Some work that way, but not all the time. For instance, I’m currently looking at ads for Jeep and Dodge Ram on either side of my screen, and I’m not even remotely in the market for a new truck.
The algorithm knows all. Let us know which one you end up buying!
2 months ago
I don’t play team shooters, so my first thought was MMOs, with the tank/healer/damage dealer trinity. (when running group content against computer controlled enemies)
There was a saying about healers, that you only notice them, once they are dead or otherwise not healing you, and you die.
Though the random groups could be pretty toxic, regardless of which role you played.
Storytime: Back in WoW during WotLK, I found a clever combination of talents and T1 gear that allowed my Resto Druid to use cooldown-free, mana-free, threat-free, infinite use of Tranquility.
In hundreds of heroic dungeons, only ONE Rogue ever stopped to ask “wait, how are you doing that?” Nobody else noticed, or if they did, they said nothing. Heck, once in awhile a mob would be drawn to me (remember: zero threat, but new spawns might see me first), and someone would tell me I needed to manage my aggro better.
They largely are, but at least I wouldn’t know the druid class well enough to realise, what you were doing. (I tried playing it, but it was post WotLK, and I didn’t find druid’s Restoration enjoyable to play anyway, shaman worked better for me as a healer) Also, T1? It’s been years since I played, but as far as I recall, that’s vanilla game’s first epic set, how was it still viable in WotLK*, stat-wise? *For non-players, WotLK was second expansion, and the stat gap between expansions was quite large, so (as far as I remember) generally, the epic gear… Read more »
That T1 set was the secret: the Cenarion Raiment reduced Tranquility cooldown by 50%, and there was a Resto Druid talent in WotLK that reduced it by 60%. I’d have my normal set when I signed up so I’d pass the gear check, and switched while inside.
I didn’t expect everyone to know how Druids worked, but my surprise was that it took hundreds of runs for anyone to say anything, including runs where there was another Druid in the group.
I think this applies to every game that has healers. The amount of times in WoW where the tank would LoS me as the healer, or where in PvP others would just take off without waiting for me, and all of them would then complain “Where are the heals?! Heal me!!”
I feel like lots of people have never properly played a healer, and have no clue about how they work apart from “hey my health bar goes up again.”
2 months ago
Here’s the other side: I like playing healer/support characters, but because I’m generally the only one or the first one to pick one, I don’t get to play any other role
2 months ago
Pity DPS classes in MMOs
They can’t see either the tank, the healer or the aggro meter
Tbf, the dps tunnel vision is real.
I’ve played all classes during WoW:WotLK and for some reason I registered almost nothing around me when playing dps, but had perfect clarity of the whole raid when playing as a healer.
It feels weirdly claustrophobic, while healing feels like having omnivision.
That’s why I liked playing FF14, keeping aggro as a tank was easy and you were pretty much a tank with decent dps that used defensive cooldowns to tank big moves and focus on keeping the breath attacks away from the group/raid.
Granted, I stopped playing FF14 when the Hydaelyn/Zodiark saga ended so I don’t know if that’s changed with the latest expansion
This is why I had DPS Meter mod running all the time, at least for raids and dungeons. Let tank pull, pop my Mark on main target, Misdirect my initial burst onto Tank so they get group agg locked in even more. Then just watch my meter.
Though i was somewhat the opposite with my heals. Focused on either tank or party almost solely (and ignoring intentionally spikey DPS.. ’cause I don’t heal Dumbass Damage xD ).
Most of the roles were decent-to-fun in SWtOR, too.
Last edited 2 months ago by Logan
2 months ago
So painfully true!
2 months ago
To be fair, if this didn’t happen, tanks would be useless. They probably make genuine effort to encourage this psychologically, by making sure tanks look threatening and attention grabbing in order to get people to focus on them rather than the healers. From character design, moveset, animations, to actual mechanical abilities, tanks really need to engage attention even when it’s not the smart move.
Indeed, any decent gamer knows to target the healers first. The tanks job is to get in the way of that.
