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The Starcaster Chronicles 10.09

August 2, 2022 by Tim

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2 years ago

I can’t tell, are they glowing bacterial colonies? Nutrient-based crystal formations? Microorganisms living in water? Bioluminescent moss?
All these could be interesting avenues with how aug considers the foundations of life to be, in turn revealing the basis of where their tech “style” comes from, being a more organic process, a brunt force manipulation of elements, or a wholly unknown means of manipulating material space.
My engineering and SciFi brain bits are lighting up at the possibilities.

Last edited 2 years ago by BlacRok
Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  BlacRok

It’s glowy bluey-white. I don’t know a thing about biology and bioluminescence past an average Wikipedia article, but I know plenty on story tropes, story structure, and tropes involving color. Cort just passed his nadir last episode: he’s on a dusty, sad deserted rock, his only friend gone, and left alone with only one person: the only person who truly believed he could be far more than what he currently is, the person who he couldn’t help but let down, and admitted the worst possible thing about himself. This is when we get back up on our feet. And thematically,… Read more »

Erik B
Erik B
2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Hey now, why you gotta assume the patrons mess things up! We have smarts! I bet together, we could probably scrape up 130 IQ points!

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Don’t use patrons and patronus in the same comment you confused the hell out of me

2 years ago


Downvotes for Trump!

2 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

Wait, would we be down voting you, or Trump? And would a Downvote be a vote for, or against…? My brain hurts now…

2 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

Nobody gives a flying fuck who was first …

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

its a troll, dont feed him

2 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

Downvotes for the troll god!

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

Its not as fun as you think, those toilets on planes are cramped.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Totally was.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

No; it’s just that new guys’ comments await moderation before they’re viewable by all.

2 years ago

Dibs on, that these glowy things are about to start attacking our heroes. 😮

2 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

most likely. at this point i would not be surprised if that happened. lets look at the plot elements. guard is down, check. cyborg girl has a brand new arm that could be broken. check. escape vehicle has returned and is at risk. check. melty alien is around to deathcuddle enemies unless they are immune. check. hero/anti hero is armed with a point and click death star on his arm that he might use without thinking on anything attacking, and end up doing what was said last comic by his buddy about “boring a hole through the planet” big CHECK!… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

Or we find a new power of the Starcaster to prosper life, that Cort is naturally adept at.

2 years ago
Reply to  rebmcr

Please let it be this one. Such a richer story vein.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damion

that would be AMAZING

2 years ago
Reply to  rebmcr

Wasn’t this feature mentioned previously, just that people have forgotten how to use that part of the Starcaster. If I am right about that, then this has a higher chance of being what will happen.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  HelloWorld

It makes sense in-canon. If the Starcasters are tools the Aug used to create worlds, then “big shooty laser go boom” is like the simplest possible use of it. It’s the equivalent of “point energy thataway.”

Giving a person a starcaster is like giving a monkey a smartphone. He might become King Monkey, but only because HE has the magic glowy rock which helps you see things at night.

2 years ago

Is there anywhere to get a rundown on who’s who in this? The characters are interesting, as are the alien species.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Damion

Dang, man, that’s like sliding into the theater two hours into The Two Towers and asking for a quick rundown. This is a series that has been worked on regularly for eight years. Quick rundown – Human (Cort) is an ex-police smuggler; the female purple alien (Nyrah) is a member of a race that was completely wiped out 100 years ago by the Dranglaex, an alien species that travels through worlds wiping out all sentient beings. She’s the last surviving member of her race, having been tourtured in that time to reveal the location of the Starcaster: the large metal… Read more »

2 years ago

I’m sure the first thought through Cort’s head was “Is this valuable?”.

Someone Else
Someone Else
2 years ago

Sure, they’re cute now, but in a second they’re gonna get mean, and they’re gonna get ugly somehow, and there’s gonna be a million more of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Someone Else

Such a great scene from an amazing movie.

2 years ago

they are breathing there so there must be some kind of life… no? or do they have a breathing apparatus of some kind?