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Testing The Limits

March 15, 2021 by Tim

Last year we started watching Star Wars with the kiddos. The OT, the PT, all seasons of the Clone Wars, all seasons of Rebels, both seasons of the Mandalorian. Eventually we finished everything, and my oldest says “But Dad… what about Rey?”

Big sigh.

It’s not that I hate the ST. They’re fine, there’s some stuff there I enjoy… I actually like The Last Jedi the most of all three because it’s the one movie that tried to stand on its own, and not regurgitate the OT. It didn’t succeed in 100% of the things it attempted, but I give it credit for trying.

All in all, though, they’re not movies that I get excited about watching. TROS especially… I’d only seen it the once. I walked out of the theater and said to my wife “I don’t think I will ever feel the need to watch that again for the rest of my life.” I’m not looking down on anyone that liked the movie, I’m just saying it didn’t really land for me.

But it’s still Star Wars, and the kiddos wanted to see everything.  And there’s nothing I won’t do for them. Now I’ve seen TROS twice. We’re done having kids, so thankfully I should never have to watch it again.

In other news, the past few months I’ve been working on a fun series of Console War Art Prints. We are now on the ninth generation of video game consoles, and I thought it would be fun to go through and imagine what each generation of the war would look like through the years. Sort of documenting the history of consoles, through the lens of my anthropomorphized game systems.

Wave one will go up for preorder on Wednesday, and features the first three prints (generations) in the series. I wanted to group them together because it helps save on shipping. The prints will be 17×11, big enough to enjoy the art, but not so big you couldn’t decorate your gaming room with a few of them (*nudge nudge*). The prints will be $10 a piece, or $25 for the set of three. All pre-ordered prints will be hand-signed by me.

Generation 1: Atari Pong vs Magnavox Odyssey vs Nintendo Color TV-Game 6

Generation 2: Atari 2600 vs ColecoVision vs Intellivision

Generation 3: Nintendo Entertainment System vs Sega Master System vs Atari 7800

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Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

War. War never changes.

The rAt
The rAt
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff


3 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

Wars never changes.

3 years ago

“We’re done having kids, so thankfully I should never have to watch it again.”
And then, grandchildren. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Ocramot

No, then that’s on their parents to go through that torture with them.

3 years ago

So…What happened to the starcaster chronicles that were up literally a day ago?

3 years ago
Reply to  Kat

Under the comic, press “Archive”

In the center drop down, select “All”

You’ll see all the comics in chronological order. Some forms of navigation on the site allow you to navigate through a comic by series, therefore skipping chronological updates. Today’s comic being “Ctrl Alt Del”, you might navigate right past “Starcaster Chronicles”

Duane E Naulls
Duane E Naulls
3 years ago

Teach your kids that the Abrams Trilogy (as it should be called) is not cannon. You can justify this by counting all of Abrams’ continuity errors in both his movies. Also point out that both of Abrams’ movies are just high budget Reddit posts (as Scott Kurtz himself described Rise of Skywalker as).

And then (because the 80’s cartoons are unavailable) start directing them to the Dark Horse comic collection.

Last edited 3 years ago by Duane E Naulls
3 years ago
Reply to  Duane E Naulls

The whole sequel trilogy is bad. The Last Jedi is alright but it is deeply flawed like the prequel trilogy but felt like a Star Wars movie.

The Last Jedi was pretty bad writing and was pretty jarring in the dramatic change in tone from what Star Wars usually felt like. The biggest example for me was the Canto Bight story segment. It just felt so pointless and stupid.

The Rise of Skywalker felt more like a Star Wars movie but it was trying to pretty much undo the Last Jedi. It was pretty much two movies crammed into one.

3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

bleh, put in the wrong title in the first paragraph, I meant the Force Awakens as the the one deeply flawed like the prequel trilogy. That’s what I get for posting when I first woke up without coffee. XD

3 years ago
Reply to  Duane E Naulls


3 years ago
Reply to  DaveTheCompGuy


3 years ago
Reply to  Freddie


3 years ago

Aw man, I want to see the Genesis vs SNES battle now. Would it be WW1 style?

