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The Starcaster Chronicles 09.20

November 1, 2021 by Tim

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3 years ago

And here we have how the confrontation with the Federation starcaster will be solved, one of them would suffer much more damage than the device could repair (my bet)

John Swift
John Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Ya that will prob be a big turning point. I bet the little brother will take it from his older brother when be is unable to fight anymore.

Wait, I've seen this before
Wait, I've seen this before
3 years ago

The old Wolverine dilemma.
“But doesn’t that hurt?”
“Yeah. Every time.”

3 years ago

So, this means the Starcasters are neighter meant for humans or the Dranglaex, remembering what happened in 09.10 with Vectanix? (hope this is the right name I have seen in 06.01).
So only the Odrossian were able to use the Starcasters without taking damage?

3 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

I’m fairly confident the Odrossians also took damage when using it. This doesn’t seem like a mystical ‘only the worthy may use this’ kind of burn, It’s more of a straightforward ‘your body can’t handle that much energy being channeled through it’ kind of deal. It doesn’t matter who or what you are, the sheer power is going to burn anyone that wields it. The Starcasters weren’t ‘meant’ for anyone (in the current era at least). They were originally tools used by the Aug, and presumably the Aug also took damage when using them. Though it’s possible they did have… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  NotATim

It is however possible that Odrossians took less damage than humans or that their bodies could adapt with training beyond what a human body can. This would explain her emphasis on Cort’s species as opposed to living species in general.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cymon

That’s certainly possible, but I don’t really see why that would be the case. Nothing in the story so far has hinted at any special Odrossian affinity for Starcasters. If there was one, I’d assume Nyrah would’ve at least mentioned it at some point, especially since she’d be the last person in the galaxy capable of utilizing any such affinity. It’s not impossible, but until actual evidence arrives it feels like baseless speculation at best. I’m not sure what you mean by her emphasis on Cort’s species. To me the ‘not made for your species’ line isn’t about how he’s… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  NotATim

I take the emphasis more as a.. “(Prof) Hulk Vs Tony” kinda deal. The Odro’s are better suited, being possibly somehow aligned/ atuned/ whatever to the device and would take *less* damage, while humans (and most others) are not.. and subsequently take more damage. Neither is really suited for the task. But one has a better chance of surviving.

3 years ago
Reply to  NotATim

It is not speculation. Just look around you on the species on earth. Even among humans, redheads can’t even handle a bit of sunshine without burning while africans can spend hours in it. Other earth species can regenerate limbs and organs or don’t get cancer, can survive extreme pressure or vaccum, cold or heat, ocean depths or bone dry desert, some have fragile skin and some have extremely thick or armoured skin… So it is entirely plausible and in fact certain that different species that evolved on different planets under different suns have different levels of resilience to various environmental… Read more »

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
3 years ago
Reply to  NotATim

From the sounds of it they were made by the Aug, so my guess would be they’re the only ones that wouldn’t take damage from them. They’re mentioned a lot in the issue where he gets the starcaster bound to him.

3 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Theres still creation……..

3 years ago
Reply to  Leon


3 years ago

So big no to a Dragonball style beam struggle, got it.

3 years ago

“It works on other wounds too, watch!” breaks arm

3 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

He knows that already, it healed the wound on his neck, that’d probably kill him otherwise (and when he was considering cutting off his Starcaster arm, Nyrah told him it would have healed the damage, before he even got to the bone).

3 years ago
Reply to  Dagroth

A small demonstration never hurts! …Wait.

3 years ago

In before he finds a way to use the Starcaster like nobody did before!

3 years ago
Reply to  Killiak

Feels like that is the path (potentially). Also, used as a creation device, it may not cause damage at all.

3 years ago

Would using re-creation powers be as damaging?

The Schaef
The Schaef
3 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Hopefully not. Then he could bring back Coast City.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

Wonder if it’s possible to use *less* than a giant eruption of molten death.

Like, say, if Cort just wants to light a campfire, rather than blast a hole through the planet itself. Will that just singe the fingers?

Or do Starcaster bearers not have that fine of control on what their tool can do?

Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Well, given that his arm still exists at the “blast a hole through the planet” level, I imagine that anything on a smaller scale wouldn’t cause any damage at all if it’s possible to tune it down.

3 years ago

Ah, so *that’s* why they were named the “Aug”, because every time you used the starcaster, you went…

I’m sorry.

3 years ago

I can *hear* that panel with the hand. Really love the facial expressions on this one too.

3 years ago

I’m wondering if this level of pain and delay to repairing the damage isn’t a form of subconscious self flagellation by Cort, considering Nyrah was saying it “should” use the same energy to repair the damage

3 years ago

I wonder, do his fingernails grow more quickly now, or will he have one hand without fingernails?

Del Cox
Del Cox
3 years ago

Bah, Wolverine deals with it. Suck it up, pussy.
(TBH, I’d take three holes getting sliced through the same spot over and over to 3rd-degree burns over my hand any day. One you can eventually tune out.)