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August 27, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

I literally bled myself to gather all that blood, why won’t you take it?!

6 years ago

Funny how the guy who secretly is a superhero may well wind up on the news as a potential supervillain now… I mean, are they going to question where he got all that blood?

6 years ago

Ofc. he wasn´t hygenic.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tue

and aren’t they supposed to draw blood themselves?

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Yeah, who knows how long that blood’s been out of his body. As a donor myself, I know that whole blood doesn’t have that long of a shelf life, and that’s even with right out the tap and storage. It’d be similar to just letting a raw steak sit out on the counter for a similar amount of time.

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Honestly it’s the lack of anti-coagulant that’s the bigger issue here. Blood stored like that will be totally useless really damn quick. You put blood that’s starting to coagulate into someone you can kill them.

6 years ago

Plasma is the better way to go, you can get $300 – $500 a month donating plasma and it’s easier than blood since you can donate twice a week.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tadpole

Seeing as there’s 8 donation periods in a month, that’s 37 to 62 bucks a donation. More or less exactly what Ethan was going to get.

6 years ago
Reply to  Pajuka

Problem with blood is you have to wait 8 weeks between donations.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tadpole

Richmond vigilante superhero Blue Bolt pays his rent by going to the local power plant and providing power to the city. Gets paid a nice check each time he does it, plenty for rent and for food.
(No, not a reference to anything, just something I came up with out of thin air)

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

I can already hear Lucas thoughts “Wait, did you… with your…but why would you… Ethan!!!”. XDDD

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

“They have great pasta here, and the -DAMNIT ETHAN, STOP BREAKING SHIT!!”

6 years ago

That made me laugh.

6 years ago

Why not just sell an organ or ten?

6 years ago
Reply to  Klaster_1

After donating his liver for the seventh time in a row, some questions may arise.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dominic

He could probably save more lives in the world if he just became an infinite source of kidneys and livers. He probably wouldn’t be able to donate anything else because he would be unable to recover to 100%.

6 years ago
Reply to  David

You can live with one lung too. Skin, muscle and bone should be possible too. He could even be a source of stomachs, intestines, and pancreas if you could keep him alive with an IV.

The question is, does a healthy torso with only one lung, a brain, and a heart count as a “recovered” Ethan? Also that sounds like a pure hell, a very good reason to keep his superpower under a tight lid.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Dominic

The guy just went to the blood bank with what looks like a 3.5 gallon bucket full of blood. The human body holds, tops, 1.5 gallons.

In any sane universe, a SWAT team would be halfway to their home, and the FBI would be cross-referencing Ethan against a dozen or so recent murders and unsolved crimes.

Gotta love Lucas’ lack of expression on the last panel. To him, it’s just a normal Monday.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Another guess is they would assume he was trying to rip them off with a large bucket that was 5% blood, 90% water and a lot of red food coloring.

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Why not just 0% blood, A bunch of water, and a bunch of red paint?

5 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

In this comic, it is not said the people at the donation center actually know it is human blood. The crying and all that drama could be because they thought Ethan killed a bunch of animals (pets?) and took their blood by himself.
Gross enough for a good yelling (I’m happy Tim never drew the blood-vomit-cereal mix, I have enough trauma in my life)

Skull the Troll
Skull the Troll
6 years ago
Reply to  Klaster_1

Because you can’t sell organs in America? – And hes not going to regrow a liver, so it would just disappear after he respawned. He could probably donate skin or something else that regenerates. His best bet is probably semen. You get paid for it and it regenerates much more quickly than blood or plasma.

Burning Batsu
Burning Batsu
6 years ago

Pretty sure it is not set in America. Last I checked, Omnitropolis was not an American city 😛

Erik B
Erik B
6 years ago
Reply to  Burning Batsu

Also definitely not Canada. No blood money up here, just volunteers donating blood.

5 years ago
Reply to  Burning Batsu

It’s somewhere in the US, not sure where.

6 years ago

I like the “muscle work” you drew there. It really gives an idea of the amount of strength he has to put into it.

6 years ago

So what about other body “fluids”? Do they also vanish if he kills himself after he has deposited them where he didn’t want them to be anymore?

