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Console War, p61

April 30, 2018 by Tim

This one goes out to Skyblade.

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Building Books
Building Books
6 years ago


6 years ago

They have to finally deploy the X soldiers. I miss them in comic 🙁

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Winring

I’m just dying to see what they look like. I kind of wonder if they’ll actually be shorter, as the X is a bit tiny.

Tiny… but fierce!

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Like a swarm of 50 3 inch tall dromeasaurids attacking you.
Honestly just get the extra large dustpan.

6 years ago

Heh love seeing console war back on the docket. Kinda have to admit Nintendo does quirky and innovative fairly well. May not have the oomph the others pack into their systems but has a charm all its own.

Brian Stryker
Brian Stryker
6 years ago
Reply to  merendel

Seriously. Nintendo never does anything half assed really.They don’t release something UNTIL they know it’s ready. That’s why you never hear about a nintendo system or game coming out with huge game breaking issues like Playstation/Xbox games

6 years ago
Reply to  Brian Stryker

The Wii U and the Gamecube are actually their only flops. And both did reasonably well.
Sony has far fewer in the realm of gaming as they have one system. Given that Nintendo has(had?) multiple, that’s really impressive.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

personally I’m surprised game cube is considered a flop. It had a number of very good games and one of the best controller designs of any Nintendo system to date. WiU ya no argument there. You can see the same design thinking that lead to the switch but the tech just wasnt ready to pull it off in a compelling way.

6 years ago
Reply to  merendel

It was a solid console that did well off its own bat, however compared to the others of its generation (Xbox and PS2) it’s a flop, the lack of media really killed it’s advertising and lack of piracy options damaged console sales.

6 years ago
Reply to  Terra

Dude stop, the GameCube was not a flop, just because the Ps2 came iin doesn’t mean it was a flop. If you want a flop then look at the Dreamcast.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

I feel rather old that I’m the first and only one to bring up the Virtual Boy…

6 years ago

ahaha that’s genius

6 years ago

Now all Nintendo has to worry about is that exploit in their hardware processor.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

Can’t believe the Nins are having a fighting chance against Xbones and Eraserheads with cardboards and tapes. XD

6 years ago

I’m guessing the next comic we’ll see the Eraserheads deploying their super weapon: an axe wielding angry guy with a BOY!

6 years ago
Reply to  Spiderous

They probably deploy just another high-end heavy duty howitzer that named GoW despite being the 4th iteration of its kind.

Not counting the various lower caliber types of cannons, and the several handheld anti-amour cannons that uses the same concept with the GoW howitzers.

6 years ago
Reply to  Spiderous

And now I cant get the mental image of Kratos charging into battle with his axe in one hand and his kid strapped to his other arm like a shield. Both are screaming for very different reasons.

6 years ago

Look at the chest… it’s a SNES “mini”

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  SpaceLemur

Holy crap, I never saw that. Love the little details!

6 years ago

Thanks for the shoutout, Tim. 🙂 Great job. I thoroughly laughed at this one. The Console Wars always put a smile on my face.

6 years ago

‘Labo’-tomy. Oh, Tim, that’s brilliant. You win a free set of dictionaries today. What? You don’t need dictionaries? Well, tough. Tell your–


–to use them for target practice then or something. That or make another game system out of them, I suppose.

6 years ago

Boy, i missed those console wars comics! It’s such a great story to tell! I hope you can publish more of the Nints, Xbones and Eraserheads, Tim!

6 years ago

I picked up the set with like 5 different builds and am impressed at both how well they work and how interesting it was to put together and learn about the system. The fishing, especially, is entertaining. My only main complaint is what they used in place of a user manual type thing, clearly geared for kids, that acts like a group chat between multiple users with non-skippable videos and animations. And you can’t move onto the next one without watching the first, etc. I think it’s cool information to learn, but not a fun way to learn it as… Read more »

6 years ago

I was skeptical about the Labo at first, but if you take a look at Labo-Garage website they have going for it, Labo is also being used at a tool for STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) learning programs, robotics and programming main focuses. Nintendo is putting into making educational games with Labo, learn by doing sorta deal, not just some gimmick based games. shrewd.

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
6 years ago

ilove the console wars i wish there was a separate comic for it lol they could tell stories from console wars of the past alll the way to the arcadeian war lol

6 years ago

It’s some kind of cardboard-titanium composite.
It’s actually resistant to bullets

6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

This surprises me far less than it would if anyone else had made it. Nintendo has always made their hardware to last.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

I guess having a cross-platform cease-fire on the Minecraft and Rocket League front doesn’t mean they’re suddenly friends.

6 years ago

Hea Tim, just to let you know you have video adds that are popping up and autoplaying with sounds

6 years ago

Tim, are there any plans to address the PSVR in the Console Wars?

I kind of see it as either an experimental or niche piece of equipment in the Wars. There aren’t a lot of them, and of the troops who do get one it turns out not everyone can use them. But in just the right hands it becomes truly devastating, and a grunt becomes an elite overnight. Particularly if a PS4 Pro got their requisition filled out, but an original PS4 can still mostly handle it.

6 years ago

It’s nice being able to navigate to the previous comic in a series, but we lost the ability to navigate to the previously posted comic from Friday.

Any possibility to be able to do both, or is Friday’s comic in the aether now?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

I thought that the Switch was applauding himself in the last panel.

Now I realize that he’s actually miming crushing the others.

That’s slightly horrifying.

6 years ago

I wounder if we get a flash back to the previous generations, I want to see the rise of PlayStation from the nines mistakes and the last stand of sega or even better, the video game crash and the arcade wars.

9 months ago
Reply to  will

Nintendo didn’t make a mistake. SONY made the mistake

Really Just Hopes The Steam Show Up Again
Really Just Hopes The Steam Show Up Again
5 years ago

You know, i really hope we get some more Steam content. maybe they act as merchants for a short time during the summer?