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The Starcaster Chronicles 09.23

November 4, 2021 by Tim

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3 years ago

I assume this is our 4th Starcaster wielder?
Any guesses as to what they’ll look like?

Last edited 3 years ago by Somewhere
3 years ago
Reply to  Somewhere

Might be the inspector

3 years ago
Reply to  Somewhere

It’ll be interesting to see if they’re wearing a spacesuit. The Drang caster had to put on a suit so I was presuming that Starcasters do not protect (beyond the healing) all the ravages of space including the lack of air.

If this one isn’t (and if they’re just jetting through on Starcaster power), that opens up whole new questions on how much attunement/experience can be used to “unlock” abilities.

John Swift
John Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Pyre

Now that would be interesting. It would be quite something if he/she is flying fully with the starcasters power so guessing this is a small ship that is somehow being augmented, maybe propelled by the Starcaster.
Also could just be a bright ship exaust but does appear to be enveloping something and trailing like an asteroid.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Swift

it might not be just the ship augmented. look at the communication to stand down. there was no open comm line to the ship, so how did our new arrival know the commander was about to order every ship to attack, since such orders are usually (if you follow typical scifi lore) encrypted between ships of a group and outsiders dont know the code, even if they are on the same side, unless they have the same code and happen to be on that frequency signal. so unless the commander had an open comm signal that wasnt coded, either our… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  hawksharky

I’d say that the Starcaster bearer would probably have a fleet-wide ability to tap into any ships comms for co-ordination purposes during battle. Of course, that would be poor security because any backdoor you have for youself is also subject to infiltration by your enemies.

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

which is why im leaning towards either starcaster enhanced mind reading, or starcaster enhanced sight that saw the commander through the window when he was shouting orders. i mean a general communication outside battle wouldnt be coded or encrypted, but combat communications usually are. and even if there was a fleet wide ability to tap into all ships as an override, it still would have to use the current set of communication encryption codes (im going by star wars standards) which need to be upgraded regularly since both sides of any given conflict between major powers have departments and agents… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Somewhere

They might have found Cort…..

3 years ago

Looking at the answer on the comm, I guess that ship is Quel’Oran. I think it would be interesting to see the rank system of the Federation, including those badges. I mean, Quel’Oran has a blue star and is higher rank than this guy (because he gave orders to Captain Ulogg (wearing the same looking type of badge as the guy we have here) + we have the guys with the badges that look like a Mooncrest with a dot beneath who most likely have a lower Rank than the Commanders and Captains), seen for example in 03.06 or 03.12… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  emmachine

Cort was a Marshal and had the same ran as Quel’Oran. I think Marshals are a rank in a separate and parallel hierarchy. It seems these marshals are part of a paramilitary police/special forces branch. But as they work beyond a single stellar system, require means of transport and regularly enter combat, it’s not a typical police force. Covert operations in space are not a good idea, so they don’t operate clandestine, either. So far Tim didn’t present the ranking system, so it’s impossible to tell how many ranks there are and how flat or tall the hierarchy is. I… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  toughluck

I first thought as well that the Marshals would be more some sort of police while the guys above would be more some sort of “military” or “airforce” but it looks like the Marshals are still higher in Rank otherwise it would be impossible to give orders to the captain of a ship.

I have the feeling a wiki could be quite interesting for this series.

3 years ago
Reply to  emmachine

Hm, searching with google. Their is a CTRL+ALT+DELETE Fandom Wiki existing since 2009: . With the right Structure, the entire knowledge of the Starcaster Chronicles could be maintained there (at least if the wiki admin is still active, because this would make it easier)?

3 years ago

Savior of the universe!
He’ll save every one of us!

3 years ago

Yep, pretty sure Jan’s crush is dead………

3 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Thought the crush was maintenance, not a pilot?

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Exactly. Meaning she stayed on the ship rather than being deployed.

3 years ago

This guy doesn’t get much respect. He gets interrupted by someone else literally every time he tries to say anything.

3 years ago

Well, it’s not Cort’s doing.

The object was entering the system, meaning it’s not from within that system, so Cort isn’t there.

Neither is it a mountain (or another object) that Cort cut off and sent flying. Even if the system he was in was several light years away, assuming these events are only days apart, it would require him to accelerate an object to almost a thousand times light speed and then slow it down, all from a distance.