A controllerang(or whatever they’re called) should also do the trick. I don’t think a bullet will be necessary. Or maybe a random arrow to the chest like the old days.
I think that you’re mistaken. Winter-Een-Mas has never been “invented.” It has been revealed; nay, bestowed, as a gift, from those divine spirits which embody the traits of gaming. It is passed on to those who are worthy, in every timeline, in every reality – whether it be a game developer, a games journalist, a somewhat neurotic guy living with his best bud and sentient robot, or a webcomic artist trying to come up with an amusing after-Christmas storyline. It will persist and endure as long as gaming itself does.
Game journalist? Game journalists would write articles about how Winter-een-mas is misogynist in an attempt to destroy it. And I’m sure everyone who goes to the Crown Bowl is also entitled (because of course, wanting quality products and services when you part with hard earned money is a bad thing and an idea that needs to be quashed).
Then again, this is a webcomic and not reality, so maybe the game journalists in this universe don’t suck like they do in reality.
Uh, wow. Way to paint every individual with a similar profession with one prejudiced stereotype. Are you saying that you don’t read any news-related gaming media at all? You’re the one guy who wandered into a WalMart electronics section sometime in November, looked at the shelves, and said “Huh, I didn’t know they were making a second Red Dead! Wonder if it’s any good?”
6 years ago
so… in this timeline Ethan isn’t the creator of winter-een-mas? didn’t know/remember that
Its been a while since I read the entire series but I thought he changed it after Lilah was kidnapped where the winner of a championship took the crown for a year
There’s been a reboot since then. New timeline, superheroes, cool shit.
In this timeline, Lucas is gay (or at least bi), Ethan has a different love interest, superheroes exist and our two favorite dorks are some of them, and Ethan didn’t invent Winter-Een-Mas or the Game Games Bowl, or “The Crown Bowl” as it’s called now.
6 years ago
Now I want to go back through the Tome of Ethan v1 and read the original Crown Bowl storyline.
Now you can! Here’s the link.
There are no comics, the Games Games Bowl is a pdf; this links to the “comic” and newspost.
6 years ago
For anyone that’s confused, Ethan created Winter-een-mas on Earth 1.0, but never got super powers. On Earth 2.0, Winter-een-mas was created years ago, but not by Ethan. He is a super-hero on this Earth, however. Tim hasn’t defined which Earth in the multiverse the sillies live in. I assume there is an Earth where everyone is black and white outline characters instead of full color. That would be very interesting to explore in the next crossover event.
6 years ago
If this storyline involves Ethan recruiting Lucas to seduce and abandon Daniel in order to make him distracted during the tournament so that he plays poorly, I fully support that
The paintball/gaming story was great!!! 😀 Would love to see more of those… OR that concept in real life 😀 😀 😀
6 years ago
My predictions on the participants:
Abby (from 1.0, former queen/king of Winter-een-mass)
Black Hat (the wallhacking son of a glitch from the second A&D, assuming he is out of jail by now)
And of course Tran himself.
It’s of course plausible that Lucas or Scott will get in and Ethan will cry in a corner for a few weeks.
6 years ago
To everybody asking, Tim answered this on the last post: No, Ethan did not create Winter-een-mas in this universe.
6 years ago
When did Lucas become gay? I remember reading this before the art style changed and he had problem with women in the past. I have no problem with him being gay but I’d like to go back and read when he changed so I can catch up on issues of the comic I’ve missed. Thanks for any information.
No, your comment was held for moderation because you aren’t registered. And you posted at 7:15pm, so I was done for the day, and wouldn’t see it until I got into the office this morning.
Ah ok. I saw it a little later and wanted to delete this comment but I only say reply option.
6 years ago
Am I the only one who looked at that first panel and wondered why Lucas was holding a toilet plunger? On second glance its obvious its the coffee mug he’s holding in the other frames but that looked very strange for a moment there.
probably vulnerable to bullets in the head too, but I’d keep that option as a last resort
A controllerang(or whatever they’re called) should also do the trick. I don’t think a bullet will be necessary. Or maybe a random arrow to the chest like the old days.
“To the knee”
What about those ninjas that come out of nowhere? Like from the beginning of Ctrl Alt Del?
