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The Starcaster Chronicles 06.08

June 1, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

Oh boy….Triumvirates always are a pain in the butt….just thinking of the Charred Council of Darksiders….

6 years ago
Reply to  mandoschMUh

I was more thinking Mass Effect.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tue

“Ahh yes, ‘Starcasters’, a wrist mounted device with the potential energy to reshape an entire planet… we have dismissed that claim.”

6 years ago
Reply to  Dominic


6 years ago
Reply to  mandoschMUh

I was thinking more the OG Triumvirate myself. Not really a great precedent…

6 years ago

I have been waiting a long time for the Federation to have this conversation. Cool designs too!

Alain Baum
Alain Baum
6 years ago

Two typos in the last panel:

“It could it be a different starcaster?”
“… why they’v held their position for so long…”

Silly Zealot
Silly Zealot
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’m sorry to point out one myself: shouldn’t it be “Ona VI” instead of “Ona IV”?

4 years ago
Reply to  Silly Zealot

I was going to say the same thing.

6 years ago

Looking really good here Tim! I have to say, do I spy a hint of Mass Effect influence? With the three council members and the layout of the room?

6 years ago

Only a brief preview of them but I like these Federation heads so far. They’re not going to totally jump into action but they also seem like they’re not going to just sit on their hands until 100% proof shows up like so many other fictional government heads that just wait until death is directly at their doorstep. Great stuff as usual. 😀

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

Oh, now I am interesting to how the power is build in the feds. Seems like humanity is not at the very top of it if those three guys are the highest in power. I bet there are tons of “human supremacists” who think humans should lead the federation or if that is not possible (because several other alien races don’t quite trust them) then lead their own future as an empire or republic or something like that. Does humanity have many colonies, like in their own star system or even in other star systems or are they still only… Read more »

worm free head
worm free head
6 years ago

Ah, yes, ‘Reapers’. The immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space. We have dismissed this claim.

6 years ago

Is it just me or would anyone else like to see this adapted to a screenplay for a Netflix show using the, frankly, fantastic original designs? Maybe even a movie that would blow the pants off Solo.

6 years ago

Oooo, the heads of the federation. Least, that’s how it looks. And they seem to know they’ve been lied to, oh my…

“The Dranglaex lied to us? But they double-triple pinky swore that they had two!”

6 years ago

Show of hands – did anyone else think the black and gold alien was a guy until they saw the whole group?

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Austin

Are you guessing his/her/its gender? For all we know the males could be the ones with the feeding responsible for their youngs, males with milk producing boobies. Or it is both genders at the same time. Or it is a neutral gender with the sole role to raise the young so that the other genders can concentrate on other stuff like work and sex and war and whatnot.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

You’re right James. On the other hand, boobies. Alien boobies.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Fair point, though we haven’t seen evidence of that yet in the series. So far male and female have still been strictly defined, so when I saw boobs I made that assumption.

6 years ago
Reply to  Austin

My only guess is that on the last panel and going left to right, we have salarian equivalent, turian/krogan equivalent, asari equivalent

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

No Elcor? Come on! Equal representation! What kind of a federation are you?

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

They got wiped out by Cort’s accidental Starcast

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Too slow, I guess. 🙁

6 years ago

Spelling error in the last panel: they’v instead of they’ve.

6 years ago

Please take a look at your ad network. It’s starting to put in slimey ones that on an iPad at least does a pop up message and fully redirects you to their site while I’m part way through the panel.

6 years ago

Typo – “It could it be…”

Either it works by itself, but not with both

6 years ago

Long time reader, first time commenter. Love your work!

Is the extra “It” in the last panel intentional?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Let’s take a vote to see which one of these will be the one who turns to their private army and urges them to hunt down and kill the guy who’s got the Starcaster: Albino Speck, Rock Monster, or NightRack.

Or maybe they’ll do it all together and make a decree, for the good of the galaxy.

