Why, certainly! Please find our refund center readily available on Ona VI (right under the slightly decrepit Aug temple, please don’t trip over the piles of corpses).
Might still be worth the trip. I heard there’s a case Xorium bars to be claimed! Wonder what the scavs here pay for Xorium? Four creds a jouk? Maybe bringing him the Mesocron would get you into double figures.
To be fair it seems to be a declaration of war that will rapidly turn into Wanted Posters once someone does some basic ballistics and finds the direction the Beam Shot came from
4 years ago
Ops.. Maybe Nyra should have taught him to aim something with like infinite range..
What are you talking about? The newscast is about the Dranglaex razing Thanitross III. Of course, we all know that it was just to kill Severic for failing to recover the Starcaster, but to everyone else it looks like a totally random attack.
This took place at the end of the last installment. Somebody who was working for them lived on Thandros III and the Dranglaex showed up and blasted the planet. Decided not to use the starcaster because they didn’t want it to be that quick and painless.
3 years ago
You know, I thought the Dranglaex were just a bunch of fig-eating, grape-sucking hooligans. But, if they can destroy planets, I know better than to call them ‘fig-eating’……….
If they didn’t completely raze the planet, it is possible, but unlikely, that Severic survived.
Imagine him showing up as a head attached to a robot body 15 issues from now, out for revenge against Cort!
3 years ago
Benjamin Smith
3 years ago
Somebody remind me of something: Did the Drang’Laex actually attack, or is the Federation covering up the destruction caused by the Starcaster with a pro-war propaganda story?
They’re reporting on the attack that was made in issue 07.23, released last year in May. The Drang’Laex destroyed the planet through orbital bombardment in response to a “partner” failing to claim Cort’s Starcaster.
Its more when the intergalactic cold war suddenly becomes a shooting war being in the middle of nowhere, far from any place the waring parties are interested in is an excellent idea. Its an even better idea if your the priority target #1 of both sides as you dont want to be anywhere they can find you.
3 years ago
Interstellar chaos
Prepare for price gouging and make it double
3 years ago
This is a very well versed angry guy for knowing the history of the Dragnalex-Federation Cold War and merely having difficulty pronouncing the site of the most recent Dragnalex attack.
3 years ago
Just an observation, but I’ve returned after not reading for a while and I can’t read the comic or click back on the comic as the adverts are covering up the page….it’s like a 90’s laptop spam page from all the adverts dude 🙂
I can sort of see what he means on mobile. Using chrome on an android device (moto G7 but its nearly stock android) if I start in portrait mode and switch to landscape the lower add (video one) gets misaligned and covers the lower right of the comic. Not sure why I’d want to read the comic in landscape but I guess it could be an issue for someone. I also note the banner at the top is not scaling in portrait well. it looks like its trying to be twice the width of the comic and just disappears off… Read more »
The top banner in mobile is a temporary issue; we recently switched to a new ad broker, and they’re still tweaking and fine tuning things, and we’ll be addressing a mobile specific solution to those ads early next week. So hopefully they’ll go back to being small and fitting in the layout. But under no circumstance should these things be covering or interfering with content, so I will investigate changing phone orientation to see if I can replicate what you’re describing. Like I said, this is new code for us, so give us a few days to try and get… Read more »
Does the newsperson have a beard? Or is that like, a chinstrap device of some kind?
Asked myself the same thing at first glance, at closer inspection it looks more like some sort of bionics.
Shame, I thought Tim might finally have joined the woke brigade /sarcasm
No-woke: bearded women need more love.
Looks like a cybernetic jaw of some description 🙂
Not just jaw, looks wrapped around her face
Looks like they might be part machine, maybe a cyborg?
It’s not a neckbeard, it’s a heatsink!
I thought that too at first, but on closer inspection it’s got what looks seams and screws. Looks like a bionic lower jaw.
And the results are in, newscast on the declaration of war has won out over bounties on the main characters.
Those that bet on the war may now collect their winnings at the booth.
The booth is available on Thanitross III, please be mindful of burning rubble and/or explosive death.
