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Winter-een-mas 2023, Day Seven

January 31, 2023 by Tim

Ever have a game you don’t want to be over, so you suddenly start trying to 100% it, max out stats and finish side quests and other unnecessary nonsense just to keep playing? Suddenly I’ve got that with Midnight Suns. I didn’t expect it, but as soon as the final mission popped up, I was finding reasons to postpone finishing it.
Even though I have other games I’m dying to get to, I wasn’t ready for the definitive “you’ve finished” moment. Typically I make peace with not doing everything in a game, solely due to the amount of games I want to try and experience. So I guess Midnight Suns got its hooks in me deeper than I’d expected.
Anyway, I hope you all found some time to enjoy a game or two over this Winter-een-mas week!

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2 years ago

I’m with you on not wanting to finish it like that. My understanding of the New Game+ on Midnight Suns is that it’s terrible, and you don’t get to keep things like cosmetics you spent hours unlocking (which to me seems like the stupidest part).

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Wow it’s been a hot minute since a game hit me with the Post Game Melancholy. The first Dragon Age maybe? That seems too long ago. Oh, The Last of Us (PS4 Flavor, also how topical, I gotta get my hands on HBO). I dug into the multiplayer for a bit, and started on a harder difficulty to try and keep the good times going…

I’ve heard the same bad and overwhelmingly good things about Midnight Suns. I think I need to play it.

2 years ago

Yeah I had that with breath of the wild. I finished it once, then restarted it once the master mode DLC came out, and…. Well I hear Gannon is less of a pushover in master mode, maybe I need a few more shield slots before facing him? I better go find those koroks first… Hey that golden poop might come in handy, who knows?

2 years ago

The spiderman remake.

2 years ago

Ah yes… I had a similar experience with Dragon Quest Builders 2. Such a great game that after finishing it, I went for the platinum, and after getting the platinum, I got the first game, and after finishing the first game, I played through all of the main games. I got Dragon Quest Builders 2 because it was a Mincraft clone, and I wanted to see another take on that formula. But while I thought it was a Minecraft clone with RPG mechanics, it turned out I was wrong, it was actually an RPG with Minecraft mechanics. So in the… Read more »

Eric DiDomenico
Eric DiDomenico
2 years ago

When it came to games I wanted to 100%, the only ones I wanted to were Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I admit I’m looking forward to doing the same on Starfield. I like New Game+ on many games, but even I must admit every game must have its finality.

2 years ago

The only time I do is when I think it’s Reasonable to do so.

A game you can finish in 12 hours, but complete in 24? Sure, why not. (Sonic Frontiers)

A game you need 40 hours to beat, and completion is no where in site? Noooo thank you. (every monster hunter game ever)

2 years ago

New Game+ you keep what skin colors & shirts you’ve unlocked, but you have to re-pay to activate them. Your cards reset and you regain them. You keep all the heroes you unlock, and their friendship rating up to Max+1. All the upgrades you unlocked the first time are available without their initial requisites other than the upgrade level. You have to redo the challenges to get the legendary cards, but not the suits. You retain whatever difficulty levels you’ve unlocked. The big sell is you can go the opposite light/dark path to finish unlocking all the Hunter’s costumes. That’s… Read more »

2 years ago

I finished, I loved, I only need to now get my character to 100% dark side to get the 100%.

King Marth
King Marth
2 years ago

And with that, our games lists for the year are entirely disjoint. I have only even heard of two games on your list – Elden Ring because Souls fans never shut up, and Monster Hunter Rise because I tried the Daybreak demo when a friend pointed it out (and was fascinated at how the control scheme has clearly evolved over many games into something utterly alien to anything else I play). I don’t count Dad of War because I legitimately don’t know what subtitle that was referring to. This is a good thing, there are so many games that many… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by King Marth
2 years ago
Reply to  King Marth

Dad of War is the God of War series. Apparently him being a father is a major plot point? Not sure, never played it and never will (no console or TV) so all I know about it is what I’ve heard.

2 years ago
Reply to  Egasilon

God of War 2018 has released on Steam for PC. Ragnarok may be a while yet, at least another year, before it sees a pc release.

2 years ago

It feels like this for me all the time. As an indie dev, I am constantly adding to my list of unplayed/need to finish games. I love playing games so much, but everytime I sit down to relax and enjoy some Solasta or DK, a little voice in my head shouts into the void: “HEY! LISTEN! You should be working on your game right now. Press ^ to Guilt.”

2 years ago

Sadly I missed Winter-een-mas this year but I did recently get into seamless co-op with Elden RIng. So that’s something.

Richard Weatherfield
Richard Weatherfield
2 years ago

I am not a completionist by any means, but there are two games so far that I have actively kept playing in order to avoid having them end: Spider-Man PS4 and Ghostbusters: The Video Game. I played through The Last of Us Remastered just recently, but I have no interest in getting the 100 percent on that one.

2 years ago

I get this way with Assassin’s Creed II and Brotherhood. I beat the games multiple times, but once I clear the last mission, I always just run around for a while because I don’t want the game to be over.

2 years ago

Star Saga: One – Beyond the Boundary and Star Saga: Two – The Clathran Menace are like that for me. These games came out in the late 1980s and were ahead of their time, allowing multiplayer with up to 6 players. It’s too bad the third and final game of the trilogy was never released. They’re hard to find now, but worth it if you can. Even when I can go to the endgame, I always explore everything I can, get all the equipment and abilities, and get as high a score as I reasonably can first. I replayed these… Read more »

2 years ago

I’ve really enjoyed this year’s Winter-een-mas series, thanks for doing it.

2 years ago

This is what made Kingdom Hearts my first platinum. Yes, I played it back on the PS2, but when they remastered it, I just didn’t want it to end. I am currently working on playing through my ENTIRE steam library, and some games I’m glad they are done, others I find myself wanting to go back. I have discovered some gems this way.

2 years ago

That’s how I was on Sonic Frontiers and Hi-Fi Rush. I need more from both

2 years ago

honestly i have the reverse of your opinion on this and darktide

this felt so…. buggy to me
it was fun to be sure but damn did i have to put in effort to boot it up

2 years ago

I’m the opposite – I want to play games until I am fully satisfied with them and ready to move on. Heck, I’ve been playing Fallout 4 for a couple of months and barely done any of the main story with the factions. I want to explore, collect the things, hunt the achievements, and when I’m ready, I’ll hit as many of the endings as I want, then move on to something else.

2 years ago

I must confess I didnt play any of ywinter-een-mas game. Looks like we dont love the same games ^^

2 years ago

For me, that game is Breath of the Wild. The second playthrough I just 100% everything, but never finished the game. I just like the idea of Link being there, exploring. I think I spent a couple of months going around and killing all the Lynels on the edge of the map every time there was a blood moon. Link is waiting for me with the best weapons in the game, completely maxed out armor, and a cozy home with legendary weapons on the wall.