Day Two

January 26, 2007 by Tim

Well, today is the second day of Winter-een-mas. If you celebrate, we’re doing a series of GameDay events. We played some Battlefield 2142 last night, and it was lots of fun. Tonight we’ll be playing Rainbow Six: Vegas on the 360.

Most likely what I’ll do is, sometime before the event, I’ll clear out my friends list. Then I’ll accept all friend requests sent my way, so that people can see me to join my RS:V game. Then I’ll just periodically clean out the list to make room for new people to have a chance. It seems like the best way to handle it. I’ll post more details this evening.

Here’s the schedule for the rest of the week:

  • Friday the 26th – Rainbow Six: Vegas (360) 8PM EST
  • Saturday the 27th – Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (PC) 4PM EST
  • Sunday the 28th – Gears of War (360) 3PM EST
  • Monday the 29th -Dawn of War: Dark Crusade (PC) 6pm EST
  • Tuesday the 30th – Crackdown Co-op Demo (360) 7PM (slots by contest winner only)
  • Wednesday the 31st – Halo 2 (360) 8PM

Also, we have a 400 person Ventrilo server online, courtesy of UGT servers.

Server IP:

are a number of channels set up on the server to make it easier to find
other people to talk to and play games with, and I’ll be adding more
channels over the next few days.

This server is available to all
CAD fans for the entire week of Winter-een-mas, to make it easier to
find eachother and play games.

be popping in and out under the name [CAD]Tim, and I’ll be on shortly
before 7pm EST tonight to say hello, and prepare for our Battlefield
2142 event this evening.

(Note: You may see me on, but not talking. If that’s the case I’m away from the computer, or doing work.)

Ok, that’s it for now. The Vanguard 3-day head start begins shortly, so I’m off!

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