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The Starcaster Chronicles 07.23

May 11, 2020 by Tim

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4 years ago

Maybe the microphone should have been muted until he got the pad? Should be basic telephone etiquette, along with not putting callers on speaker unannounced.

4 years ago
Reply to  Movel

Putting that one on mute might result in being flayed alive, while watching the same happening to those you care for…

4 years ago
Reply to  Movel

I have a feeling that the person calling would have something against being muted and the goon would be too terrified to not comply?

4 years ago
Reply to  Metus

That or he was an idiot and didn’t think to hit the mute button.

Johnny 5
Johnny 5
4 years ago
Reply to  Movel

…could not have happened to a nicer person.

4 years ago
Reply to  Movel

It is so hard to find good help these days….

Huge Fan
Huge Fan
4 years ago

So this story is basically one long list of horribly clichéd scenes? I especially like it when the horribly clichéd one’s are just padding!

4 years ago
Reply to  Huge Fan

Well seeing how much you pay Tim to produce this vision of the story you crafted, I can see why you feel within your rights to criticize….. Wait a minute….

4 years ago
Reply to  ShonaSoF

Where did you get the weird idea that you’re only allowed to criticize something if you’re paying for it?

The comment section is literally here so that readers can give their opinions.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
4 years ago
Reply to  FM-96

I disagree, its for fans to discuss the work. If you don’t like it go find something else to read. Some people’s mothers should have told them, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

4 years ago

“Discussing the work” doesn’t mean we can’t be critical about its parts.

And “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” is frankly, nonsense.
I mean, sure, the author gets to write whatever he wants (and for the record, I have no issue with this strip), but that doesn’t mean we’re only allowed to write paeans about how great the work is and nothing else.

Okay, perhaps Ham Hands could have used different tone, phrase, or how you’d call it, but that doesn’t mean they (or anyone else) are not allowed criticism.

Blair Stewart
Blair Stewart
4 years ago

He was not critical of Tim, the author, only of the work. Which I think is exactly the correct type of discussion that is to be fostered in the comments.

4 years ago

Hmm I think Adolf would have liked you.
I can picture him telling his enemies off with:
“Falls ihr nichts nettes dazu zu sagen habt, sagt am besten garrrrr nichts!”
(Alternatively you can take the english version and “germanize” it)
And yes I made a Nazi allegory – go figure how cliché.

4 years ago
Reply to  FM-96

There is a difference between offering critique or expressing opinions and being an asshole.

4 years ago
Reply to  FM-96

There are different ways of giving opinions, though.
Constructive criticism is better when you’re not rude.

4 years ago
Reply to  Huge Fan

Is it, though? It’s possible you read a lot more comics than I do, and have a better sense of that then I do, but to me: The story arc seems unique(and given the voting input, more varied than most), the premise is interesting, and it’s all well presented in an exciting way. I don’t like giving out flattery, but I wouldn’t bother reading it if I didn’t like it, so that isn’t just an empty comment. I agree with others–you’ve got the freedom to criticize what you want constructively–but can you actually justify your criticism in anyway? And if… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Huge Fan

You call them cliché, some call them Tropes. And a Trope is not bad in itself, only if abused or badly implemented. Read on TV Tropes a little, it’s interesting^^.
Sure, this one (call from dangerous entity to screwed crook) is kind of a classic, giving me some Fifth Element vibe btw (is it intentional ?).
So what ?
It’s still funny and ominous, it works in the context.

4 years ago

Damnit, useless thug!
Don’t tell me “you need to take this call”, tell me THE NAME OF THE PERSON WHO IS ALREADY LISTENING TO US ON THE OTHER SIDE THE PHONE!!!

Stephen M Schaefer
Stephen M Schaefer
4 years ago
Reply to  Ocramot

“You Need To Take A Look At This” Cliche

4 years ago

Pronom game cliché!

4 years ago

Also, “no” cliche

4 years ago

Combined with the “Going Somewhere?” cliche. But it works out OK so…

4 years ago
Reply to  Ocramot

“You have a call-” was probably going to continue with “from [name]” but he got cut off.

4 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

To be fair, it could have been a bit more efficient and conveyed more of a sense of urgency by saying “{Scary guy} is on the phone for you…”

4 years ago

I’m glad we’re getting this strip on a monday. I’m not sure I could bear the anticipation of waiting over the weekend!

Stephen M Schaefer
Stephen M Schaefer
4 years ago

… wait, so who’s Severic, again?

4 years ago

I think we’re about to find out.

Temp McTemp
Temp McTemp
4 years ago
Reply to  Reso

See issue 1, page 17.

4 years ago

Severic is the guy who was in charge of transporting Nyrah (for the Dranglaex) when Cort hijacked the crate she was in, and who then hired Grin to get her back. He’s appeared few times (usually talking to Grin) since episode 1, though I think this is the first time he’s actually given a name.

Stephen M Schaefer
Stephen M Schaefer
4 years ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

Okay, cool. It’s not always easy to keep track when you’ve got a sprawling story with seven volumes spread out years apart with other series released in between.

I assumed he was a known character but I don’t always remember everyone apart from the three mains, the Grindalorian, Quel, and vaguely the chief bad guys who want the caster.

4 years ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

Actually we did get his name back then. Then agian I had to go back and look as I bairly remembered it myself.

James Rye
James Rye
4 years ago

“New phone, who dis?”

4 years ago

I’m getting some heavy Black Lagoon “Chen” vibes

4 years ago

Enter the next big antagonist….

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 years ago

Whelp… so much for Severic!

4 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

To shreds you say? Hows the wife holding up?


To shreds you say?

4 years ago

You can tell that he’s filling the box with valuable resources because they start with X and end with “ium”.

a different Tim
a different Tim
4 years ago

“Make sure the ship is ready to.” …to what?

4 years ago

“Take off” or the like, obviously.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
4 years ago

The underling almost looks like a fat dressed up version of Chaug from the very first comic of the series, lol.

4 years ago

I have a feeling we are about to see what happens when a starcaster is used on a planet. I guess that is one way of showing your displeasure with a job poorly done.

4 years ago

‘Ready to ‘Go’ typo or ‘ready to’ some slang of the same? Either way this guy’s Not going past Go nor going to jail.

4 years ago

This strip is almost hilariously cliched I think it hits at least 3… now all we need is for wonderful puns in the next one…. “About time we sever ties Severic” or something like that. I feel like the obvious next step is that the starcaster will be used to take care of Severic or even the planet he’s on, just seems like the over the top kind of thing coming up.