3 years ago

I feel like the biggest failings of TROS was the fact that the three movies had almost no consistency, and spent a large amount of time just undoing the previous movie, and the fact the movie felt so rushed. At no point did they really slow down to explain anything, Palpatine was just alive with no explanation. And there is tons of material to draw off of regarding that one too, so it wasn’t put of left field. Also, please just stop with Palpatine. You didn’t need to bring him back. Also, enough with the planet destroying weapons already. There… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Scortch

Yeah instead of one that destroys the planet it just kills all life on it that way the infrastructure is still there

3 years ago

If it wasn’t a dark side force user in charge of the empire/new order they very well might do that. But when you have a dark sider in charge, they tend to want to completely destroy things since it gives them a bit of a power up.

Capm Lumberjack
Capm Lumberjack
3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Actually KoTOR II suggests otherwise

3 years ago
Reply to  Scortch

I think Abrams brought back Palpatine because Rian Johnson stupidly killed off Snoke.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scortch

The “never bothered to explain anything” was really the problem with the entire ST. Didn’t bother to explain the state of the galaxy in TFA. Didn’t bother to explain anything about the superweapon. Didn’t bother to explain any of the anything in TROS. I give The Last Jedi a lot of credit for trying to actually explain the world at large and why a lot of people don’t really care about the First Order v Resistance fight through the Canto Bight interlude – it’s just different groups of rich jerks running things. Except that nearly everyone hates Canto Bight so… Read more »

David K.
David K.
3 years ago

Could be worse, could be episode VIII

3 years ago

Son you know i love you but this cruel and unusual punishment is defining just how much

3 years ago

Nah, Rey is a *terrible* character. Daisy Ridley is probably a fine actress but she was done no favors by either director, and Rey was an out-and-out Mary Sue by the time TFA was half over. The writing of all three films was *awful*.

3 years ago
Reply to  WhiteKnight

Meh, Rey wasn’t that bad in TFA. Luke and Anakin were pretty Gary Stuish as well in doing some pretty impossible things with little training but their character arcs throughout the trilogies fixed that (though Anakin’s was a bit bad in writing due to George Lucas being horrible at writing scripts). The fact that there was no one overseeing the entire Sequel Trilogy and Disney let the directors do what they want really wrecked Rey’s character. If you took out the Last Jedi and just had TFA and split up TRoS into two movies, then you get a more consistent… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

The only thing luke did that was somewhat impossible (and one could argue he had assitance from beyond the veil) was one shot at the Death Star. Heck, he almost died the moment he touched a lightsaber (pointing it to his face while it was off).

Anakin was a little boy genius that did what in the first movie? Press the fire button? In the other movies he was the “chosen one” with training.

Rey was invincible from the get go. Even then, I liked Rey until Rise of the Skywalker ruined it for me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Carlo

In the first movie Anakin was a child slave and crack expert mechanic who magically won his freedom in a pod race against seasoned adult competitors a la Spartacus, and then went on to save both a princess and planet from destruction by flying into outer space and singelhandedly destroying a droid control ship and somehow escaping in time where seasoned pilots failed, not to mention being the “chosen one” of legend with enough force sensitivity to impress a seasoned Jedi and earn him especial consideration into an order of Knights. That’s pretty Gary Stuish to me. Luke was also… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Need I remind you that Rey *defeated* a trained Sith in melee combat within 48 hours of her learning that the Force wasn’t mythical? Go back and watch the climactic battle in TFA – she won that fight, and she won it *after* the ‘wounded’ Ren had already beaten a trained soldier. She wasn’t even properly wounded in the entire trilogy, despite not getting any training at all until the 3rd film – both of her predecessors lost limbs in their own first duels. She won hers. Rey was bad from the get-go, and the *canon* explanation for her impossible… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  WhiteKnight

