Tbf their “religion” is basically all about submitting to the Dranglaex even if it means getting killed by them. Damn pretty dangerous mindset to have in a galactic war where one side wants to genocide the other one and just destroyed a couple planets to show they ain’t joking nor stopping. I can see planetary governments hunting these groups themselves once its known how their 2nd Starcaster got lost to the Dranglaex – a single traitor in their lines working for the enemy. These people are too much of a liability and a risk, doesn’t mean they gonna get killed… Read more »
The comparison to the japanese during world war two isn’t a great example, but he’s still right. To use the analogy: the Purity Sons are not Japanese citizens who just happen to be living in America when their country went to war, and are suddenly rounded up as possible spies. This is a cult who has been chanting “victory for the japs! Death to America!” for years, and then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and then a member of this cult helped the Japanese bomb a US cruiser. This is a cult, not an ethnicity. Every member of this cult… Read more »
That sums up my thoughts perfectly. It kind of is how US foreign policy handled extremist groups after 9/11. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the grander plot, especially considering what this guy essentially did was assist in the capture of a weapon of mass destruction. If that happened in the modern day, that would be all-out war.
The problem with treating cults this way is that most members of a cult (at least in reality, which is the only reference we have at this juncture) are victims, not monsters. People picked up in vulnerable positions and convinced to believe in something awful when they feel there’s nothing for them left in the world. They want to cling to something, anything, to give life meaning, and charismatic and manipulative leaders give that to them. By all means, punish those people to whatever extend the law provides, but those who have been manipulated into believing in something awful should… Read more »
Well, that was the thinking of the US government back then. “Cannot trust them”, “too risky if they spy for the enemy or sabotage us”, etc. And so “to protect them from harm from neighbors” they got put into camps. Many of them lost their homes, their furniture, their jobs and shops, but that wasn’t the concern for the US. Their concern was to win the war thus ensuring they have no risks at home.
James, I invite you to take a deeper look into that history. It was as flagrantly racist as Jim Crow was, and its proponents had been proposing such action years before. Pearl Harbor just gave them the pretext they needed to push it through. In 1936 (5 years prior), Roosevelt privately wrote that “every Japanese Citizen or non-citizen on the Island of Oahu who meets these Japanese ships or has any connection with their officers or men should be secretly but definitely identified and his or her name placed on a special list of those who would be the first… Read more »
Sabre Runner
17 hours ago
That Seargent guy looks so much like Donald from the Global Defense Agency.
17 hours ago
And here I come to get away from reading about the activities of fanatical/extremist terrorist organizations…. Understandable plot usage, but at least give this one more of a swat on the wrist than the jan 6th ones got…
How is holding people accountable for committing crimes and murdering police officers flawed politics? I thought that would be one thing we could all agree on…
That looks a lot like former Starcaster-Guy (sorry, I’m bad with names), though his prosthesis is on the wrong side of his face. I’m surprised they let him live.
Some similarities, but it’s definitely a different person. See The Starcaster Chronicles 12.24, November 28, 2023
15 hours ago
Not a Patreon but I think I see where this is going: Federation wants to use Cort as propaganda (the guy who defied the mob and a deadly bounty hunter and found a 3rd Starcaster), he does not want to be in that position at all, but with his past he is easily marked as one of the “undesirables.”
Actually could just be that last part, someone knows his past as a lovably scurrilous space rogue, and decides he can’t be trusted on the front lines with the wrist mounted space nuke.
14 hours ago
Time for some religious repression, as probably, some cults will be confused with those of the Sun, and now is not the moment for a soft hand and doubt
14 hours ago
At this point I think Tim’s having a little -too- much fun making up new names for units of time. 😂
From what I get of it, vales are years (with deca and centivales working the same as decades and centuries), lunes are months, valls are hours (from “on the vall by the vall” a couple chapters ago) and ticks are minutes.
10 hours ago
Panel 2: I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody wearing a red badge before in this comic. I assume that guy represents a kind of branch of military/police that we aren’t familiar with, yet. I wonder if this badge indicates intelligence personnel.
So not only did the hot headed brother cause the deaths of thousands of his people but also exposed their secret spy network as well. As the Federation is going to crack down harshly on the Purity Suns and anyone even remotely linked to them in their ranks.
What are you talking about? Kelias wasn’t the one who triggered the ambush, the spy/convert did that of his own accord. They were the one who saw the unique opportunity, sent a message to the Dranglaex to come over, and then blew up the bridge. And the plan succeeded. What else would you want them to do? Being able to pull off a crushing betrayal like that is the main reason to infiltrate in the first place.. This isn’t even a spy network, nor is there anything particularly exposed. The Purity Suns are just one of bunch of Dranglaex worshippers,… Read more »
7 hours ago
Do we know how long chryons and lunets are in Earth cycles? Sounds like they may be some intergalactic standard of years and months.
