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The Starcaster Chronicles 13.15

July 19, 2024 by Tim

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1 month ago

Interrupted by more dreadstorms incoming, or a beam of solar powered destruction?

1 month ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Doubtful the latter. Cort and La’ni are onboard the Aldoricut, and thus far it seems only the Jesthera and Aurorum are in the fight.

1 month ago
Reply to  RblDiver

You’re right. I can never remember the names of the ships.

Last edited 1 month ago by Darkhorse
1 month ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Remember the Xelghos!

1 month ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

This is bad for the Drang’lex – every time they change position another Dreadstorm will, you guessed it, turn up in the worst possible position when jumping out of Super L They have to disengage and retreat – there must have been enough Federation ships for an overwhelmingly lethal response close enough to the distress signal for them to be coming in as fast as possible: – instead of holding off and building up forces Sure the Prince’s wild and reckless gamble might still pay off, but is a single starcaster really worth losing half to almost 2/3rds of the… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 month ago
Reply to  Stephen

I’m going to go so far as to say, yes. We just saw the power of a Starcaster, but we also saw the toll it took on Vectanix. When it was assumed that the Feds and Drang were equal, they were in a stalemate. They know that the Odrossian Starcaster has been found, and that one way or another it’ll be in the hands of the Federation. Three to one, they stand no chance. If Vectanix wears himself out, it makes them vulnerable. A fleet is extremely important, but comparing a fleet to a Starcaster is like comparing an aircraft… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

there IS a star caster in play at the scene….. it just has not been attached to a drang arm yet… i think someone is gonna make a brash decision.

1 month ago
Reply to  Marcus

They’ll be out of commission for a while if anyone does put it on at the moment. Means it won’t be of use either way. The best thing the Prince did was remove it from the current holder to ensure it doesn’t heal him up.

1 month ago

For some reason, I think this all will end with the Prince dead and the starcaster destroyed…

1 month ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

The starcaster is nigh indestructible, as it needs to channel the power of the sun. Though they do not know the full extent of how strong they are, as we see them not sure if mimmion acid could damage it. Yet it would probably be fine from a few explosions and high speed debris. The prince himself was ok risking it by destroying the ship and getting it from the debris if the battle didn’t go his way.

Last edited 1 month ago by Darkhorse
1 month ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Doesn’t mean the starcaster couldn’t fly off in a random direction at high speeds as a result of the prince’s transport or even ship being destroyed and we get a battle where both sides are chasing after the starcaster drifting in space until it ends up flying into a sun or black hole.

That or we could get something like one of the Federation’s starcasters destroy the prince’s ship and inadvertently destroys the Starcaster.

1 month ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

I’ve been entertaining the question of what happens when a single person wears 2 star casters. Maybe the creation functions require more than 1?

1 month ago
Reply to  Otome

Guns Akimbo (2019)

1 month ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

He does seem to have managed to place a steel beartrap over his own head…

Happy Wyvern
Happy Wyvern
1 month ago

Yey fleet battles, so if I pay money for this, are there ship specs anywhere that I can completely geek out over. Or as I suspect is Tim a little to busy to be writing that sort of thing to cater to nutters who could wall paper their house with tech manuals for stuff that doesn’t actually exist. I assume Dreadstorms are pretty high tier from the reactions to their appearance and the fact losing several of them to sun beam attacks was considered a blow… Also what is a Magcannon, some sort of mass driver? It appears to be… Read more »

1 month ago

Starcaster has joined the game.

1 month ago

Ooooh, actual competent Federation ship captains? That’s a new wrinkle.

1 month ago

Smart. Always reroute from the Dorsal shields first. They create too much drag in a firefight anyway.

1 month ago

Pew pew, you genocidal bastards.

1 month ago

Suddenly the cannons go silent. The fighters’ engines shut down while they and the large cruisers start drifting in space.
Crowdstrike has taken effect.

1 month ago
Reply to  Bryan

Pesky software bugs!! 🤭

1 month ago

oooooh, Vipers

1 month ago

Lets see if the Federation Snubfighters are any good

1 month ago

The Aurorum (the first ship) has covered their mag ports again? How quick does that happen? Even if it is the other ship (shouldn’t be), both shoot from their right side. The fighters are launched from the right side, so either the physical shields are quick to be covered and uncovered, or they should still be open. With it’s ‘sliding door’ technique of opening and closing I would expect this to be a slow endeavour. It is a LOT of shield that needs to move.