“the *canon* explanation for her impossible abilities was that she *psychically downloaded* Kylo Ren’s training when he was trying to interrogate her.” not trying to derail in an argument about the overall point, but this particular “solve” seems quite reasonable. i agree that her being overpowered with no training would be strange; but it is also clear that Kylo has both a psychic connection and a vulnerability to Rey. i’m not really sure why Neo can download Kung Fu, why Yoda can lift a spaceshit, why Luke can appear halfway across the galaxy, but Rey cannot gain some fashion of… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Siddhartha

Neo being able to download kung fu is an ability set up in the story – one that is explained to him by the other characters (as well as for the benefit of the audience) and most importantly one that is not done *by* him, but rather is done *to* him. None of it is unique to him: the film goes out of its way to explain that this is a widely-used technology that all of the other crew have made use of. So is Yoda being able to lift a spaceship – the ability to use telekinesis with the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  WhiteKnight

Luke was a Gary Stu in the very first film. The plot is basically a nobody farm boy whisked off to adventure, invading a dark castle crawling with enemies to rescue a princess against impossible odds and then saving the entire galaxy by destroying the dark weapon of an evil wizard, that’s about as classic a self-insert Gary Stu story as it gets. You’re right that Anakin was a Gary Stu right out the gates in his first film. A genius child crack mechanic and pod racer who not only wins a pod race against seasoned adult competitors to liberate… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  WhiteKnight

I’ve always seen that scene differently. Her initial confrontation with Kylo, Rey was subdued very easily.

In the final fight, you have a wounded Kylo, who just killed his father and was unfocused, having been just shot by a family friend. He was definitely not 100%. He also was trying to convert her rather than kill her, allowing her to hold her own for a time. Luckily, as the planet was falling apart, they were separated. I think in a protracted fight, she would have eventually lost if Kylo felt threatened enough to defend himself by killing his opponent.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Kylo defeats Finn just before this moment – a trained Stormtrooper. Defeats him *easily*, in fact. Watch the scene again – Ren gives no sign his injuries are impeding his fighting ability at all. Further, Rey outperforms him in the throne room battle in TLJ, despite the fact that she has still not received any training. Watch that mess of a fight again (even leaving aside the disappearing knife that saves Rey’s life, the choreography is awful) – she’s fighting much, much better than he is, and even saves his life during the fight. She also defeats Luke Skywalker in… Read more »

3 years ago

Those prints look gorgeous but damn, if it makes me feel even older now – Apparently I can remember back to the stone age.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gnarph

Greetings from the gunpowder age?

And yeah; those prints are so cool. Just imagining what would the next generations would be like?

Last edited 3 years ago by Mousio
3 years ago

I found the new trilogy more enjoyable than the prequels despite the Last Jedi taking a massive dump on the franchise.

They may have been insultingly bad storytelling to a Star Wars fan, but at least they weren’t mostly boring fictional politics and actors talking to CGI characters in front of a green screen.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cyrad

I had this talk a while back we settled on this: the Sequel Trilogy were all better movies but the Prequel Trilogy told a much better story, and I think I can get behind that.

TROS is just kind of awful in general, though. Like, it was moderately enjoyable but nothing about it made sense while large chunks of the action were just nonsensical. I watched it and had the same reaction as Tim: “Well, okay. I never need to watch this again” and to a larger extent it kind just made the entire ST era that much less interesting.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cyrad

The politics establish the world and explain why the major characters and factions are doing what they are doing – none of which is present in the Sequel trilogy. It may not have been well-presented in Episodes 1-3, but it wasn’t presented at all in Episodes 7-9.

As a consequence, the galaxy feels vast and expansive in the prequel films – even in TPM, where only 3 planets are shown – whereas the Sequel trilogy feels like the whole story takes place in a single star system. Even the sudden rush of new planets in TROS doesn’t help.

3 years ago
Reply to  WhiteKnight

That’s a fair argument. The characters and the story ruined the prequels for me. I didn’t like any of the characters in the prequels despite the actors doing their best with the terrible scripts they got. The main characters felt stiff and unlikable. The villains in the first two movies were lame and had nebulous motivations. And the story was dull. On the other hand, I liked Fynn, BB8, Kylo Ren, and even Rey, despite TLJ and TROS turning her into a Mary Sue. It ruined Luke, but at least Leia and Han got great scenes. The story was stupid… Read more »

3 years ago

And here I am thinking the new 3 are pretty enjoyable movies..