2 months ago
Reading that in Marvel, as there is no limit in type choice for the team, you can find fighting against teams “unbalanced”
2 months ago
Took me a lot of games to get used to Rivals, despite having been deep into Overwatch. It’s good, but I feel like the healers do need work to become more viable to play reliably/consistently. That said – there’s something very satisfying as playing Rocket and riding around on Groot’s back.
I have seen a bunch of C&D, Jeff, Luna Snow, and Mantis MVPs. And Warlock is a nightmare when you have him with a mostly melee group. I think the supports are doing fine.
The only hero I’ve had a real desire to see changed is Thor. He has far too many limiters on his abilities. He doesn’t feel good to play.
2 months ago
Note the height. All healers here can hide behind tanks and be visually covered By them.
2 months ago
Fortunately some of us don’t suffer these issues. After all, you should always attack enemy healers, and allied healers are essential to blame when I die.
I’m not sure why Tim only had 3 characters in the comic panels though.
“allied healers are essential to blame when I die”
Dammit Jim i’m a Dr not a bloody Lazarus pit…
2 months ago
Always shoot the medic, even if the medic is a little shark dog! Yes, Jeff is cute… but Jeff can also swallow you and your entire team whole and dive to his death and take you all with him. Shoot. The. Medic. Especially if it’s a shark!
Last edited 2 months ago by Barlen
2 months ago
There is an old expression in D&D…
Kill the caster.
Always prioritize those shifty little bastards hunkering down in the back row.
I’d say kill the divine first, then any arcane. Why? Drop the healer and the one who can do all sorts of ‘resist’ or recovery spells that can really affect performance… your arcanes then become targets with no buff up worth mentioning.
You can take out enemy healers and retreat to rebuff and be ready to strike with everyone again. If you take out their artillery, but their divines are around, they’ll just pop them back into the fight. Kill the healer. Then the other casters. Then anything that’s left.
2 months ago
Honestly, as a Healer main in FPS games, I’d LOVE it if my enemy is blind to my presence. Means I can heal and keep my teammates alive without worrying them going after me.
2 months ago
I get the joke, I do, but Hulk has healed from the point of burnt to ash, he needs a healer like I need man boobs… Oh wait…
2 months ago
I have been playing basically only as Luna Snow in Marvel Rivals so far.
Loving being a healer
2 months ago
The game needs an on-screen “being healed by (character name)” message somewhere on the UI
Oh, I just processed that this was about “nobody notices the enemy healer” rather than “tanks don’t appreciate when they’re being healed”
My B. I don’t play these much lol
2 months ago
Players with healer blindness are handy, IF they are on the opposing team! They ignore the healer of the group and go at the tank(s). I played WoW as a troll shaman and did the healing/defense roll in raids and PvP. often I’d stand behind the tank and heal them while VS players would wail away.
2 months ago
I think its the opposite for most players of tactical or turn based games. The healer get the big red X. Nothing else matters until the source of regen is destroyed.
That’s true, which is why I used the Shaman, when leveled up, they have an attack called “frost shock” that does decent damage. Depending on how many mana and health potions I had on me (and had in my tool bar), I was a hard target. I haven’t played in years, but they were surprisingly OP for a healer class.
In the real world, a medic can perhaps revive or recover in months or years. Still important to save competent soldiers but also because the fact they’ll try to help the ones who are badly damaged is one of the reasons people would join the army more readily – morale. In tactical games, time scale is minutes and hours. A medic in the real world can do not much useful to bring any combatant back to the fight in that time period. In all these games where the magic or the healing from plants or psi, or some other source,… Read more »
2 months ago
2 months ago
I always enjoyed being a battle medic in TF2. People see medic and think easy squishy target. They forget medic has a gun too, and does respectable dps. I’ve put down many an assassinating scout/spy by just stopping healing and defending myself, and they seem to never expect it.
2 months ago
It has been 17 years since Penny Arcade made that classic “Shoot the Medic first” comic, and it’s amusing it has yet to become dated.
2 months ago
now if only mercys gun didnt have head tracking bullets that can turn corners
Wait, the Hulk is a healer?
Yes, the man with healer blindness saw the big green healer with crystal clarity.
I think you mean he “has” a healer.
