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Trust, p19

August 14, 2020 by Tim

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4 years ago

damn Zeke you’re such a tsundere

4 years ago
Reply to  foducool


4 years ago
Reply to  foducool

The forbidden word

James Rye
James Rye
4 years ago

Not sure if tsundere bot or yandere murderbot.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

por que no las dos?

4 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Why not both?

4 years ago

Wich Fire Emblem is he playing? Is it just one title, or more? (Or we find out next week? XD)

4 years ago
Reply to  Oyee

shadow dragon or new mystery likely, considering device

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

That’s clearly a 3DS, there’s a circle pad above the D-pad. So my assumption is on Awakening, because it’s one of the best entries for newcomers.

4 years ago
Reply to  Oyee

Awakening? Birthright? Fates?

4 years ago

This has been a really interesting storyline. Good stuff!

4 years ago

I am really enjoying this Zeke arc inside Analogue and DPad, you’re really capturing a slave becoming free and having to overcome his prejudices

4 years ago
Reply to  Tabby

Analog. No ue.

and yes I agree with you.

4 years ago

A game where death is permanent, perfect choice for getting a point across

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 years ago
Reply to  Shecky

Except the main character IIRC. Much like Ethan. Lol

4 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Depends on how you count a game over. Depending on the Fire Emblem, the main character might be just about the only person who *can* die.

4 years ago

Sure hope Zeke doesn’t get interested in what the room just outside the doorway looks like. Peeking his head out to look around would be completely normal and okay. But Lucas thought it sounds perfectly alright to kill a sentient being over that. Huh. Imagine a vandal happening to toss a rock through that store window in the middle of the night. Or a fire starts. Ah, guess Zeke deserves to die, since those events (as well as infinite others) could cause him to move, especially on a temporary basis (which won’t matter since he dies immediately). The conditions for… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
4 years ago
Reply to  Huh

I like how you totally ignored the fact that the robot, who is not Zeke BTW, has only ever talked about killing humans. And that you show no concern whatsoever for the possibility that without a failsafe, the robot could leave the room and go out into the world and kill a bunch of regular humans that aren’t going to be capable of defending themselves from a killer robot. The safety of many easily outweighs the safety of one. You would potentially see a bunch of innocents die because you’re worried about a bunch of far less likely “what ifs”.… Read more »

4 years ago

Hard to read through something so obnoxiously written. Like “this is not Zeke BTW”, yeah obviously. It’s called using shorthand, you knew who I meant and that’s what matters. That’s the point of language. You’re just arguing petty semantics because you have nothing of substance to say. I like how you totally ignored the fact that there’s an entire shop between “the storage room” and “the world”. I specifically said “the room outside the doorway”, but you conveniently ignored that to argue a stupid strawman about how all the innocent people who aren’t in the shop in the middle of… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Huh

The question on “Is the Z1 sentient?” has been basically a long-running question. Ethan believes he absolutely is, Scott believes he cannot be, and Lucas believes there’s the POTENTIAL, but is also intimately familiar with just how dangerous the Z1 is. Point is, it’s likely been a long period of time since the Z1 has been recovered and in their back room, and they’re all correct that this isn’t a sustainable position. There’s no ethical question for either Ethan or Scott – Ethan’s unaware of the device, and to Scott, this is just a big, dangerous experiment. The only ethical… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Huh

I would have expected the perimiter to have been the building, not just the room. It does seem an oversight

4 years ago
Reply to  Huh

Unless fictional GPS is more accurate than RL GPS, there will be a lot of margin. I’ve crossed rivers while standing still.

4 years ago
Reply to  7eggert

Depends alot on the receiver and the sats it has access to. Even most commercial grade GPS can be accurate to a few feet these days as long as there’s nothing interfearing with the signal to enough sats. The military grade hardware can be significantly more accurate.

theres also nothing that limits him to a pure GPS system either. Could just rig up some transmiter/recievers in the building that are able to triangulate the bots position based off whatever carrier signal he used to hack him in the first place.

4 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

If it was using Z1’s GPS, it could be fooled; if it has it’s own chip, it will be limited.

Usually GPS is quite OK, unless you are e.g. in a storage room or near buildings.

4 years ago
Reply to  Huh

All that is assuming that the GPS failsafe is actually left locked on after this point. The group has had very little success at beating or restraining the robot in previous encounters; if it wanted to, it could have thrown Ethan at Lucas and Scott and booked it out the door. I think Lucas and Scott are heading out to go discuss or disable that failsafe. The robot not attacking or running off the first chance it gets is a real sign that it’s either willing to give them a chance or correctly suspects that they have another ace up… Read more »

4 years ago

I think the fact that Ethan doesn’t know about the charge and the perimeter, is going to play in his favor from Zeke’s standpoint later.

