The way he speaks at the moment seems to tell a different story – very simple phrases, not even sentences. He’s clearly still suffering from the side effects.
He’s also hiding his arm. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a poor fit for the Starcaster and it’s not working properly and so his arm is pretty brutalized in appearance. If the bonding worked properly, he would be proudly displaying the Starcaster for all to see.
I’m with pookysgirl and Mor on this one. Previously, we’ve seen Kelias proudly strutting about in purple armor and a cape. Now he’s hiding under a blue cloak with hood-up, doing his best Jedi or Sith impression.
Covering wounds is one thing, but also changing your favorite color? 🙂
2 days ago
I get the impression that Vectanix is about to pull a Kelias in terms of diplomacy and brother wrangling. (Brute force when more strategy is required. )
“Uhhmm. I gotta go make a supply run to that frigate over there.
Be back in a bit.”
1 day ago
My prediction: the bonding has failed, his arm is damaged beyond repair or missing entirely, and the starcaster isn’t attached. The Drangalex then have to keep the fact that they can’t use both starcasters a secret from the Federation, using the threat of the weapon as their only advantage, and turning the conflict into a game of lies and deception.
Yeah, he’s hiding his arm and he’s not speaking properly it looks like. I wonder if his brain is fried.
Eldest Gruff
1 day ago
I don’t know if I’m the only one… but I keep falling into the trap of thinking of Vectanix as a good guy, and rooting for him, even though it’s very, VERY clear that he’s not.
Maybe it’s because Kelias is such an insufferable asshole, that I end up pitying the guy? Or just that he’s the only Dranglaex who seems like he’s not entirely insane.
But I gotta stop thinking that there’s going to be a Zuko moment. Chances are greater that Kelias will aid the federation more, by being aggressive, stupid, and burning himself out.
I don’t consider Vectanix a “good guy”, but he is clearly not insane or irrational. He, and I assume his father, appear to be complex villians, decent to their own people, but totally uncaring about anyone else. They give the impression of someone that could be reasoned with under the right set of conditions but never trusted. Kelias, on the other hand, seems singularly focused on sterilizing the galaxy of all non-Dranglaex life, to the point where he’s made that his whole personality. Which is probably why dad passed him up for the throne. Which is probably a VERY sore… Read more »
It is easy to see this from a human perspective, but the Dranglaex might not be so destructive to their family/royalty, however it goes. Besides, Vectanix might have a different approach. Maybe he will realise his brother will be more easy to control to praise him. Say it was reckless and at great cost, but now that he’s cooled down he appreciates Kelias got his birthright. Acknowledge the struggles. Now that it is behind them he might be able to cull some of his brother’s explosive tendencies. Kelias wants to destroy, for which he needed the fleet at first. Now… Read more »
I see someone has been watching Star Wars.
“The Starcaster will be completed on schedule.”
“You have done well, lord Vectanix. And now I sense you wish to continue the genocidal campaign on this galaxy.”
“Yes my brother.”
Take a trusted bodyguard with you
*Imperial March plays in the background*
Seems like the Dranglaex are better fitted for a Starcaster bonding.
Yes, still need to see his arm and how is burned or something alike
Look at his eyes. He’s definitely seen better days.
Words toghether, save energy, use less.
The way he speaks at the moment seems to tell a different story – very simple phrases, not even sentences. He’s clearly still suffering from the side effects.
He’s also hiding his arm. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a poor fit for the Starcaster and it’s not working properly and so his arm is pretty brutalized in appearance. If the bonding worked properly, he would be proudly displaying the Starcaster for all to see.
I’m with pookysgirl and Mor on this one. Previously, we’ve seen Kelias proudly strutting about in purple armor and a cape. Now he’s hiding under a blue cloak with hood-up, doing his best Jedi or Sith impression.
Covering wounds is one thing, but also changing your favorite color? 🙂
I get the impression that Vectanix is about to pull a Kelias in terms of diplomacy and brother wrangling. (Brute force when more strategy is required. )
The hammer doesn’t understand the scalpel. That is why sometimes you need to hammer things home.
Yay, arguing and shouting and maybe even fighting between siblings inbound!
If true I’d be like:
“Uhhmm. I gotta go make a supply run to that frigate over there.
Be back in a bit.”
My prediction: the bonding has failed, his arm is damaged beyond repair or missing entirely, and the starcaster isn’t attached. The Drangalex then have to keep the fact that they can’t use both starcasters a secret from the Federation, using the threat of the weapon as their only advantage, and turning the conflict into a game of lies and deception.
Just because one person wasn’t a fit for the starcaster doesn’t mean there’s no Drangalex person that is.
While that is true, the real question is there any other Drangalex that they would trust with it?
Yeah, he’s hiding his arm and he’s not speaking properly it looks like. I wonder if his brain is fried.
I don’t know if I’m the only one… but I keep falling into the trap of thinking of Vectanix as a good guy, and rooting for him, even though it’s very, VERY clear that he’s not.
Maybe it’s because Kelias is such an insufferable asshole, that I end up pitying the guy? Or just that he’s the only Dranglaex who seems like he’s not entirely insane.
But I gotta stop thinking that there’s going to be a Zuko moment. Chances are greater that Kelias will aid the federation more, by being aggressive, stupid, and burning himself out.
I don’t consider Vectanix a “good guy”, but he is clearly not insane or irrational. He, and I assume his father, appear to be complex villians, decent to their own people, but totally uncaring about anyone else. They give the impression of someone that could be reasoned with under the right set of conditions but never trusted. Kelias, on the other hand, seems singularly focused on sterilizing the galaxy of all non-Dranglaex life, to the point where he’s made that his whole personality. Which is probably why dad passed him up for the throne. Which is probably a VERY sore… Read more »
It is easy to see this from a human perspective, but the Dranglaex might not be so destructive to their family/royalty, however it goes. Besides, Vectanix might have a different approach. Maybe he will realise his brother will be more easy to control to praise him. Say it was reckless and at great cost, but now that he’s cooled down he appreciates Kelias got his birthright. Acknowledge the struggles. Now that it is behind them he might be able to cull some of his brother’s explosive tendencies. Kelias wants to destroy, for which he needed the fleet at first. Now… Read more »
Both of them have their good points: –
Kelias is a bloodthirsty tool, but he’s a brave tool and willing to seize the initiative
I’d like the Dranglaex a lot more if they weren’t hellbent on religion based xenocide
Yeah, this is kind of a “If you weren’t so bent on murdering everyone, I bet we could go get a beer” sort of thing.
Bad guys have to have some virtues if they want to be successful in the evil business
Which kind of genocide would you prefer?
Vectanix is lawful evil, Kelias is chaotic evil.
Here comes the Senate…
If they Are thus, a Starcaster being sentient took one look a t this one’s soul and went ‘NOPE!’ *Rejected* stamp.