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The Starcaster Chronicles 12.13

November 13, 2023 by Tim

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11 months ago

That is indeed a big picture. And if they use the other screens it can be even bigger!

11 months ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

The elderly will apparently never get used to using cameras on Facetime.

11 months ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

That could be overwhelming, Even to the stout of heart.

11 months ago

This would be a bad time for a drangaelex (bad guys) attack wouldn’t it.

The question is, who gets attacked?

11 months ago
Reply to  Colin

what you mean to say is: this would be a GREAT time for the drangaelex to attempt and fail misserably to acquire a new starcaster for themselves only to be blasted to bits by its new bearer.

11 months ago
Reply to  Marcus

Cort doesn’t really have the control to take out an armada with that thing yet. It’s just as possible that he’d harm his new allies, or get captured.

11 months ago
Reply to  Marcus

Keep in mind 2/3rd of the full Drangaelex was to be committed to an attack, before they knew where the Starcaster was. Then the fleet, probably the same 2/3rd, was to be prepared for ship to ship attack. From their last sentence it seems they are very much ok with simply obliterating the whole ship asap, then retrieving the Starcaster from the wreckage. They are probably aware a second starcaster is on board as well. As we’ve seen before, even experienced Starcasters take a LOT of damage destroying a few ships and need recovery. The Drangealex are probably ok with… Read more »

11 months ago

One thing I find curious…why is only Droma in this conversation? They were somekind of triumvirate, don’t they?

– “Hope you don’t mind if we kill you right were you are and chop your arm”
– Wait, what?
*Sound of a better calibrated Starcaster shooting*

Now the history is a about Ny’la ?

11 months ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

He’s the Vicen in charge of war

Looks like Quel had enough pull to get the Cort some face time with the Vicen during a war

Hopefully that means Cort’s potentially important enough to talk his way into assisting the Federation instead of …other things happening

11 months ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

What I don’t get is why can’t they take the starcaster by force without killing the holder. Yes it regenerates him fast but surely a laser cutting his forearm in 0.5 ms would be fast enough, no?
And they have good tech, he could get a robot arm that works well enough and not have to deal with this starcaster bullshit.

11 months ago
Reply to  MyBigPony

The thing about the Federation killing Cort is mostly a running gag (for now), but surely a surgical fast cut could solve his problem (and a prosthetic arm? Sure you can vath-growth a new one using a genetic sample if you are not comfortable with a metallic one).
Now the problem is that Cort is starting to think that he can’t trust the Federation to do good use of the Starcaster or even being stolen from inside.

11 months ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Cort’s still a Federation citizen. Speck probably is too We’ve seen a lot of “creds first” attitude shown in the Federation, but that could just be the due to the kind of life Cort and Speck live Citizens of any nation tend to get a little bit antsy about having their fellow citizens melted for existing I wonder what rank Cort’s father was? Quel is obviously a high ranking marshall, and even Cort’s old uniform got an immediate “Yessir” from ground based federation troops I suppose it’s possible Cort’s dad met the Vicens in the course of his duties :… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Stephen

Citizenship means jack squat in the world of Operational Security mate. If you don’t believe me ask any one of American born Japanese citizens that were forced to life in relocation camps during WWII. George Takei has spoken at length about his childhood.

11 months ago
Reply to  MyBigPony

The real problem with using a laser to cut the starcaster off is that it ends the story. This is Cort’s story and its not comming off until its over. Also Quel doesn’t need any pull. Cort is more important to the Federation right now that any of the Triumvirate are.

11 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

Sorry to burst your bubble, but our dear author has stressed in the Patreon that this is NOT Cort’s story, it’s the Starcaster Chronicles. Cort is entirely capable of being killed, and the story will progress. His allies can get killed. The way the story unfolds has NO safety nets. And I dare say, it’s entirely possible the Drangleax could WIN.

Don’t make the mistake that Cort is safe. You make bad choices, you will get your protagonist killed, and hopefully a new one will take their place. But there is no guarantee.

11 months ago
Reply to  MyBigPony

You make it sound like you think they should’ve done it already. Don’t forget they only found Cort a few hours ago at best, in the middle of nowhere. It’d probably take time to reach and set up equipment for such an operation. And the Vicen (one of the few who might have authority for such a decision) only just heard about it. It presumably is possible to remove Cort’s Starcaster like that, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessary or even their best option. There’s plenty of reasons not to do it, even disregarding the obvious moral issues with involuntary… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  MyBigPony

I would imagine they don’t have that procedure down pat because they haven’t had to do it ever what with the small number of starcasters and them serving in the federation.

In an emergency that certainly would be on the table as an attempt but who the hell knows what would happen.

Also lopping off the arm of someone with a gun that blows holes in planets isn’t something I want to try in a populated area.

11 months ago
Reply to  MyBigPony

Hmmm… and then the Starcaster arm regenerates a new body. “Now there are two of them!”

11 months ago
Reply to  Extreme

And they start arguing which is the real one and which is a clone.

11 months ago

I have an idea for how The Federation may sell Corts story to the Public. Marshal Cort was engaged in a deep undercover operation infiltrating the criminal underworld. It was there he discovered criminal elements working for The Dranglaex and the last Odrossian. He learned that their Starcaster had not in fact fallen into enemy hands and in the end was forced to don the weapon himself to prevent it from falling into the hands of a Dranglaex. That whole declared a public enemy thing was just a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

It’s a lot better than “Hey, this scumbag whom we hurled out of the Federal Marshalls, Cort “Pay Me” Ryder, years ago? Yeah, it was all over galaticnet news for 30 seconds a decade ago. We said he’d <censored> all over his father’s legacy and taken a giant <censored> on the honor of the Federal Marshalls”

“Well, he’s a good guy now. He pinky promises not to take out any planets with the starcaster he’s stolen from the corpse of a dead Odrossian Royal Guard”

11 months ago

“Ohhhhh! You meant that LITERALLY.”

11 months ago


11 months ago

Phhhfffttt… I’ve seen bigger. ;{p

11 months ago

Cool robot in panel 2.

11 months ago

I like Vicen Droma, he seems to take all details into account and his actions have been singularly focused on winning the battle against the Dranglex. Practical and reasonable. I think we have our best bet on someone making a plain mutually beneficial offer to Cort. Nyrah seems motivated to be paranoid and avoid doing anything that could be immediately dangerous.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
11 months ago

Well at least it didn’t instantly start off hostile, that’s a good thing. Maybe they will work with him and let him be of service instead of locked in a cell once all is said and done. If he helps them win the war they might even pardon him for fleeing and causing trouble, even is some of the trouble was completely unintentional.

11 months ago

And so begin the negotiations. Question though is how rocky are they going to be?

11 months ago
