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July 20, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

I think Emily really likes Ethan. Those much screw ups and she’s still reacting cool.

Also, I like her outfit 😉

And Ethan: You should really do something about your stress talking.

6 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Ethan is a dam. He can only hold so much (most of which is important). Not important stuff plagues him. He needs to expel it or else he bursts.

6 years ago

wise woman

sit on the bench correctly
sit on the bench correctly
6 years ago

In Ethan’s defense, what she was talking about appears to be utterly vapid and I wouldn’t pay attention to it either.

Also, they’re both asshole bench/picnic table users. Other people who are going to use that table correctly don’t want to sit in all the grime from the bottom of your shoes you’re putting all over the seat by sitting like that. Please, nobody sit like that on a bench or picnic table in real life.

6 years ago

That looks like a pier. You’re lucky if you can avoid all the grime from all that nature, Nevermind the grime from other humans….

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I take it those shoes Ethan is wearing used to be fully black before arriving here? 😛

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Ah, the majestic Sky-rat. See how she soars high above the sun-kissed waves. Watch as she alights deftly upon sandy shores to fight for her meal – pecking and flapping to drive off her rivals. As the other sky-rats retreat, our plucky hero has won the day. With hardly a pause to celebrate, she snatched her prize – a discarded prophylactic. But her rivals return, determined to yield no easy victory. As they give chase, our hero does the only thing she can, she swallows her prize – so that she may regurgitate it later to feed her young. Indeed,… Read more »

6 years ago

You live in a sheltered world if you think nobody sits like that on a public picnic table.

6 years ago
Reply to  stromboul

You may want to give his last sentence another read, mate. Particularly the singular word “sit”. He didn’t say “Please, nobody sits like that.” He said “Please, nobody sit like that,” which with his comments preceding that, clearly suggests he’s asking everyone to NOT sit like that on a public picnic table.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
6 years ago
Reply to  slaphappy

Indeed, but no, sit like that I shall. Besides, the bottom of my clean jeans is probably more sanitary the the hands anyhow. I work in healthcare and cloth is almost always cleaner than skin.

6 years ago

The complaint is about the shoes on the bench, not about the pants on the table. 😉

6 years ago

Even the shoes on the bench? As a non-healthcare worker, the bugs & animal waste someone might have stepped in doesn’t really say “cleaner than skin”, or even pants.

1 year ago
Reply to  Freddie!

It does if you take into account the food and semi-airborne fecal material the skin on the hands has definitely been exposed to (unless the person in question never flushes the toilet afterward). Similar to the counterintuitive fact that the kitchen floor is more hazardous than the bathroom floor ‘germ’-wise.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

From that comment, I assume that you’re either single or in a relationship with the most interesting person in the world.

In which case, feel free to ignore me and enjoy a nice Dos Equis; I’m sure he has enough to go around.

6 years ago

You know what this could work. How many people besides Lucas can roll with Ethan”s crazy like that?

6 years ago

I think Ethan has that same level of crazy that all men who first start dating a girl have. He just can’t keep it in as well 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

If every girl on Earth left every guy who said something weird to her our species would’ve failed at generation one

6 years ago
Reply to  Brian

Oh goodness, the amount of stupid shit I said to my wife when we first started dating. It’s amazing she stuck it out long enough for my brain cells to start communicating in a functional way again.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cykophrog

Can confirm, females do this too. Love makes people insane if they weren’t already.

6 years ago

YES! gogo Emily!!

6 years ago

Oh my god, I laughed my ass off. Ethan’s stress-talking is the best, I have loved it since the beginning!

6 years ago

I can’t properly express how happy I am about the continuation of this specific story. Don’t get me wrong, I love the darker, more serious comics of yours. But seeing Ethan be… Ethan, is just perfect. I needed a little bit of this Monthy-Python-Level stupidity back. So, thanks.

6 years ago

I see what you’re doing here…building our attachment to Emily before horribly tearing her away from Ethan. You are heartless, and I’m loving it.

I see you Tim. I see you.

6 years ago

I don’t really have that problem. My laundry detergent is all either liquid blue or liquid green, and I can’t for the life of me think of a single drink that’s either of those colors…

….except for Mountain Dew. Damn.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

mountain dew is actually a Piss yellow color, put into a green bottle to make it less piss green appearing.

What IS Blue liquid, could be MD Voltage:D

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Well theres a couple flavors of gatoraid that would probably match up well. That said the viscosity might be a turn off as most liquid detergents are at best a syrup viscosity not a more normal water like viscosity we are used to drinking.

6 years ago

Lots of people tend to explode like that, be it real stress or the phantoms that haunt their minds, and Ethan does seem to have a teensy problem with anxiety (probably a little punch drunk from all those respawns)

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Panel 3:

Ethan: Holy crap, what did I just say? Did I just destroy this relationship?

Emily: Holy crap, what did he just say? Is he talking about a future and kids?