He’s playing that he has the “blindness” too
😀 Nice one!
Heads up Tim, seeing some nicotine related ads (zyn) which you probably didn’t want on your platform.
Longtime reader and fan, thanks for what you do
If I see them, I can tag them, but that’s what happens when ads are served by algorithm.
I thought the ads were displayed based on my search history. I only see ads for Dell and NordicTrack, which are things I’ve recently searched for.
Some work that way, but not all the time. For instance, I’m currently looking at ads for Jeep and Dodge Ram on either side of my screen, and I’m not even remotely in the market for a new truck.
But now you’ve typed the words “Jeep,” “Dodge Ram,” and “New Truck” so doubtless it’ll be doubling down.
The algorithm knows all. Let us know which one you end up buying!
I don’t play team shooters, so my first thought was MMOs, with the tank/healer/damage dealer trinity. (when running group content against computer controlled enemies)
There was a saying about healers, that you only notice them, once they are dead or otherwise not healing you, and you die.
Though the random groups could be pretty toxic, regardless of which role you played.
Storytime: Back in WoW during WotLK, I found a clever combination of talents and T1 gear that allowed my Resto Druid to use cooldown-free, mana-free, threat-free, infinite use of Tranquility.
In hundreds of heroic dungeons, only ONE Rogue ever stopped to ask “wait, how are you doing that?” Nobody else noticed, or if they did, they said nothing. Heck, once in awhile a mob would be drawn to me (remember: zero threat, but new spawns might see me first), and someone would tell me I needed to manage my aggro better.
Healers are invisible.
They largely are, but at least I wouldn’t know the druid class well enough to realise, what you were doing. (I tried playing it, but it was post WotLK, and I didn’t find druid’s Restoration enjoyable to play anyway, shaman worked better for me as a healer) Also, T1? It’s been years since I played, but as far as I recall, that’s vanilla game’s first epic set, how was it still viable in WotLK*, stat-wise? *For non-players, WotLK was second expansion, and the stat gap between expansions was quite large, so (as far as I remember) generally, the epic gear… Read more »
That T1 set was the secret: the Cenarion Raiment reduced Tranquility cooldown by 50%, and there was a Resto Druid talent in WotLK that reduced it by 60%. I’d have my normal set when I signed up so I’d pass the gear check, and switched while inside.
I didn’t expect everyone to know how Druids worked, but my surprise was that it took hundreds of runs for anyone to say anything, including runs where there was another Druid in the group.
I think this applies to every game that has healers. The amount of times in WoW where the tank would LoS me as the healer, or where in PvP others would just take off without waiting for me, and all of them would then complain “Where are the heals?! Heal me!!”
I feel like lots of people have never properly played a healer, and have no clue about how they work apart from “hey my health bar goes up again.”
Here’s the other side: I like playing healer/support characters, but because I’m generally the only one or the first one to pick one, I don’t get to play any other role
Pity DPS classes in MMOs
They can’t see either the tank, the healer or the aggro meter
Tbf, the dps tunnel vision is real.
I’ve played all classes during WoW:WotLK and for some reason I registered almost nothing around me when playing dps, but had perfect clarity of the whole raid when playing as a healer.
It feels weirdly claustrophobic, while healing feels like having omnivision.
That’s why I liked playing FF14, keeping aggro as a tank was easy and you were pretty much a tank with decent dps that used defensive cooldowns to tank big moves and focus on keeping the breath attacks away from the group/raid.
Granted, I stopped playing FF14 when the Hydaelyn/Zodiark saga ended so I don’t know if that’s changed with the latest expansion
It hasn’t really, and that’s why we love it.
This is why I had DPS Meter mod running all the time, at least for raids and dungeons. Let tank pull, pop my Mark on main target, Misdirect my initial burst onto Tank so they get group agg locked in even more. Then just watch my meter.
Though i was somewhat the opposite with my heals. Focused on either tank or party almost solely (and ignoring intentionally spikey DPS.. ’cause I don’t heal Dumbass Damage xD ).
Most of the roles were decent-to-fun in SWtOR, too.
So painfully true!