Well shit, can I just get my wager back then? I don’t feel like crawling over more dead bodies today
No Refunds!
Should have used the name ‘Marcus’ if you were going to say that 😛
Why, certainly! Please find our refund center readily available on Ona VI (right under the slightly decrepit Aug temple, please don’t trip over the piles of corpses).
Might still be worth the trip. I heard there’s a case Xorium bars to be claimed! Wonder what the scavs here pay for Xorium? Four creds a jouk? Maybe bringing him the Mesocron would get you into double figures.
To be fair it seems to be a declaration of war that will rapidly turn into Wanted Posters once someone does some basic ballistics and finds the direction the Beam Shot came from
Ops.. Maybe Nyra should have taught him to aim something with like infinite range..
This is my thought too, that it was Cort not the Dragolax. I cannot tell if it is from the first or second fore though.
I wonder if it is a lie and the planet is fine, but just a made up name or real to cover for the ships destroyed on Odesses.
What are you talking about? The newscast is about the Dranglaex razing Thanitross III. Of course, we all know that it was just to kill Severic for failing to recover the Starcaster, but to everyone else it looks like a totally random attack.
This took place at the end of the last installment. Somebody who was working for them lived on Thandros III and the Dranglaex showed up and blasted the planet. Decided not to use the starcaster because they didn’t want it to be that quick and painless.
You know, I thought the Dranglaex were just a bunch of fig-eating, grape-sucking hooligans. But, if they can destroy planets, I know better than to call them ‘fig-eating’……….
Yeah, calling people the f-word seems a bit much anyway.
If they didn’t completely raze the planet, it is possible, but unlikely, that Severic survived.
Imagine him showing up as a head attached to a robot body 15 issues from now, out for revenge against Cort!
Somebody remind me of something: Did the Drang’Laex actually attack, or is the Federation covering up the destruction caused by the Starcaster with a pro-war propaganda story?
As Cragfast pointed out above, we saw the moment preceding this war-crime at the end of chapter 7.
They’re reporting on the attack that was made in issue 07.23, released last year in May. The Drang’Laex destroyed the planet through orbital bombardment in response to a “partner” failing to claim Cort’s Starcaster.
I think maybe you should go back and read the previous issues. No planet was destroyed by a starcaster in the story. The Dranglaex attacked a planet
“Sunfuckers” is hilarious and pretty good worldbuilding.
A word that works well in print – less so when spoken.
Yep when ‘somewhere’ is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, ‘nowhere’ starts looking pretty good.
Its more when the intergalactic cold war suddenly becomes a shooting war being in the middle of nowhere, far from any place the waring parties are interested in is an excellent idea. Its an even better idea if your the priority target #1 of both sides as you dont want to be anywhere they can find you.
Interstellar chaos
Prepare for price gouging and make it double
This is a very well versed angry guy for knowing the history of the Dragnalex-Federation Cold War and merely having difficulty pronouncing the site of the most recent Dragnalex attack.
Just an observation, but I’ve returned after not reading for a while and I can’t read the comic or click back on the comic as the adverts are covering up the page….it’s like a 90’s laptop spam page from all the adverts dude 🙂
On what device? I’m not seeing anything like that on desktop or mobile.
I can sort of see what he means on mobile. Using chrome on an android device (moto G7 but its nearly stock android) if I start in portrait mode and switch to landscape the lower add (video one) gets misaligned and covers the lower right of the comic. Not sure why I’d want to read the comic in landscape but I guess it could be an issue for someone. I also note the banner at the top is not scaling in portrait well. it looks like its trying to be twice the width of the comic and just disappears off… Read more »
The top banner in mobile is a temporary issue; we recently switched to a new ad broker, and they’re still tweaking and fine tuning things, and we’ll be addressing a mobile specific solution to those ads early next week. So hopefully they’ll go back to being small and fitting in the layout. But under no circumstance should these things be covering or interfering with content, so I will investigate changing phone orientation to see if I can replicate what you’re describing. Like I said, this is new code for us, so give us a few days to try and get… Read more »