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Agreed, I liked all three of the sequel trilogy movies quite a lot.

D Harshman
D Harshman
3 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Individually, I like all three Star Wars movies, too. They are each visually impressive and have interesting characters and concepts.

I think that it is only as a trilogy that they fail…they are disconnected and disjointed. They introduce interesting characters only to later tuck them out of sight. They start plot lines in one film only to ignore or twist them in the next. The first two films have a lot of promise, but the final film does nothing to fulfil that promise for the audience.

3 years ago

I’ll go crazy if I see an Amiga in the history as well

3 years ago
Reply to  edin

I suppose it won’t be in here because it’s not a console… Otherwise the Commodore 64 should have been in generation 3.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lemming

we saw modern PCs (albeit very shortly), so I’m keeping my hopes up! C64, A500, what days were those…

3 years ago
Reply to  Lemming

Battle of the gods maybe. Amiga VS PC…I am not even counting Mac in lol !

3 years ago
Reply to  lechuckGL

Hell yeah!
Even better if both battles happen on the same print.

mr beenus
mr beenus
3 years ago

ooooh. someone is gonna be offended by your artwork. can’t wait for the shitstorm. lol
bretty kewl tho

3 years ago
Reply to  mr beenus

Oh no, something looks like Native Americans! Somebody better cancel it! Fuck off.

3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Sorry, typo on my part – should have said NOT* intellision..Those were the bad boys of the days (only cause I had one growing up :D) and always surprised when other’s remember them

3 years ago

After getting Disney+ I sat down & watched everything in timeline order, including the Droids/Ewok cartoons & the Ewok movies that I have on DVDs. I tried to watch The Holiday Special, but the bootleg copy I have wouldn’t play past 15min on my player. Based on my watching here is what I feel: The Last Jedi felt to me like a RPG campaign where the DM couldn’t figure out how to get everyone where they were supposed to be & had lots of side quests. I have no desire to watch that one ever again. TRoS had some good… Read more »

3 years ago

Wait… “I like the last Jedi of the three…” that kinda statement boggles my mind. It was the most divisive, plot weak, and disrespectful to all of Star Wars before it (with the exception of “My name is Rey, Rey Skywalker…)
Sorry friend, it didn’t try to stand alone, it was written and directed by a pompous arse face who chose to ignore all before it to make “his…” movie, a movie that was utter trash.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

No, you’re obviously saying you like a divisive movie to try and seem “different”. I was excited before going to The Last Jedi, but what I remember from that movie is the feel of anger, disgust, disappointment and how insulted I was going out from those theaters. I’m not a particular rabid Star Wars fan, not by a long shot, but what I remember the most was how it made me feel – like a has-been, an “old guy”, a relic ready to be discarded at the nearest recycling plant. It’s “just a movie”, but I was actively mourning. That… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

No sir, you are more than welcome to like whatever, just as I am more then welcome to be boggled by that fact that you find a gem where I see a disaster. Personally, for all it’s flaws, failures and normal JJ uninventiveness, I found the first one of the sequels to be the best of the three, but even that best is a very small and full of problems best.

3 years ago

Can we add/buy them in the Kickstarter thing? would be nice if I can have them shipped with the bookset and other add-ons 🙂

3 years ago

Unyielding proof of why Disney is evil

Tyler Provick
Tyler Provick
3 years ago

I find it funny that I enjoyed the new trilogy once I moved past the story I had in my head. Yet I haven’t re-watched any but The Force Awakens despite having D+

3 years ago

what about caravan of courage and the battle for endor?