To be fair, if this didn’t happen, tanks would be useless. They probably make genuine effort to encourage this psychologically, by making sure tanks look threatening and attention grabbing in order to get people to focus on them rather than the healers. From character design, moveset, animations, to actual mechanical abilities, tanks really need to engage attention even when it’s not the smart move.
Indeed, any decent gamer knows to target the healers first. The tanks job is to get in the way of that.
Reading that in Marvel, as there is no limit in type choice for the team, you can find fighting against teams “unbalanced”
Took me a lot of games to get used to Rivals, despite having been deep into Overwatch. It’s good, but I feel like the healers do need work to become more viable to play reliably/consistently. That said – there’s something very satisfying as playing Rocket and riding around on Groot’s back.
I have seen a bunch of C&D, Jeff, Luna Snow, and Mantis MVPs. And Warlock is a nightmare when you have him with a mostly melee group. I think the supports are doing fine.
The only hero I’ve had a real desire to see changed is Thor. He has far too many limiters on his abilities. He doesn’t feel good to play.
Note the height. All healers here can hide behind tanks and be visually covered By them.
Fortunately some of us don’t suffer these issues. After all, you should always attack enemy healers, and allied healers are essential to blame when I die.
I’m not sure why Tim only had 3 characters in the comic panels though.
“allied healers are essential to blame when I die”
Dammit Jim i’m a Dr not a bloody Lazarus pit…
Always shoot the medic, even if the medic is a little shark dog! Yes, Jeff is cute… but Jeff can also swallow you and your entire team whole and dive to his death and take you all with him. Shoot. The. Medic. Especially if it’s a shark!
There is an old expression in D&D…
Kill the caster.
Always prioritize those shifty little bastards hunkering down in the back row.
I’d say kill the divine first, then any arcane. Why? Drop the healer and the one who can do all sorts of ‘resist’ or recovery spells that can really affect performance… your arcanes then become targets with no buff up worth mentioning.
You can take out enemy healers and retreat to rebuff and be ready to strike with everyone again. If you take out their artillery, but their divines are around, they’ll just pop them back into the fight. Kill the healer. Then the other casters. Then anything that’s left.
Honestly, as a Healer main in FPS games, I’d LOVE it if my enemy is blind to my presence. Means I can heal and keep my teammates alive without worrying them going after me.
I get the joke, I do, but Hulk has healed from the point of burnt to ash, he needs a healer like I need man boobs… Oh wait…
I have been playing basically only as Luna Snow in Marvel Rivals so far.
Loving being a healer
The game needs an on-screen “being healed by (character name)” message somewhere on the UI
Oh, I just processed that this was about “nobody notices the enemy healer” rather than “tanks don’t appreciate when they’re being healed”
My B. I don’t play these much lol
Players with healer blindness are handy, IF they are on the opposing team! They ignore the healer of the group and go at the tank(s). I played WoW as a troll shaman and did the healing/defense roll in raids and PvP. often I’d stand behind the tank and heal them while VS players would wail away.
I think its the opposite for most players of tactical or turn based games. The healer get the big red X. Nothing else matters until the source of regen is destroyed.
That’s true, which is why I used the Shaman, when leveled up, they have an attack called “frost shock” that does decent damage. Depending on how many mana and health potions I had on me (and had in my tool bar), I was a hard target. I haven’t played in years, but they were surprisingly OP for a healer class.
In the real world, a medic can perhaps revive or recover in months or years. Still important to save competent soldiers but also because the fact they’ll try to help the ones who are badly damaged is one of the reasons people would join the army more readily – morale. In tactical games, time scale is minutes and hours. A medic in the real world can do not much useful to bring any combatant back to the fight in that time period. In all these games where the magic or the healing from plants or psi, or some other source,… Read more »
I always enjoyed being a battle medic in TF2. People see medic and think easy squishy target. They forget medic has a gun too, and does respectable dps. I’ve put down many an assassinating scout/spy by just stopping healing and defending myself, and they seem to never expect it.
It has been 17 years since Penny Arcade made that classic “Shoot the Medic first” comic, and it’s amusing it has yet to become dated.
now if only mercys gun didnt have head tracking bullets that can turn corners