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Console War, p62

August 17, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

It’s kinda worrying that this could Actually become an issue in the future.

fuck sony
fuck sony
6 years ago
Reply to  Nextgener

The future? This is an issue _NOW_

6 years ago
Reply to  fuck sony

pretty sure Nextgener means with real weapons

6 years ago
Reply to  Croi

And it is an issue now with real weapons. NATO forces use 5.56mm as standard issue, while most non-nato forces use 7.62mm bullets. Definitely not interchangable. Basically if its russian made like a Kalashnikov its going to be 100% incompatible with NATO standard armaments.

6 years ago
Reply to  Casi

You really have no clue what the hell you are talking about, do you? A 5.56mm is a .223 caliber while a 7.26mm is a .308 caliber. Someone who actually understands weapons knows you are comparing apples to oranges. I would NEVER expect my Advanced Armament AR-15 to shoot a .308/7.62mm round because it is chambered to shoot a .223/5.56mm. Just like I would never expect my Savage Model 10 to shoot a .223/5/56mm because it is chambered to shoot a .308/7.62mm round. Now, if you were to say that an a American/NATO rifle chambered to shoot a 7.62×51 wouldn’t… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Bear0402

What i was saying is: It is normal in current times for you to not be able to use your enemy’s ammo. Get off your high horse and stop mansplaining to me FFS.

I do understand weapons, I grew up with guns, and have reloaded my own ammunition since i was 10 years old. I know the difference between calibers, but obviously you think that because I am a woman, (which is obvious from my SN) that I am less intelligent about this than you?

Dude you are a fartclown for acting like that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Croi

He’s kind of an idiot if he doesn’t realize this exact thing can happen right now with the various sizes of rounds and magazines that can hold them.

6 years ago
Reply to  MacLeod

Yep. Try putting an AK47 7.62mm round into an M14 7.62 rifle. The cartridge is shorter, and will not fire. Will in fact jam your rifle to hell and gone.
NATO rounds are cross-compatible among their nations’ weapons, and former Warsaw Pact nations’ weapons (Czechoslovak/Russian/etc) ditto, but not between the two sides.

6 years ago
Reply to  Steigs

Your information is slightly inaccurate. The AK47 fires the 7.62x39mm round (f.k.a. the .30 Russian Short). The M14 fires the 7.62×51 NATO, the military version of the .308 Winchester. Your comparison suggests that they are two versions of the same round, and their lengths were standardized by their respective users (NATO and Warsaw Pact) to be incompatible with each other. In truth, they are two entirely different cartridges, with substantially different philosophy of use. The only thing they share is a 7.62mm bullet diameter, which is roughly .30 caliber, a common bullet size used by dozens of cartridges used in… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Steigs

Just curious, I had always heard the AK47 could fire NATO rounds. I was told if the bolt closed it would fire it. True? It was used as an example of why it was a superior weapon. M16 was over engineered, it was said.

6 years ago
Reply to  Steigs

AK-47 has advantage of being simple and reliable, the very desing was copied by Finnish defence forces(though we did get rid of the wooden parts) and later by Israelis. Due to the bullet being slightly larger and cratridge smaller I doupt it’ll fit well in any 5.56×45 NATO rifle. Now the larger rounds for hunting and heavy duty military rifles, those are another story since they tend to have larger cartritges. Ifwe want more examples the US M2 browning is .50 cal and so is Soviet NSV, the latter how ever 9mm larger cartridge and slightly different in shape, I… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Nextgener

Actually irl, we even use the same bullets as our enemies … The real issue is allowing either side to get that close

6 years ago

I really, really, really enjoy this Console War comic of yours.

Epic idea and flawless execution!


6 years ago

Is this a Fortnite reference? I feel like this is a Fortnite reference…

6 years ago
Reply to  LazerWulf

I think the “4T-Nite Rifle” makes that quite clear.

6 years ago
Reply to  LazerWulf

“4T-Nite” -> “FourT-Night” -> Fortnite

6 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

Oh good, we did the math and it was a fortnite reference.

The Legacy
The Legacy
6 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

Makes perfect sense. Fortnite multiplayer servers aren’t cross-compatible with EVERY OTHER platform. lol

6 years ago
Reply to  LazerWulf

The “4t-Nite Rifle” and the whole thing with the Switch and PS4. Had to read the comments as well to see what it meant.

6 years ago

no crossplay for you

6 years ago

Sony logic: If we allow crossplay, people can pay for add-ons on someone else’s store and we won’t get a cut.

Normal logic: “Well, Sony doesn’t have crossplay capability… guess I should buy any other system.”

Giving your competitors an advantage is not good planning. Plus… if you let your people play with a bigger playerbase… they play more. And they buy more… through you.

Or, yanno, give ’em a great reason to install it on their phone and make their purchases on that platform instead of yours.

6 years ago
Reply to  DannyboyO1

Yeah, it literally doesn’t cost them anything and make their customers happy, and a side effect is that they play the console more often which likely increases the chances they will buy other games for the console. They might miss out on “potential” profit they could of otherwise strong armed from their customer(well that isn’t quite accurate but it is how people feel), but is that really what you want to be known for?

