock it is.

I’ve also been chipping in via Patreon for a while now. I wish that radioactive bear would hurry up.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Have to admit, I feel the same. I won’t even read the comic on my phone because the ads actually prevent me from navigating and reading…

6 years ago

This might be a good moment to complain about the “We value your privacy” pop-over which regularly appears on your site. It sits on the bottom part of the browser window, but darkens and disables the rest of the page. I know since the European GDPR law was introduced, websites must ask visitors for consent to track them. But this is supposed to be a one time thing. You click “I agree” (optionally after changing the defaults), and then you won’t be bothered with it again on that website. On this site however, the pop-over reappears regularly (but not each… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’ve sent you the screenshots.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I get the same thing, if that helps. Also in Europe.

David Narby
David Narby
6 years ago

Sign up for BAT payments from BRAVE browser users. : )

Erik B
Erik B
6 years ago

To all the people guessing plot point here, would it seem reasonable that this is Zeke/Zeke’s master doing this? After all, the first issue had A&D fighting the group at a convention where the villain stated they were “freeing” the people from their phones and technology, how we were enslaved (I think) by technology. Would it not stand to reason that the villain would view Mega Game as a poison trafficker?

Brian Higgins
Brian Higgins
6 years ago
Reply to  Erik B

That does make some sense, but I think if it were Zeke and his master they would’ve just broken into the store and smashed all the consoles and game disks themselves.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brian Higgins

I think Poison Trafficker is the villain’s name. We’ve had A&D fight bots, trolls and hackers, why not people filling the internet with hatred? (The difference between that and trolls is motive I think)

6 years ago

My money is on Jack Thompson who is responsible.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ven

We don’t talk about him around here.

6 years ago

I think the beginning of stay away should be visible in that last panel but it is not there

6 years ago
Reply to  Merlin

Well, its not.

6 years ago

Just unblocked ads here — I enabled an ad blocker primarily due to the obtrusive ones elsewhere.