This ‘confession’ is making me realize that there’s another really, really big conversation on the horizon… I mean, if they really do get future-planning serious, then Ethan’s got to tell her his little immortal secret. That’s going to be an interesting conversation.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Man, its been so long since we saw them in costume (other than the little spying panel) I kind of forgot this was a issue!

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

We’ve seen nothing to indicate that he does not age so the immortality thing may not be an issue. Usually the bigger issue with immortality is outliving everyone you care about. Its entirely possible he could grow old with her and die of old age eventually. only to respawn only to die of old age agian moments later… ok not only did that train of thought go really dark but damn that would suck. Still I’d expect she’d just roll with it when the respawning bit gets blurted out at some point assuming the dark implications dont see the light… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  merendel

Dude, he’s a comic strip character. Unaging is the norm. Garfield is 40 years old, when most 40 year old cats would have long decomposed. Superman looked to be in his late 20s about 80 years ago, and doesnt look a day over 29 today. Dagwood has been working for J.C. Dithers and eating gigantic sandwiches for almost ninety years. The burden of proof lies in proving that he does age, rather than proving that he doesn’t.

6 years ago

I wonder if his respawn ability applies to his sperm when it’s hit with a contraceptive, making it functionally unstoppable?

Is that characoal ice cream she’s eating? Get out now!

Best way to sit on a picnic bench.

Do you think Lucas uses his arrows as TV trays?

ADHD is a wonderful squirrel.

6 years ago
Reply to  Steven

1. Probably not, men constantly create new…you know. So I doubt it would work like *that*. His powers being genetic would be interesting though.
2. No, its Butane ice cream.
3. I mean, it might be. There could be a better way.
4. Only when they’ve been so busy that no one has done any dishes in a week
5. They really are nice.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Steven

1. Don’t think so; the body relies on cell death for normal bodily function (think hair, nails, etc). It seems like regeneration happens when he experiences brain death, but not before.

2. Dude, have you even had charcoal ice cream? How do you know it’s not delicious?

3. Best way is sitting with your feet hanging off one end, goggles on your face, a cape over your shoulders, flying your imaginary starship through the galaxy

4. Probably not, unless he wants to slice his arm off when accidently dropping a napkin.

5. Wait, you see him, too?

Nick Chambers
Nick Chambers
6 years ago

Is that chocolate ice cream? I don’t trust anybody that likes chocolate ice cream.

6 years ago
Reply to  Nick Chambers

Vanilla ice cream, is heaven. I can’t understand chocolate ice cream, it has no soul. >.<

6 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

Strange, I feel the same about Vanilla ice cream. If it doesn’t have something chocolate in it, I say Ni!

Ricardo Campos Perez
Ricardo Campos Perez
6 years ago

Emily really needs to sit with Ethan and co. and have a nice chat. Because maybe she could manage be a super girlfriend, but the “parallel life of Ethan” or could be “Ethan Prime” is messing with this Ethan. They need to sit and talk, with a moderator (coff, translator, coff), so there wont be any misunderstanding. Sometimes you need to sit and have a chat with some friend, who could see the problems from an outside standpoint.

Patrick DiSandro
Patrick DiSandro
6 years ago

Last comic I wondered why anyone would dislike jrpgs. “Restrictive and linear”, has this imaginary Ethan only ever played FFXIII or something?

6 years ago

If you compare JRPGs to WRPGs JRPGs are very linear. Every FF, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve, Legend of Dragoon, Dragon Quest, they are all extremely linear. Yes they allow you to “exlpore” a bit, but only after long periods of linear story.

Compare that to games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, or Baldur’s Gate, where there is much more freedom in what to do and when.

6 years ago

Someone get this boy some FFVI!

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Er, Ethan. Not you.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

You get a FFVI! And YOU get a FFVI! And YOU get a FFVI! Everyone gets a FFVI!

Patrick DiSandro
Patrick DiSandro
6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Heh, I assumed. First one to my mind was actually Chrono Trigger. I remember my brother playing it when still somewhat young, but in an age after many of the rpgs DID hit a point of always directing you towards what to do next. He kept hitting parts in Chrono Trigger where “what do I do now?” And every time the answer was the same. “Well what just happened? Okay, now what do you think your characters should do next?” It wasn’t hard to figure out ‘where to go next’ at any point, but they didn’t give you some glowing… Read more »

6 years ago

Ironically Octopath is one of the less “restricting and linear” JRPGs. Yeah all the storylines are presented in a linear chapter format, but the map is completely open from the start and you’re free to give the plot the middle finger and go explore or clear out side dungeons. Not a single broken bridge or locked door or thirsty guard or town-only-accessible-by-airship that I’ve seen so far, outside of the plot dungeons.

6 years ago

Excuse me I’m going to Go snort some Marijuana and eat some Tide Pods because my JRPG playing upbringing have me feeling like my life is lacking.

Man of the West
Man of the West
6 years ago

Good talk

6 years ago

Am I the only one that thinks Emily is part of some nefarious plot?

6 years ago

You all know shes really zeke in a synth suit right?

6 years ago

*Me when I saw the last panel:*

[quickly crescendoes as reality distorts]