3 years ago

What I really want to know is, did they LIKE episodes 7-9? I’d really like to know wheter they’re trully awful or simply not for us who were born last millenium,

3 years ago

Hey Tim, long time reader, first time commentator. I keep my addblock off just for your website to support you in the little way that I can. You’ve probably heard about this already, but just wanted to inform you that there still is a large website covering add that pops up that requires you to X off it. I have a screen cap but I don’t know how to upload it as a comment. It is “Straight from ProGuard’s Devs” by Guardspace

Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago

Personally, I’m a fan of the sequel trilogy. I enjoyed them, and I think Disney has done a fine job of making Star Wars material. The prequels not so much. One day I’m going to sit down with my wife to watch them for her first time, and I’m going to have to have the same conversation you had with your kid here, haha. Not looking forwards to it, but looking forwards to maybe hopefully being surprised and finding that I can enjoy them as star wars movies anyways. I’ll never fault anyone for liking/not liking any of the particular… Read more »

Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That’s EXACTLY what I’m hoping for! Filoni’s work was SO GOOD, and I’m genuinely keeping my mind open to not hating the prequels solely because of Clone Wars. Because that has so far been my experience with them. Though phantom menace did have one of my favourite video games I ever played as a teen, kind of a story following rpg sort.

3 years ago
Reply to  Erik B

I just can’t get over that Anakin’s descent could be traced to the fact that the late-teenager girl was macking on him. When he was 9. That just made everything else feel – ick.

D Harshman
D Harshman
3 years ago
Reply to  Anne

To be fair…a fall into darkness shouldn’t be something we’re happy about. Ick isn’t an unreasonable reaction to anything that would cause it, I think.

3 years ago

My discussion with friends is usually that TROS wasn’t *terrible* but just got too many plot beats a bit wrong. And it came a few months after Avengers: Endgame, which it will naturally be compared to given the timing. In my mind you could change one thing about that film and I wouldn’t have had the same bitter taste at the end: have Rey be the one that dies and gives her life to save Ben. Rey is a hero, having saved the galaxy and killed Palpatine. Ben has to go on living as the last remaining member of the… Read more »

Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

I think either method of ending would be fine. Personally, the one they went with was the “salvation through sacrifice” for Ben. Which I really didn’t mind.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

As opposed to, say, Vader?

D Harshman
D Harshman
3 years ago
Reply to  Siddhartha

I know that Vader’s redemption was kinda the point of RotJ…but, I never felt like it was earned. Not really. And, as a result, I tend to forget it ever happened. I think of it more of a victory for Luke’s persuasion skills than a true redemption for Vader.

Vader didn’t have time to truly consider and accept that his actions were wrong and try to seek redemption. At least, that’s how I feel

3 years ago

Im weird and I actually like the new starwars movies? sure not as good as the origonals but they are good popcorn flicks in my books. except for solo. solo is terrible.

Last edited 3 years ago by CloudHiro
Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago
Reply to  CloudHiro

oh 🙁 I liked solo.

3 years ago
Reply to  CloudHiro

Solo is only “bad”, for me, because of the lack-luster, ham-fisted giving of his last name (that’s just dumb and not funny), and Alden’s portrayal of him. The rest of it is ‘accdptable’.

3 years ago
Reply to  Logan

Having watched scenes with Harrison’s face imposed over Alden, he did a great job getting the mannerisms down for this role. I agree that the plot was a little lack-luster in the “you know where we are going before we started” vibe, but I’d *LOVE* to see Alden and Donald flush out more of the backstory between Han and Lando.

John Kemery
John Kemery
3 years ago

I know you guys didn’t really get it in the states, but I would love to see your take on the ZX Spectrum vs the Commodore 64 and Amiga 500.

Mr. Casual
Mr. Casual
3 years ago

It’s always interesting to me when people say the prequel trilogy was fine, or even good, but they dislike the sequel trilogy. I am exactly the opposite, the sequel trilogy is fine (and I even liked TLJ for trying to break away from tropes and subvert expectations), and I loathe the prequels. But, inherently, liking different things is fine. Nobody’s “wrong” in liking what they like. There’s no objective quality of “bad” or “good” when it comes to creative output, it’s all subjective from your own viewpoint and sensibilities. I have, in the past had arguments about these things, but… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Casual

One good thing about the prequels is that they gave us better villains. Maul, Dooku, Grievous. Ther were great characters even before the animated series.
There is nothing great about the sequels bad guys: Phasma only looks cool because of the shiny armour, Kylo is just an emo kid and Snoke is just a smashed-in-face-voldemort-wannabe.