“I don’t care who, just put some targets on people to be labelled as terrorists”
Tbf their “religion” is basically all about submitting to the Dranglaex even if it means getting killed by them. Damn pretty dangerous mindset to have in a galactic war where one side wants to genocide the other one and just destroyed a couple planets to show they ain’t joking nor stopping. I can see planetary governments hunting these groups themselves once its known how their 2nd Starcaster got lost to the Dranglaex – a single traitor in their lines working for the enemy. These people are too much of a liability and a risk, doesn’t mean they gonna get killed… Read more »
People that read the last part of this and liked it should be put in camps permanently along with yourself.
The comparison to the japanese during world war two isn’t a great example, but he’s still right. To use the analogy: the Purity Sons are not Japanese citizens who just happen to be living in America when their country went to war, and are suddenly rounded up as possible spies. This is a cult who has been chanting “victory for the japs! Death to America!” for years, and then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and then a member of this cult helped the Japanese bomb a US cruiser. This is a cult, not an ethnicity. Every member of this cult… Read more »
That sums up my thoughts perfectly. It kind of is how US foreign policy handled extremist groups after 9/11. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the grander plot, especially considering what this guy essentially did was assist in the capture of a weapon of mass destruction. If that happened in the modern day, that would be all-out war.
The problem with treating cults this way is that most members of a cult (at least in reality, which is the only reference we have at this juncture) are victims, not monsters. People picked up in vulnerable positions and convinced to believe in something awful when they feel there’s nothing for them left in the world. They want to cling to something, anything, to give life meaning, and charismatic and manipulative leaders give that to them. By all means, punish those people to whatever extend the law provides, but those who have been manipulated into believing in something awful should… Read more »
… compare and contrast: ISIS
Well, that was the thinking of the US government back then. “Cannot trust them”, “too risky if they spy for the enemy or sabotage us”, etc. And so “to protect them from harm from neighbors” they got put into camps. Many of them lost their homes, their furniture, their jobs and shops, but that wasn’t the concern for the US. Their concern was to win the war thus ensuring they have no risks at home.
The Federation will most likely do the same.
James, I invite you to take a deeper look into that history. It was as flagrantly racist as Jim Crow was, and its proponents had been proposing such action years before. Pearl Harbor just gave them the pretext they needed to push it through. In 1936 (5 years prior), Roosevelt privately wrote that “every Japanese Citizen or non-citizen on the Island of Oahu who meets these Japanese ships or has any connection with their officers or men should be secretly but definitely identified and his or her name placed on a special list of those who would be the first… Read more »
That Seargent guy looks so much like Donald from the Global Defense Agency.
And here I come to get away from reading about the activities of fanatical/extremist terrorist organizations…. Understandable plot usage, but at least give this one more of a swat on the wrist than the jan 6th ones got…
But that’s just my two pence.
keep your flawed politics out of this then…..
How is holding people accountable for committing crimes and murdering police officers flawed politics? I thought that would be one thing we could all agree on…
That looks a lot like former Starcaster-Guy (sorry, I’m bad with names), though his prosthesis is on the wrong side of his face. I’m surprised they let him live.
Some similarities, but it’s definitely a different person. See The Starcaster Chronicles 12.24, November 28, 2023
Not a Patreon but I think I see where this is going: Federation wants to use Cort as propaganda (the guy who defied the mob and a deadly bounty hunter and found a 3rd Starcaster), he does not want to be in that position at all, but with his past he is easily marked as one of the “undesirables.”
Actually could just be that last part, someone knows his past as a lovably scurrilous space rogue, and decides he can’t be trusted on the front lines with the wrist mounted space nuke.
Time for some religious repression, as probably, some cults will be confused with those of the Sun, and now is not the moment for a soft hand and doubt
At this point I think Tim’s having a little -too- much fun making up new names for units of time. 😂
From what I get of it, vales are years (with deca and centivales working the same as decades and centuries), lunes are months, valls are hours (from “on the vall by the vall” a couple chapters ago) and ticks are minutes.
Panel 2: I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody wearing a red badge before in this comic. I assume that guy represents a kind of branch of military/police that we aren’t familiar with, yet. I wonder if this badge indicates intelligence personnel.
It’s possible. Maybe a Section 31-like thing?
So not only did the hot headed brother cause the deaths of thousands of his people but also exposed their secret spy network as well. As the Federation is going to crack down harshly on the Purity Suns and anyone even remotely linked to them in their ranks.
What are you talking about? Kelias wasn’t the one who triggered the ambush, the spy/convert did that of his own accord. They were the one who saw the unique opportunity, sent a message to the Dranglaex to come over, and then blew up the bridge. And the plan succeeded. What else would you want them to do? Being able to pull off a crushing betrayal like that is the main reason to infiltrate in the first place.. This isn’t even a spy network, nor is there anything particularly exposed. The Purity Suns are just one of bunch of Dranglaex worshippers,… Read more »
Do we know how long chryons and lunets are in Earth cycles? Sounds like they may be some intergalactic standard of years and months.
Inferring from context I’d say yes, chryon is the equivalent of a year and lunets are months, with decavales presumably being decades
Yeah, lunets from luna? (Moon in spanish) and a moon terran cycle is about a month so…