6 years ago
Reply to  NNextremNN

THe other “Fluids” are not creating from his cells so I don’t think they are a part of him.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  NNextremNN

I see where you’re going with this, and my guess is no- last strip, Ethan was talking about how he always respawned back to his ‘last healthy state.’ The blood disappeared because it was in him at his last healthy state.

Even if suicide/respawning was an effective contraceptive, I’m pretty sure that it would be just a LITTLE traumatic in the bedroom.

6 years ago

Maybe I’m missing something, but this does not make sense to me, at all. So, Ethan drains some of his blood, then he recovers 100% (so He said) and kills himself. Why? If He’s recovered 100% (as was said in the previous comic), why does He need to kill himself? He said He goes back to his last healthy state. That means He goes back to just before He killed himself.. He’s basically killing himself for nothing, take the (useless) dying out of the equation and He’s just donating blood like anybody else (drain, recovery, drain again).. He gains nothing… Read more »

Lord Forrest
Lord Forrest
6 years ago
Reply to  Sam

He only killed himself to see if the blood would disappear once he was healthy. That was a necessary experiment to make sure that any blood he donated would stay donated. For example, they use his blood to save someone’s life except Ethan respawns and the blood disappears.

Do you understand now? Was literally just an experiment to make sure he could actually donate blood without issues.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lord Forrest

I get that. Still, not the point i was making. He can’t possibly drain himself of that amount of blood ‘in a few days’, as said in the caption, unless he dies doing it, but that would make the blood he just drained disappear.
My point is, he has no advantage whatsoever on donating blood compared to anyone else, since his powers are useless. To donate the amount of blood he’s lugging around without dying and taking time for recovering between each drain would take months.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sam

Huh. Good point.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sam

You’re missing the point, methinks- He draws the blood, then dies; the blood itself doesn’t disappear. He respawns, full to 100% health again, draws blood, then dies. now he’s got twice the amount of blood (since it doesn’t disappear when he respawns), etc. He can (so far as we know or understand, and so far as he knows as well…) die and then respawn as many times as he wants, drawing blood each time, in as quick a succession as he can possibly do, and the blood won’t disappear. This means that he can serve as a nearly infinite supply… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Mano

No. In the previous comic he said he has to get back to ‘100% healt state? before dying. Because dying gets him back to his ‘last healthy state’. So the blood does not disappear only if he’s recovered before dying.
If he has to recover at 100% before dying he does not need to die at all. Look at my first post.

6 years ago

The thing that’s funny for me, is that I’ve worked at both a blood bank and a plasma center. I actually had somebody call up one time, and this is almost word-for-word the conversation: Me: <provides the obnoxious greeting the company says we're supposed to provide, followed by: "This is Jerrod, how may I help you. Him: "Yeah, you guys buy blood there, right?" Me: "We're a plasma donation facility. You donate your plasma, and we reimburse you for your time, as it's a bit lengthier process than donating blood." Him: "So you buy blood, right?" Me: "We reimburse for… Read more »

6 years ago

Is it weird that a huge bucket of blood doesn’t bother me but the thought of taking out a tiny vial with a syringe does?

6 years ago

Start investing in fake mustaches my friend.

6 years ago

Better then plasma donations. One jackass tried to rob the place so now they only give ‘gift cards’ that can only be used at winco.

6 years ago

Y’know, bleeding money doesn’t actually mean…you know what? Nevermind.

6 years ago

So if he respawns to his last healthy state, does he continue to age? I mean is he going to reach a point where he is incredibly old, but technically still healthy, or right on the verge of terminal cancer and he keeps respawning over and over again. I mean how is this going k end for him?

The Legacy
The Legacy
6 years ago

I wonder how many lives he has. Because, if he’s not careful, you could end up out of lives, game over, and we’ll be starting ctrl-alt-delete 3.0. XD

6 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Every time he respawns a quarter somewhere in the world is consumed in its entirety. As long as the US continues minting quarters his lives are effectively limitless!

I have no real proof for this, but it’s totally my headcanon.

6 years ago

now he should sell one of his kidneys.

5 years ago
Reply to  Arthiem

Honestly as long as they don’t do the implant within two days they’ll just think they were burgled or it went missing. A jerk move to be sure, but a good way for Ethan to make a pretty penny or two from the one and only time he sells each of his organs.

6 years ago

Always give 100%. Unless you’re donating blood. Even Ethan.