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Responsible Research

August 24, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

Well, this will be interesting. But he should also think about somekind of machinery that keeps the blood moving and avoid coagulation, because if the blood coagulates technicaly…it dies

6 years ago

So, did 1.0 Ethan die and respawn as well? Iean he got killed how many times by ninjas, and throughout the comic strip has done a massive number of things that should have killed him. We always just attributed it to Ethan being Ethan. But what if he actually respawned and we never saw it, and Lucas is just so used to it by that point he doesn’t even bother to mention it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Scortch

I would like to see that, have him respawn and see how the world have changed.

6 years ago
Reply to  Scortch

Ethan 2.0’s first death were to flying arrows, in case you missed the callback.

4 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

Wow, he did die by an arrow XDDDDD

Sans Spriggs
Sans Spriggs
6 years ago
Reply to  Scortch

It’s called “suspension of disbelief” or more accurately “Early Installment Weirdness”. 1.0 did not respawn, the comic was just not bothering trying to make things realistic. With some very specific exceptions, no one is ever Killed off for Real.

6 years ago

it is a thought though…have him be an infinite suppy of blood for anyone!

6 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

Infinite supply of blood, you say..?

Jan Tuts
Jan Tuts
6 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

If that concept interests you, you should read the comic “Strong Female Protagonist”. A similar topic comes up at some point.

Jan Tuts
Jan Tuts
6 years ago
Reply to  Jan Tuts

Also, it’s an interesting comic in general, so you should check it out regardless 😀

6 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

I don’t remember the title, but I remember having read a small manhwa (korean comic on smartphone). Earth is attacked by aliens, some kind of “superheroes alliance” try to respond, and the “hero” we follow was pretty much useless (and very narcissist). But after some failures, he became a hero at the end… in a world still invaded, with many survivors but no supply of food.

He was able to regenerate his limbs within few minutes.

Enjoy your meal !

6 years ago

Ethans really channeling Dracula. Better break out the holy water, crucifixes, and stakes.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

*Lucas does the Belmont Strut*
*Vampire Killer starts playing*

james w. crowe
james w. crowe
6 years ago

that.. that actually sounds like exactly what I would do..

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
6 years ago

Jesus Ethan, a small vial of blood would have accomplished the same thing and you’d recover faster and not look like a meth addict in the meantime.

6 years ago

Problem is this is Ethan, he never does anything small lol You are right though, if he did something small scale it would be quicker and easier, but that would defeat the purpose of this being, well, Ethan.

Likewise his plan revolves around donating massive amounts of blood for money, so his thinking is to skip ahead to see if the full plan would work from the start instead of one step at a time.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

Isn’t like a whole jug of blood a whole big deal? Like close to death deal? I mean Ethan looks more like a zombie than a human right now. Also he needs to eat and drink a lot now to replace all that lost blood not play computer games! D:

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

No, because he’ll respawn at full blood count.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ashi

Except he needs to regenerate that blood before he can be 100% healthy, so he’ll need to do that before he respawns.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

CLOSE to death but not quite, from previous research he knows exactly how much he can take out before he dies

Capn Forge
Capn Forge
6 years ago

I mean, there’s a more crucial issue that I’m concerned isn’t being brought up….they don’t buy blood by the jug. You have to donate it on site.

Omnitropolis is the same way, right?


Nick Chambers
Nick Chambers
6 years ago

Is it weird that I want to know how he managed to extract a gallon of blood?

6 years ago
Reply to  Nick Chambers

Might not have been full, then again Lucas did say “full” so idk.

6 years ago
Reply to  Trapsin

“full” is a bit subjective, look at the angle of the pour, not even half full. however one could easily be excused for the hyperbole considering…blood

6 years ago

I’m just wondering how pregnancy would go … ?

6 years ago
Reply to  Jad

Listen, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much…
Wait, you don’t mean-?
Oh, that makes things easier.
I have no clue.
However, given that Ethan’s blood does not vanish until he dies, as long as he doesn’t die for like a month (say, the time it takes for the…genetic material…to become a developing child as opposed to just an egg or such) it’d be fine. Respawning might not be passed done, though that’s a fifty fifty.

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

They stated he respawns back to last healthy state. As long as he does not do the deed while badly injured but not yet dead there should be little issue. They’d have to be prety vigourous to not end up with a new healthy save point after a night or two of rest leaving the resulting minime safely cooking. Even if ethan is ethan and goes overboard any sane partner is going to cut him off eventualy cause she’ll need a break to recover. hmm wonder if ethan can respawn to recover stamina, he’d probably have to visit another room… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  merendel

Yes but if his stored blood disappears when he respawns then one could suppose that his stored…men…would also disappear similarly. I suppose it’s a really good way of birth control.

6 years ago
Reply to  Browncloak

After a certain period of time the egg isn’t really an egg anymore, so I don’t think it would work like that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Yes but each cell has half its chromosomal count from its parent which could disappear.

6 years ago

Now I’m wondering if this was the originally planned Friday comic, or if our questions and comments on Wednesday prompted this second+ comic….

6 years ago

Well, that’s going ti be interesting research there actually, will only blood of ethan vanish when he re spawns or will whatever its currently mixed into vanish as well.

6 years ago

Lucas is surprisingly timid around blood for a superhero!

However… he’s fit in that top. Woof.

6 years ago

Is anyone else now rather scared about April Fools Day/Halloween?

6 years ago

I get the feeling the Red Cross is going to have more questions than are worth this experiment if he shows up with a gallon jug of blood.