Mr. Casual
Mr. Casual
3 years ago
Reply to  lechuckGL

Well, to me, Phasma and Maul are about the same. Intimidating presence, cool look, not much else. One decent fight, very little fleshing-out of character. Maul got more in following stuff, but he was little more than a mute attack dog in PM. Kylo I actually like, specifically because he’s a temperamental, chaotic, damaged loser who also happens to be massively dangerous. I liked how the end of LTJ left him lost and alone and trapped by his own actions. Then RoS kinda ruined all that, but oh well. Snoke was little more than a one-shot baddie, but he did… Read more »

3 years ago

I love seeing the Intellivision represented. I still have mine, I just need to get a TV for it to hook up to.

some guy on the internet
some guy on the internet
3 years ago

I absolutely agree with you about the Last Jedi. Is it perfect, no (the casino scene that never ends). But it absolutely tries to stand on it’s own two feet. This makes it the most interesting star wars film of the new bunch (Rouge one is a separate one off and doesn’t count for this discussion.) I think my biggest issue with ROS is that it spends most of it’s time invalidating what happened in the previous movie instead of building upon it. Disney decided to make a trilogy with no continuity planned out so they owed to the fan… Read more »

3 years ago

Finally I found someone that agrees with me 😀 I’m always surprised people say they like The Last Jedi the least of the sequel trilogy. In my opinion the rise of skywalker is by far the worst movie of the sequel trilogy (and of all star wars movies in general). The following will contain spoilers for The Last Jedi and The rise of skywalker: – I agree that in The Last Jedi the whole plotline of Finn and his gang is a pointless circle. I still think it’s kind of entertaining, but I agree it’s a pointless circle. – The… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Neverwinterx
3 years ago
Reply to  Neverwinterx

I think the primary reason people strongly dislike The Last Jedi (besides the soapboxing casino arc) was that it basically told lifelong fans that everything at the heart of the franchise they loved was an outdated and primitive lie. One could argue this kind of subversive deconstruction actually began in Lucas’ prequel trilogy when the venerable Jedi Order was revealed to be little more than an ineffectual body plagued by political infighting, but The Last Jedi took one step further to toss the entire foundational dichotomy of the good and dark side of the force out the window, turning the… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Zeshin
Lord Hideous
Lord Hideous
3 years ago

At least the kids haven’t found out about the Star Wars Holiday Special from the 1970s yet.

Ye gods, that was truly awful.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Hideous

Sequel trilogy marathon or Holiday special on repeat for the same runtime. I cant say which would be the worse torture.

3 years ago

Personally I really enjoyed the sequel trilogy, Last Jedi is probably my favorite Star Wars movie.
But I do get where the criticisms come from and why some people don’t like them.
Really nice to see that you’re not one of the assholes that can’t stand it that someone likes something they don’t.

3 years ago

Even George Lucas denounced Disney Star Wars as not his Star Wars. That’s probably the harshest rebuke he could give under whatever contract he might have with Disney.

As for the prints, I’d love to get them with your autograph.

3 years ago

We like the ones we like, and Dislike the ones we think are not up to par.
I liked them all. Even Phantom Menace had some very good parts in it.
Just remember to enjoy them while you can, because since Disney happened to SW and Solo didn’t break the bank, we are not likely to see another one in the theaters any time soon.

3 years ago

I would like to see some medieval warfare in there.

3 years ago

Meh there’s no accounting for taste. I’ve seen bad fanfiction with a better story than TLJ but to each their own. If you liked it more power to ya. Frankly I wasn’t overly impressed with TFA but it was an OK nostalgia trip that could have served as a passing the torch episode in the franchise. Introduced new characters, introduced a new threat to deal with, sent the old characters on their way or set things up for their sunseting, all while tieing things together with familiar settings. Not the best start but it could have worked with a cohesive… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

I really think they first come up with the big battle sceens that look absolutely incredible in HD on the big screen , and then write the story around the big battle scenes.Like they did with the Kessel run in Solo, 30 minutes of an incredible action/space battle all to force an unnecessary semi logical meaning of one line in A new hope.