No chance that this discussion is going to land in, “You know what? I’m sure the guy who’s got it is a pretty decent guy overall, let’s leave him alone” territory.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

“Marshall, tell us about this partner of yours.”
“Former partner. Cort Ryder. Promising talent with a strong moral compass, provided said morals fell in line with what looked best for him. A good man, but……jaded, shall we say.”
“Can he be trusted with a Starcaster?”
“I trusted him with my sidearm once. He’s still using it.”

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

There’s a big difference, though, between a sidearm and a WMD that can explode a star. I think that Cort may have had some luck if he accepted Quel’s help in #5, but no way now. There are certain threats that are just too plain stupid to let continue, and leaving a Starcaster in Cort’s possession – an unproven, unpredictable criminal who routinely breaks the law, gets into conflicts with the Federation, and just recently resisted arrest – is one of them. In their eyes, he’s a mercenary with a Starcaster. You take out that threat and call it the… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

You still kinda got the point, though — probably don’t trust Cort with important weapons or objects

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I was going for mimicking Quell’s pattern of talking, where when he says he trusted Cort with his sidearm, it means he let Cort borrow it

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Oh, sorry – I know that Quell trusts Cort, and he would probably make exactly that argument. But like he said, this decision’s above his pay grade. He’s now just the messenger giving the bad news. And while the Feds might have given Cort a try if he submitted to Quel and came to them willingly, knowing that he evaded capture means that Cort isn’t loyal to the Federation. And can you trust that amount of power in the hands of someone you can’t trust, even if he comes later to your side? I mean, look at it this way.… Read more »

6 years ago

You have a typo in the last panel. “It could it be….”

6 years ago

Ah Yes, “Starcasters”. We have dismissed those claims.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Anyone notice that all of these being all conveniently have their arms hidden from view, with exception to Albino Speck, who still has his right side hidden?

My money’s on Nightrack having a Starcaster. That’s just way too awesome of a character design to not be a prominent figure later on.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

While they’re hidden from our viewpoint, their fore-appendages seem to be well in view of the other council members and I doubt a Starcaster would be easily dismissed by them as jewelry.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  octav3k

Why would any of them have to hide the fact that they wore it?

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Insurance? To keep enemies guessing about which of them truly has it? Or maybe the form of this particular Starcaster requires that it be in three parts on three beings, and the other federation starcaster is……well, somewhere else.

J Mike Reed Jr
J Mike Reed Jr
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

I think Gruff is saying the Federation HAS one starcaster, and SOMEBODY is probably armed with it during this cold war… It’s probably common knowledge within the Federation who that person is, so they wouldn’t HIDE it from each other… they are just conveniently out of OUR view to keep US guessing.

And he thinks the most badass option is to give it to “Nightrack”

6 years ago
Reply to  J Mike Reed Jr

That’s possible, but I’m remembering something Nyrah said back in Issue 5 when they found Cort’s Starcaster, about all of them differing a bit in form. If we keep an open enough mind, then that form could be included to stretch across multiple bodies, so something requiring three wearers isn’t outside the realm of possibility

J Mike Reed Jr
J Mike Reed Jr
6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Maybe by endgame the dude on the left will get to wear one on each of his 4 arms.

6 years ago

Are they implying there may be unknown Starcasters, or that there may be more than we ,the readers, are aware of? I think I read somewhere something about there being 6 known starcasters in existence. I could also be completely mixing scifi stories. 😐

6 years ago
Reply to  schnozzberries

You’re not wrong. Speck has said that there are six Starcasters. Whether this means there are more to be discovered or not, though, is something only Tim knows

6 years ago

It seems as though the heads of the federation are in fact good people- however, the lower ranks (read: hypothetically anyone else) are riddled with corruption and bribery.
And the triumvirate probably gets its bribery from time to time…or maybe they just rest on a large pile of tax money

6 years ago

Can I just say how much I LOVE the costume design in this? So much.