6 years ago
Reply to  DannyboyO1

And this is why, after years happy with the PS4, we bought an Xbox One S, want to play Console with PC (so i can have my laptop out and my partner can play on the Console).. So now the PS4 is gathering dust, and instead of buying NEW PS4 games, we wait for bargain basement prices.. Probably pick up God of War and Detroit become human in the new year sales. Way to go Sony, you drove me from being a Pre-order customer, to a wait and buy cheap customer. Can not see how this IMPROVES your bottom line… Read more »

6 years ago

Easy solution: Take the dead console’s gun and dual fire both during combat while screaming as loud as you can! That always works……right?

6 years ago
Reply to  Tiamatt

You missed the biometric locks.

6 years ago
Reply to  Nealithi

Take three drops of blood too.
It’s a dead guy and its war.

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Biometrics are not blood scanners. They require enough information that a dead body cannot give, including pressure distribution of your grip.

6 years ago

Or in a world with talking playstations.. maybe actually plugs in?

6 years ago
Reply to  DaRansal

That would be great!
Nintendo guns with the arm attached…
A X-box head communicating false info to HQ….

fuck sony
fuck sony
6 years ago

Good luck winning this war when your opponents have signed the Cross Play Treaty and are working together, Sony.

(that was a sarcastic good luck, because Sony are a bunch of bellends)

6 years ago
Reply to  fuck sony

Cross play is a neat idea, but Cross Saves is a better idea. Let me play my character across all platforms of the game. It would be a huge incentive to get a game, no matter what console.

6 years ago
Reply to  Croi

Can’t you already do that with Fortnite?

Pissed me off with Destiny 2 since I couldn’t go from XB1/PS4 to PC… so I just dumped my old guardian.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

War, War never changes~

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Old Snake begs to differ.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dreamer

And I’m leaning more to the Old Fella’s side

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

“War…War never starts unless there’s explicit consent from all parties…”

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Ha! I see what you did there…

Bob the adventurer
Bob the adventurer
6 years ago

woo more console war

would love to see some battle maps

6 years ago

I think Tim actually made one, though I expect it would look considerably different now.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

When and where? Got a link for it?

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

I looked it up in the archive but could find anything. But I was kinda shocked when realizing this has been only the 2nd Console War strip this year….time goes by, man.

Btw, I really enjoy reading the comments by know, coz in 90% of the cases where I don’t get what Tim was going for you guys in the comment section are answering my questioning look 😀 Thanks for that!

And as always: great work, Tim, keep up doing what you do! d_(^.^)_b

6 years ago

I was wondering how Xbox and Switch crossplay stuff would look in Console Wars. I don’t suppose there is going to be ceasefire between 2 to concentrate on Blues?

Old Man Carlos
Old Man Carlos
6 years ago

You would have think Sony had learned from BETAMAX vs VHS. I’m old enough to remember that failure.

6 years ago
Reply to  Old Man Carlos

Well, they got their ego-stroking when they won the Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD war, so now they think they’re invincible and can get away with all sorts of crap. They’ll learn when they go to release their next-generation console and find no one wants to spend $699 on the PS5 because there’s guaranteed no cross-play support, and it’ll hurt quite badly. Especially when Microsoft undercuts them again with a $499 X-Box model, and Nintendo does what Nintendo does best. I don’t have any games that support it, but even I think Cross-Play is a good idea. X-Box, Windows, and Nintendo gamers… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Dakala

Eh…give me cross saves more than cross play

Charlie Quickstep
Charlie Quickstep
6 years ago

Very nice observation: the “ammo,” (software) from Xbox doesn’t fit the guns (platform) in Play Station. There’s no standardization because “the children at the top can’t play nice together.”

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

I kind of thought that it went like this: The soldiers (consoles) can’t use the same guns (software), but are frustrated because you can’t even share ammo (player accounts) between them, despite that they’re the exact same thing and because their enemy has no such restriction.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

That’s how I have been reading these.

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Thanks for the breakdown, kind internet stranger.

In the past, I’m thought the metaphor has been ammo = software, so I wasn’t quite tracking this comic. I’m sure it doesn’t help not being up to speed on most of the controversies of this current console generation (those involving EA notwithstanding), but even then, a little context goes a long way.

6 years ago

What’s happening on September 7th? I haven’t been following Sony closely, is there a couple games set to be released?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

I’ll give you a hint: it does whatever a Spider can.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

The Piss4 is getting a can of RAID? they must be serious about stomping out bugs.

And yes I got the actual reference, just read “spider can” and thought of bug spray. couldnt resist.

6 years ago

These guys are gods damn lucky that PC isn’t on this. the ammount of fire power and it’s variety would hammer all opposition, and enough bodies that it would take smartphones and tablets to have numerical superiority.

Not saying PC gaming master race, but beter geared for war. especially on strategical level. Enjoy fighting against RTS fanatics or nuke every one 4x or Grand strategymasterminds. I may have let some bias in here, better purge it with 40K goodness, For the Emperor(or GabeN and his STEAM Marines)!

