In servitutem abduco

February 2, 2007 by Tim

Ok, so I have some details regarding all of the new Ctrl+Alt+Del items going on sale. The day of the big sale will be Wednesday, February 7th.

On Wednesday morning, the following item will go on sale: Ctrl+Alt+Del Volume 3: Critical System Failure paperbacks and hardcovers, Analog and D+Pad issue #1 (6-page preview here), the Zeke stuffed plushie doll, and at least two new t-shirt designs.

The most limited item in the bunch, we feel, will be the Limited Edition Hardcover copies of Volume 3. There are only 1000 of them, which isn’t very many. That many hardcovers sold within thirty minutes last time we did this.

Half of the hardcover books will go on sale at 10am PST with all of the other merchandise. The remaining hardcover books will be made available at 6pm PST. I feel that this will give people an adequate chance to get their hands on one if they want, despite school, work, and different timezones.

The paperback books won’t be in any short supply, so if you only want a paperback, you have nothing to worry about. But let me tell you, the hardcover versions are really nice. I wish all of the books could be hardcover, but they’re a little a little more expensive.

Now, the Limited Edition Hardcover copies of Volume 3 are guaranteed to be signed by me. They also say “Limited Edition” on the cover, and come with a signed and numbered certificate of authenticity.

When I am up in Canada, if I have time after I’m done signing the Hardcover books (and I don’t see why I wouldn’t), I will start signing paperback copies. I don’t know how many I will have time to sign, at this point, and there will be no guarantee that ordering a paperback book will net you a signed copy. But if you want a chance at one, your best bet is to order early. Sometime early next week, after I’m done signing, I’ll make a post to give you a rough idea of how many paperbacks I was able to sign.

Otherwise you’ll need to catch me at one of my appearances this year (Megacon, Digital Overload, Connecticon, Otakon) to get your swag signed.

The Zeke plushies are limited, in a sense, but I’d be really surprised if they sold out in the first day. However, as I’ve mentioned, the process of manufacturing and shipping them takes a long while, so once they’re gone, it will be the end of this year before we get more in. So don’t wait too long, if you want one.

Analog and D+Pad is limited in that we won’t print any more when they’re gone, but we printed a ton of them, so I expect they’ll be available for a good while. We halso have plenty of Volume 3 paperbacks.

I’m not sure how limited the shirts will be yet. I’ll probably have that information Wednesday.

If you’re wondering what book Lucas is reading in today’s strip, it’s the Eisenhorn trilogy, by Dan Abnett. This was the book I brought with me when I went to Jamaica last month, to read while on the beach. I finished the first two books, Xenos and Malleus while I was down there, and was chipping away at the third, Hereticus, over the last month. I recently finished it, and I absolutely loved it. I’ll be picking up Ravenor, the first of Gaunt’s Ghosts, and Horus Rising. Even if you’re not into Warhammer 40k, Dan Abnett is a great writer with some great stories.

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