Here again

November 29, 2004 by Tim

Well my vacation is over. Overall it was pretty crappy, I guess. I spent the entire first half of the week stressing out over not doing work. I’d wake up all psyched to be on vacation, start gaming and whatnot, but then around mid-afternoon I would panic because I hadn’t gotten any work done yet. Then I had to remind myself that I didn’t have to do any work, because I was on vacation. Then I started thinking about all the work I could be getting done instead of playing video games and such. The first half of the week turned from a vacation into a “light work week”.

On Thursday I drove up to Cape Cod to spend Thanksgiving with my family. By Friday and Saturday I had actually begun to learn how to separate work from my life a little bit, so Friday and Saturday were awesome. I relaxed, hung out with friends, played a lot of games, and had fun. And then yesterday the vacation ended and I went back to work, getting going on this week’s comics.

Although I really only got two days of complete relaxation, taking this vacation drove home the reality of what I do for a living, and how busy running your own business can keep you. I’ve always been aware that I work non-stop, but I’ve always had the mentality that if I just get it all done right away, I’ll have time to relax and do other stuff on the back end. The problem is, new stuff keeps piling up on the back end, so there is never a lack of work to be done, and I never take time off. I think that this week, and the difficulty I had separating my work from the rest of my life made me see that I’m going to have to start to learn to schedule things better, implementing age-old traditions such as “normal work hours” and “days off”. We’ll see how that goes. Perhaps I’ll try and find a nice calendar/daily planner program to help me plan out my work weeks, etc.

The shirts that are in the store are now in stock and shipping. If you pre-ordered a shirt, your items have been shipped and will arrive in time for Christmas.

Tomorrow is going to be a pretty nifty day. Spiderman 2 on DVD and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within all at once.

I’ve got my fingers crossed that come January we’ll experience another “dead season” in the gaming industry, whereby for a couple of months no really big titles are released. That should allow me to catch up on all of the games being released now.

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