6 years ago
Reply to  Jaksteri

PC is the space aliens that control the planet that the consoles could defeat if they worked together but instead allowed to take over the world because they didn’t learn to share in kindergarden.

6 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

You know, Console wars could do a snippet about the PC empire…

… and how said empire is a wild west styled nightmare of ill-fitting hardware (an empire of nations all squabbling with each other over their equipment, and an overworked R&D department who can’t catch up with all the compatibility bugs?)…

6 years ago
Reply to  Jaksteri

That is true. I have not owned a console of any kind since the Sega Saturn. I was Sega all the way back in those days of the console war, then I went PC and never looked back. Heck Sega left too and just makes software now.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lily

I’m full on PC master race but I did pick up a switch, partly for the nintendo exclusives but mostly for the portable nature. Damn convenient to have when your stuck in a waiting room (I’m transportation for my father to doctors visits frequently)

Malachite Drake
Malachite Drake
6 years ago
Reply to  Jaksteri

The United Nations of PC are an alliance of independent nations that agreed to the Keyboard and Mouse Accords. A sprawling confederation, there are three primary cultural blocks: the minimalists of the Apple Bite, the quirky but versatile Unix Universalists, and most numerous followers of the Four Windows, but the peace holds. New nations have recently joined the alliance: the small but powerful continent of Tablet, and the chain of islands known as Smart Phones, which seems to add newly discovered islands every few years – a geological feat that has many scientists stumped and some skeptics wondering if they’re… Read more »

6 years ago

Ouch…burn hard…

Cross-play is nice, but cross save is what is really needed. It’s similar in that I can just change from one platform to the next and still have access to everything. Since most things are “cloud based”, there’s no reason to not have this.

6 years ago

so perfect

6 years ago

Huh. Hitting “back” takes me to the previous console comic, from months ago, instead of the previous comic from days ago.

Not sure if I like that or not.

6 years ago
Reply to  juckto

While on the home page, if you use the “First” and “Previous” buttons above and below the comic, it goes by order of upload. If you hit the arrow to the left or right of the comic, you begin browsing through that Story’s archive and all the Forward/Reverse buttons only move you through that archive until you go back to the home page (or into another archive).

6 years ago

Please, Morita your best ideae console wars! It’s your best series! I love all you do, but this one is my favorite!

6 years ago
Reply to  Destino

Man, so many typos in A single sentence!

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

I just feel sorry for those poor Switches. If they had only a few weeks – just a few weeks! – they might have been able to transfer their consciousness across the cloud and download their memories into a new body. They could have lived again!

But here they lay, bricked and lifeless; all their journeys done.


6 years ago

Now imagine Sony being a ‘white supremacist’ not wanting it’s pureness tainted by ‘second rate consoles’ then it has a daughter, ps5, and she wants to mix, etc, etc.

6 years ago
Reply to  Taurus

Now, did last time this comic tried to touch upon heavy subjects really go well?

6 years ago

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!! More console wars!!! I’ve been raging about how stupid the Valve Corporation is all day today (I had to reinstall TF2 after it was deleted by Steam itself without me knowing), so this is a welcome relief. On a related note, I need some advice: I’ve decided to bow out of the PC master race and get a console. Xbox One S or Nintendo Switch? (I’ve already ruled out the Pissfour.)

6 years ago

It comes down to portability vs power and which set of exclusives entices you more. you get more eye candy with the xbone, the switch you can just pick it up and walk off while still playing. I favor nintendo but I’ve had most of their systems over the years so realize I have a bit of bias. I skipped Xbox as they had nothing I was all that interested in I couldn’t also get on PC, normally in a better form.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  merendel

Agree with the above. Both have been out long enough to have decent libraries; Xbox gets games that Nintendo doesn’t, and vice versa. Though what the XB1 has and what the PC has are pretty much identical. If you’re like me, and have very little personal time due to life, work, kids, responsabilities… the Switch is a game changer. But if portability doesn’t matter to you, and if you’re not interested in Nintendo’s first party software, then the XB1 will probably fit you better. Or, you know, save your money and wait a year and a half for when the… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Look at exclusives. Switch may be hailed as supporter of indies in majority, but it was temporary period while it awaits support from 3rd party developers. And what support it has. Xbox crossplay is one of big selling points to enjoy some favorite games you already played before. New games and ports come on Switch. And of course, Nintendo has it’s own games.
Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Xenogears Cronicles 2…

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
6 years ago

Why rule out the console with the better exclusives? I own a PS4, PC, and two Switches. I can’t think of a single reason to add an Xbox to that menagerie or cash in my PS4 to get one. I can echo the support for the Switch. I absolutely love mine. Nintendo is doing great work on their first party games and is actually playing nice with other developers. The only thing that will hold the system back, really, is multiplayer. The online functions are still a developing process and we just don’t know how things will go. Although Splatoon… Read more »

6 years ago

But it was a cross-play between a free to play games, not some major AAA title.
How can that make people don’t buy the console? I can’t understand this.