Daniel Sørensen
Daniel Sørensen
4 years ago

Dunno. I don’t think this was handled that well. Don’t get me wrong. I like the outcome, but getting there makes this seems like, that it came out of nowhere. There was really no hints in their conversations and interactions, that alluded to something changing in Zeke. Now I know, that he wouldn’t want to show his “emotions” in front of the others, but a pause here, or a look there, when they wasn’t noticing it, would have done more to show his inner conflict, without spelling it out in the sand. It just goes to show, that I like… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago

I think that the entire storyline, up to this point, has been not only Ethan, Lucas, and Scott trying to gauge the X1’s intelligence and intent, but also the reader. I’ve noticed as much in the comments; some of us are like “Jeez, just scrap that menace, what are you doing?” with others being like “He’ll never trust you if you keep treating him that way.” For me, the entire question with Zeke is wondering how much of his dialogue is just pure bravado, put on in front of his captors, and what might be behind that. He DOES have… Read more »

4 years ago

They also aren’t necessarily looking for a striking change in his personality. That’s never going to happen in captivity. What they were looking for, and found, was the capacity to change, to see the world and it’s inhabitants from a different perspective. The perspective of captivity is suffereing, anger, and enemies, he is simply projecting what he has felt, but if he’s capable of shifting his view and seeing that all of life is not what he’s experienced in his couple years of awareness, they know he can be redeemed. And if he can be redeemed, he will be the… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Z1. Canon name. YES.

Daniel Zaetz
Daniel Zaetz
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I, for one, absolutely love the characterization of Z1. His hatred shines through every sarcastic remark he makes, to the point of being a force of habit. We only get tiny hints that his heart may be changing just a bit, and that is perfect. I… understand Scott. He truly doesn’t see Z1 as a human, and additionally sees Z1 as a potential evil AI B-movie plot, so he has no problem putting him down before he does harm. However, Lucas seems a little out-of-character, especially as a superhero. Because while he is trying to protect the public, he is… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Zaetz

There’s two things here that I think make it not pre-crime. First, Lucas seems only on the fence about Z1’s sentience. If Z1 is not just a thinking machine, but a feeling machine, it’s wrong to judge him on what he hasn’t done. If Z1 is ultimately just a very smart machine that will continue to try to murder everything, then it’s immoral to release it and see if it’s going to try to do exactly what it says it will. The second thing is, the whole argument about “Z1 is innocent of the crimes he has already committed” is… Read more »

4 years ago

The look on Scott’s face means something for sure. Sort of looks like he’s either coming around, or disappointed that he was wrong and even maybe a little mad about it. We could see Scott ending up doing a heel turn here and ironically Zeke becomes their new “guy in the chair”. Just a thought.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

To me, it looks more thoughtful, rather than angry or disappointed. Honestly, I feel like he’s going to think he’s a machine regardless at this point, and it’s either an expression of stress and worry – after all, there’s always a chance his failsafe doesn’t work – or trying to figure out how the X1 is learning and adapting.

Only way I could see Scott doing a heel-turn is if both Lucas and Ethan are on the same page on the X1’s humanity and Scott decides it needs to be destroyed.

4 years ago

Still on the “Ethan eventually needs to tell Zeke off for his BS” train.

4 years ago

Really digging this whole arc, Tim.

4 years ago

Y’know, Zeke. Emotions aren’t weaknesses, they’re strengths,

4 years ago

yeah, I’m loving this arc

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
4 years ago

Yes, Ethan. You’ll see him in the morning.

Functional or with a brand new hole in him is the real question.

4 years ago

I look forward to the inevitable drama of ‘YOU DIDN’T DISABLE THE BOMB IN MY HEAD?!’ conversation. With a loss of trust from Zeke, a loss of trust from Ethan since he thought it was disabled too. Ethan then being the only human Zeke can trust and Zeke being able to take his rage out on Ethan since Ethan can’t stay dead.

4 years ago
Reply to  Smith

At this point there robot should or would likely assume a failsafe and the bomb are still active. Scott’s dialog was rather telling of that fact. The only dialog to the robot that was contrary to that was a single fleeting line from Ethan. At this point I can see Ethan feeling more betrayed and the robot thinking the situation obvious.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Awww Zeke is going all tsundere on us, guess he played a few too many JRPGs huh?

4 years ago

I gotta say…. I’ve missed Zeke. The original Zeke I mean. I think he was the best part of the original CAD storyline. This is a great reintroduction.

4 years ago

I’m really enjoying this arc.

4 years ago

A game with likable characters and perma death. Good choice. Teaching about mortality.