Those are some pretty big transports! How many can they carry inside of them? Just curious, because it looks like it’s big enough to be a double decker, though that could just be internal systems as well. Tim, have you considered creating an engineering cross-section lore book of some of the ships in Starcaster Chronicles, similar to the Star Wars Complete Vehicles books? There’s some ships in your universe that I’d love to see some of the actual ideas and inspirations behind them – enough so that I would be potentially interested in buying such a book of it if… Read more »
I do wonder how much of it is just rule of cool and how much is actually well thought out design. As I take Tim as more of a rule of cool/plot type of author. Which is great as the story doesn’t get blogged down with technical details beyond the occasional plot device or two.
Tbh, they look like troop shuttles instead of ship to ship boarding torpedos
I suppose the torpedos could be stuck in the hull of the Xelgos right now though: – I can’t imagine just shuttling over to an unguarded docking bay is a standard tactic anywhere
7 months ago
Ohh now im imagining that ship appearing inbetween them to destroy the transports. Imagine if the price were killed here, regardless of who ends up getting the starcaster that would be interesting.
With the benefit of seeing what happens, it is what I would do.
The Federation knows the ship with the Starcaster is boarded. They know the value of a Starcaster and how much the Drang’laex values it. The Starcaster obviously hasn’t been used despite a prolonged battle, so they can conclude something bad has happened. Destroying anything coming off the ship would be the first step. Sacrificing the ship would be prudent as well, even if you kill some of your own.
Though I find it hard to believe the prince will meet his demise here.
7 months ago
It surprises me how often people in high command are interrupted. Often in important commands to people some subordinate is talking through them. Admittedly with important information, but still. This happens for both sides. In the Federation I can imagine you’re still safe, but the Drang’laex aren’t above killing their messengers. Though it might only be Kelias and they otherwise appreciate such tactical information, the risk of saying something that turns out to be nothing and then be killed for it seems a bit high.
Not if the information is that a Dreadstorm has just came out of Super L right behind you
They know the Dranglaex cruiser placings, so it’s not much of a stretch to assume that the Dreadstorm we saw last strip is positioning itself to come out of jump in the worst possible place for the Dranglaex fleet
Not interrupting Hitler’s sleep is part of how D-Day succeeded. When he was awake and giving messages, it was too late.
7 months ago
Maybe we should remember these guys see all other races as inferior, so probably not waiting a really good coordinated answer.
Or that guy is reading a charging starcaster (probably, the Major is somekind of bogeyman for the standard Dranglaex troop).
Not sure if they can even detect a charging starcaster or that they even need charging. Looks like they are just always on and its just a mather of channeling the power in the right direction.
What makes you say that? So far the Dranglaex seem pretty aware of the risks. They know there’s going to be enemy reinforcements, they were already planning to retreat even before the first enemy ship arrived.
Even if they’re not directly expecting an(other) enemy Starcaster showing up (in time), they will have at least considered the possibility.
Remember that after the first fleet confrontation, the Prince was quite angry for the loosing of several ships when “a Dranglaex should be like ten of their ships”. To the , the Federation is a lesser enemy, very very low.
They would be expecting an answer, but one from a disorder enemy that is no more than a fly in my fist.
But well, we will see soon
I suppose, though to me that seemed more like anger about having had to trade lives (valuable ones for vermin), not denial about the enemy capacities. Even during that battle, Kelias was unhappy about staying long enough for more enemies to arrive, rather than eager to have more targets to eradicate. While Kelias may see the Federation as inferior thrash, he seems quite aware they have enough firepower to fight back. He wants blood, but his ideal campaign vision seems more about burning as many planets as possible without being stopped, not directly fighting the enemy army head-on. (Whereas Vectanix… Read more »
James Rye
7 months ago
Time to see if the Federation can give the Dranglaex hell or not for stealing one of their three Starcasters.
They probably can, plotwise, you don’t want your ‘good guys’ to appear incompetent in a conflict. They also wouldn’t be warping in if they didn’t expect a realistic chance of winning.
My prediction is that they’ll give the Dranglaex hell in the space battle, and the guy absconds with the Starcaster, leaving part of his fleet behind to delay the Federation. The Dranglaex strike me as your typical ‘lawful evil’ type, who’d consider this not only a fair trade, but a noble sacrifice.
7 months ago
Oh my gods is that federation ship going to come out of light speed right in the middle and just wreck some absolute shit!?!?!?!? I freaking love that in space battles!!!! Rogue One’s ending gave us the space battle we were so sorely kept from in the new trilogy!!!!
