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August 25, 2021 by Tim

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3 years ago

Psychonauts and Brutal legend…

3 years ago
Reply to  Urainkhali

afraid we won’t ever get a sequel to BL…

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

to be fair, it doesn’t need one. was great as it was.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

I had actually never played Brutal Legend (which is surprising given that I only listen to metal). Just downloaded after being reminded of it from these comments, and am loving every minute of it.

Some Guy
Some Guy
3 years ago
Reply to  Scott

How far are you in? Every time I thought it couldn’t get any crazier, it somehow manages to top itself. I can think of a few moments that really stick out for me though. Including the best setpiece with Through the Fire and Flames I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say it’s *why* I like Dragonforce in the first place.

3 years ago

Damn, it’s out already? Time sure flies.

3 years ago

16 years ago. Damn time runs fast.

3 years ago

I was so terrified that they’d screw this game up and, although I haven’t played it yet, I’m seeing nothing but good reviews which is wonderful.
Psychonauts is still one of the best games I’ve ever played, so very happy to hear that they were faithful to it.

3 years ago

The topic is Psychonauts and Tim gives two random words. Who can blame me for playing a word association game to see where his mind was at the time? … Food and foreign women. Oh, dear. Tim: don’t show this comic to your wife. 😛

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
3 years ago
Reply to  gnarph

They did a fantastic job of translating the classic gameplay into a new style and setting. The writing is also fantastic. If there is one criticism, and it’s an odd one, the increased detail makes the characters look unsettling. They already looked odd and I still love the character design and the animation is top notch but now the characters look clearer and the level of detail can get disturbing. Milla Vodello’s fingers in particular creeped me out in the intro movie.

Some Guy
Some Guy
3 years ago
Reply to  Anon A Mouse

I think they were kinda… supposed to? I mean, I always thought the characters were supposed to be quirky yes, but also kind of “off” in that way where we aren’t very good at imagining ourselves kind of way.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
3 years ago
Reply to  gnarph

Fräulein generally isn’t used as much anymore, but to be specific it’s for unmarried foreign women, so definitely don’t show this to the wife, lol.

James Rye
James Rye
3 years ago

It is? Wooot, finally!

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
3 years ago

Ah yes. The famous comic named title. So profound, so meta.

3 years ago
Reply to  Blue Griffin

So simple. So original. So easy on the mind.

3 years ago

Zeke’ll be inspired to collect human brains……

3 years ago

The Tank is the only boss in any game (I know of) where even the avatar character gets mad when the hits randomly don’t work.
I think the robot is about to learn the meaning of “frustration” beyond anything he has known before.

Last edited 3 years ago by Austyn
Luis Correia
Luis Correia
3 years ago

played about one hour last night

game still is still fun and wonderful to play

3 years ago

After the bait-and-switch that was Brutal Legend, think I’ll stay away from this one.

The rAt
The rAt
3 years ago

IIRC, Tim already explained his reasons for taking a light touch on things relating to pandemic, and I’m certainly not criticizing that approach, but it just occurred to me how much of a tool lockdowns could have been in justifying how Z.K. has chosen to remain in that room. After all, it makes sense to go nowhere when Ethan, Lucas and most everyone else isn’t going anywhere either. Again, not criticizing, just something that occurred to me.

3 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

We’re not really ready for Covid content yet. We need this whole thing to ACTUALLY be over before it’s going to be okay for people to incorporate it into stories and the like. Right now there are still people losing loved ones and mourning friends and family for it to be okay to make that many jokes about it.

3 years ago

I didn’t like the 1st part that much.

3 years ago

I 100% resonate with this. Pyschonauts is still one of my top 3 games of all time and I ‘m so stoked to see the sequel finally come out.

3 years ago

Like if you think that Ethan has more chances to say something that will bring Zeke eyes back to red/purple than saying something that will bring them to green color.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
3 years ago

Nice to see this didn’t start with Scott blowing up the robot.

3 years ago

Cabbage Fräulein got me. 😀

3 years ago

‘Title’ is the title, as in his title and the game title, As the comic title. Title.

3 years ago

I played a couple of hours and I am loving the game already ! I remember that the old one was one of the few games I managed to achieve a 100% completion !

Christopher Kinnee
Christopher Kinnee
3 years ago

I don’t know why, but at the first panel, I thought we were back to CAD 1.0 where zeke was less evil, and more snarky. It was a weird feeling and I had to check that I wasn’t on a historical comic. I liked it though 🙂

3 years ago

Did… Did Tim forget the title, or is the title of the comic “Title?”

On that topic, I’d totally okay a

3 years ago
Reply to  MarlinBrando

*I’d totally play a game titled Cabbage Fraulein.

Nick G
Nick G
3 years ago

I backed the game on Fig 5 and a half years ago and it is really nice to see it finally released.

1 year ago

Dang i gotta finish Psychonauts 1