3 years ago

This happens when one isn’t strong in the dark side. I for my part manipulated my nephew oh so slightly and delicately with well placed innuendos and misgivings first to join the Empire and serve Lord Vader unrelenting and made sure that his dissatisfaction of the sequels rivaled my own…and then even overpowered mine. It even spread to his friends – helps tremendously that my nephew was one of the popular kids. So much that when he became a teenager and I showed him good old Arnie movies like Conan, Predator and so on, they became a nearly cult-like group.… Read more »

3 years ago

The fact of the matter is that the sequel trilogy felt like three fan films, and even if TLJ tried to do something different I don’t know that it should have been praised for that. It had the same problem TFA and TROS had. A bunch of characters, little to no purpose, introduced and then discarded. Even if the story progressed differently, it still served the same purpose as ESB. To show that our heroes were all not perfect, and flawed in some way; except instead TLJ just made them all seem incompetent. IDK, it feels like I can never… Read more »

Laslo H
Laslo H
3 years ago

Tim, I plan on preordering these prints (and hopefully the rest of them in due time). I just have one question: will they each have those titles/captions to identify the subjects?

Laslo H
Laslo H
3 years ago
Reply to  Laslo H

You know, maybe just a small, tasteful line of text underneath each image?

3 years ago

I cant understand how people like Episode 8 even slightly. They made Luke Skywalker a suicidal loser just for the shock value. Years later and I still get mad. The Sequel Trilogy doesnt exist. Long Live Legends.

3 years ago

Personally, I can’t enjoy the new Star Wars trilogy. They destroy to much of the old canon in my opinion. Character arcs, sacrifices, they all mean nothing if the new trilogy is part of the canon. Some characters in my opinion get completly turned around in a way that doesnt make sense to me (like Luke). It is a shame that they went into those movies without a plan what to do, and just went with it as they did the movie. What Feloni managed to do with a series - please old fans and new ones - they couldn't… Read more »

3 years ago

“The OT, the PT, all seasons of the Clone Wars, all seasons of Rebels, both seasons of the Mandalorian. Eventually we finished everything”

Hmm? But what about Resistance?

3 years ago

I like these pictures! But i cant help wondering.
The guy aiming down the barrel on the second to last picture, is he trying to aim with his closed eye? Or am i perspectively challenged? :O
Also he has the one rifle with a different muzzle.

Sorry Tim! I just cant help it. 🙁

Nathaniel Gousset
Nathaniel Gousset
3 years ago

I am sorry, what is this movie you are refering to ? I just don’t know about it…. Yadaayadda yaddaaa, I can’t hear you. Episod IX is still in the making… Episode VIII ending is fine and closure enough….

3 years ago

At least he wasn’t asking to watch the prequels. At least the sequels are halfway enjoyable.

3 years ago

I like that people like TROS.
But for me it was a really bad movie, and three steps back in Star Wars.

For me the ST was quite good.
The first movie was a “remake-sequel” but it held quite well for a starting step.
The second movie was quite amazing. I love many things about it.
The third was…. a “remake-sequel” with almost nothing new.

I hope they made Duel of the Fates as the third movie, with Kylo as the last big bad.
It was exactly what the trilogy needed.
Oh well.

Last edited 3 years ago by Acher4
3 years ago

I actually like how last part of Star Wars binds everything together giving a satysfying ending to everyone.

A Nonny Mouse
A Nonny Mouse
3 years ago

The ST is still better than the PT. Give me all the regurgitated tropes and lore wonkiness over Hayden Christensen any day of the week. Not even Sir Christopher Lee, Liam Neeson, Ray Parks and Ewan McGregor could save those bland dumpster fires.

3 years ago

Nice to hear someone enjoyed The Last Jedi as I did. Sorely misunderstood film. Not the best SW film, but doesn’t deserve to be ranked lower than Rise of Skywalker which I could care so less.