7 months ago
Idk if its intentional but love the Helldivers-esque uniforms with the yellow trim
Those are some pretty big transports! How many can they carry inside of them? Just curious, because it looks like it’s big enough to be a double decker, though that could just be internal systems as well. Tim, have you considered creating an engineering cross-section lore book of some of the ships in Starcaster Chronicles, similar to the Star Wars Complete Vehicles books? There’s some ships in your universe that I’d love to see some of the actual ideas and inspirations behind them – enough so that I would be potentially interested in buying such a book of it if… Read more »
I do wonder how much of it is just rule of cool and how much is actually well thought out design. As I take Tim as more of a rule of cool/plot type of author. Which is great as the story doesn’t get blogged down with technical details beyond the occasional plot device or two.
Tbh, they look like troop shuttles instead of ship to ship boarding torpedos
I suppose the torpedos could be stuck in the hull of the Xelgos right now though: – I can’t imagine just shuttling over to an unguarded docking bay is a standard tactic anywhere
Ohh now im imagining that ship appearing inbetween them to destroy the transports. Imagine if the price were killed here, regardless of who ends up getting the starcaster that would be interesting.
With the benefit of seeing what happens, it is what I would do.
The Federation knows the ship with the Starcaster is boarded. They know the value of a Starcaster and how much the Drang’laex values it. The Starcaster obviously hasn’t been used despite a prolonged battle, so they can conclude something bad has happened. Destroying anything coming off the ship would be the first step. Sacrificing the ship would be prudent as well, even if you kill some of your own.
Though I find it hard to believe the prince will meet his demise here.
It surprises me how often people in high command are interrupted. Often in important commands to people some subordinate is talking through them. Admittedly with important information, but still. This happens for both sides. In the Federation I can imagine you’re still safe, but the Drang’laex aren’t above killing their messengers. Though it might only be Kelias and they otherwise appreciate such tactical information, the risk of saying something that turns out to be nothing and then be killed for it seems a bit high.
Not if the information is that a Dreadstorm has just came out of Super L right behind you
They know the Dranglaex cruiser placings, so it’s not much of a stretch to assume that the Dreadstorm we saw last strip is positioning itself to come out of jump in the worst possible place for the Dranglaex fleet
Not interrupting Hitler’s sleep is part of how D-Day succeeded. When he was awake and giving messages, it was too late.
Maybe we should remember these guys see all other races as inferior, so probably not waiting a really good coordinated answer.
Or that guy is reading a charging starcaster (probably, the Major is somekind of bogeyman for the standard Dranglaex troop).
Not sure if they can even detect a charging starcaster or that they even need charging. Looks like they are just always on and its just a mather of channeling the power in the right direction.
What makes you say that? So far the Dranglaex seem pretty aware of the risks. They know there’s going to be enemy reinforcements, they were already planning to retreat even before the first enemy ship arrived.
Even if they’re not directly expecting an(other) enemy Starcaster showing up (in time), they will have at least considered the possibility.
Remember that after the first fleet confrontation, the Prince was quite angry for the loosing of several ships when “a Dranglaex should be like ten of their ships”. To the , the Federation is a lesser enemy, very very low.
They would be expecting an answer, but one from a disorder enemy that is no more than a fly in my fist.
But well, we will see soon
I suppose, though to me that seemed more like anger about having had to trade lives (valuable ones for vermin), not denial about the enemy capacities. Even during that battle, Kelias was unhappy about staying long enough for more enemies to arrive, rather than eager to have more targets to eradicate. While Kelias may see the Federation as inferior thrash, he seems quite aware they have enough firepower to fight back. He wants blood, but his ideal campaign vision seems more about burning as many planets as possible without being stopped, not directly fighting the enemy army head-on. (Whereas Vectanix… Read more »
Time to see if the Federation can give the Dranglaex hell or not for stealing one of their three Starcasters.
They probably can, plotwise, you don’t want your ‘good guys’ to appear incompetent in a conflict. They also wouldn’t be warping in if they didn’t expect a realistic chance of winning.
My prediction is that they’ll give the Dranglaex hell in the space battle, and the guy absconds with the Starcaster, leaving part of his fleet behind to delay the Federation. The Dranglaex strike me as your typical ‘lawful evil’ type, who’d consider this not only a fair trade, but a noble sacrifice.
Oh my gods is that federation ship going to come out of light speed right in the middle and just wreck some absolute shit!?!?!?!? I freaking love that in space battles!!!! Rogue One’s ending gave us the space battle we were so sorely kept from in the new trilogy!!!!
Idk if its intentional but love the Helldivers-esque uniforms with the yellow trim