So… Did Ethan not invent Winter-Een-Mas in this universe?
I think that you’re mistaken. Winter-Een-Mas has never been “invented.” It has been revealed; nay, bestowed, as a gift, from those divine spirits which embody the traits of gaming. It is passed on to those who are worthy, in every timeline, in every reality – whether it be a game developer, a games journalist, a somewhat neurotic guy living with his best bud and sentient robot, or a webcomic artist trying to come up with an amusing after-Christmas storyline. It will persist and endure as long as gaming itself does.
Game journalist? Game journalists would write articles about how Winter-een-mas is misogynist in an attempt to destroy it. And I’m sure everyone who goes to the Crown Bowl is also entitled (because of course, wanting quality products and services when you part with hard earned money is a bad thing and an idea that needs to be quashed).
Then again, this is a webcomic and not reality, so maybe the game journalists in this universe don’t suck like they do in reality.
Uh, wow. Way to paint every individual with a similar profession with one prejudiced stereotype. Are you saying that you don’t read any news-related gaming media at all? You’re the one guy who wandered into a WalMart electronics section sometime in November, looked at the shelves, and said “Huh, I didn’t know they were making a second Red Dead! Wonder if it’s any good?”
so… in this timeline Ethan isn’t the creator of winter-een-mas? didn’t know/remember that
Its been a while since I read the entire series but I thought he changed it after Lilah was kidnapped where the winner of a championship took the crown for a year
There’s been a reboot since then. New timeline, superheroes, cool shit.
In this timeline, Lucas is gay (or at least bi), Ethan has a different love interest, superheroes exist and our two favorite dorks are some of them, and Ethan didn’t invent Winter-Een-Mas or the Game Games Bowl, or “The Crown Bowl” as it’s called now.
Now I want to go back through the Tome of Ethan v1 and read the original Crown Bowl storyline.
Now you can! Here’s the link.
There are no comics, the Games Games Bowl is a pdf; this links to the “comic” and newspost.
For anyone that’s confused, Ethan created Winter-een-mas on Earth 1.0, but never got super powers. On Earth 2.0, Winter-een-mas was created years ago, but not by Ethan. He is a super-hero on this Earth, however. Tim hasn’t defined which Earth in the multiverse the sillies live in. I assume there is an Earth where everyone is black and white outline characters instead of full color. That would be very interesting to explore in the next crossover event.
If this storyline involves Ethan recruiting Lucas to seduce and abandon Daniel in order to make him distracted during the tournament so that he plays poorly, I fully support that
Haha, yes! Lucas can bring his sexy floating arrow wiles to bear.
I wonder if Tran is a patreon subscriber.
wait lucas is gay in this universe?
Happy 2019! I hope you had a blast during the holidays.
“Whaaat is that?”
A more important question is WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE?!
Well, Ethan was only wearing one shoe…
The paintball/gaming story was great!!! 😀 Would love to see more of those… OR that concept in real life 😀 😀 😀
My predictions on the participants:
Abby (from 1.0, former queen/king of Winter-een-mass)
Black Hat (the wallhacking son of a glitch from the second A&D, assuming he is out of jail by now)
And of course Tran himself.
It’s of course plausible that Lucas or Scott will get in and Ethan will cry in a corner for a few weeks.
To everybody asking, Tim answered this on the last post: No, Ethan did not create Winter-een-mas in this universe.
When did Lucas become gay? I remember reading this before the art style changed and he had problem with women in the past. I have no problem with him being gay but I’d like to go back and read when he changed so I can catch up on issues of the comic I’ve missed. Thanks for any information.
If I remember and this is only if I remember right, I think he’s actually bi in this universe
Let’s face it, we’re all vulnerable to being taped to a wall. It’s just a matter of how much tape.
Ahh. I see my comment was deleted.
No, your comment was held for moderation because you aren’t registered. And you posted at 7:15pm, so I was done for the day, and wouldn’t see it until I got into the office this morning.
Ah ok. I saw it a little later and wanted to delete this comment but I only say reply option.
Am I the only one who looked at that first panel and wondered why Lucas was holding a toilet plunger? On second glance its obvious its the coffee mug he’s holding in the other frames but that looked very strange for a moment there.
“He is cute, though…”
Lucas, dude…