Is this the same ship that Cort is on? Cause then there’s two starcasters on board, right? The guy on the bridge before the bomb went off had one. Or is this not the ship Cort is on?
This is the thing that is confusing me. I thought Cort was on the same ship as the female Starcaster that brought him in, not the male Starcaster that we saw at the end of the last run. However, we are seeing Cort’s former partner in this battle, who was also on the same ship as Cort.
I need to reread the last set that had been released prior.
It shouldn’t be. Cort is with the more experienced Starcaster L’ani (never remember how you write it and too lazy to look back atm) on board of a ship, which might be in a fleet. The big bad from the last panel has gone after a Starcaster that is alone, on a lonely dreadnought ship. This is the ship where the bridge blew up from in the last series. The Starcaster was just on his way out when the bomb guy walked in. That means Cort is unable to be on this ship, or 3 Starcasters were present on one… Read more »
Cort is on the U.F.S. Aldoricut (see: Feb 16, 2023), the ship under attack is the U.F.S. Xelghos (see: Nov 28, 2023).
8 months ago
It’s these moments I wish it was the first time I read these pages.
Although I love supporting the comic on Patreon.
8 months ago
Princes don’t wear helmets into battle. They are protected by the ever impenetrable plot armor.
Don’t change a thing this is a joke, continue with the great stories and art work.
Help us Obi Cort Kenobi, you’re our only hope.
Is this the same ship that Cort is on? Cause then there’s two starcasters on board, right? The guy on the bridge before the bomb went off had one. Or is this not the ship Cort is on?
This is the thing that is confusing me. I thought Cort was on the same ship as the female Starcaster that brought him in, not the male Starcaster that we saw at the end of the last run. However, we are seeing Cort’s former partner in this battle, who was also on the same ship as Cort.
I need to reread the last set that had been released prior.
that’s not Quel, just a member of his species. if you compare their uniforms, Quel has a higher rank with a blue insignia ( vs. this one’s lower rank with a yellow insignia.
as mentioned below, this is a different ship with the other Starcaster, not La’ni who is/was on the same ship with Cort, Nyrah, Quel, and Speck.
I mentioned the Quel thing ‘below’ as well, including that the one here has a pattern on his head while the old partner of Cort doesn’t.
It shouldn’t be. Cort is with the more experienced Starcaster L’ani (never remember how you write it and too lazy to look back atm) on board of a ship, which might be in a fleet. The big bad from the last panel has gone after a Starcaster that is alone, on a lonely dreadnought ship. This is the ship where the bridge blew up from in the last series. The Starcaster was just on his way out when the bomb guy walked in. That means Cort is unable to be on this ship, or 3 Starcasters were present on one… Read more »
Cort is on the U.F.S. Aldoricut (see: Feb 16, 2023), the ship under attack is the U.F.S. Xelghos (see: Nov 28, 2023).
It’s these moments I wish it was the first time I read these pages.
Although I love supporting the comic on Patreon.
Princes don’t wear helmets into battle. They are protected by the ever impenetrable plot armor.
Don’t change a thing this is a joke, continue with the great stories and art work.
But seriously, helmets are for the plebians