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Turf, p10

May 8, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago

Lol never would have guessed that’s his weak spot XD

5 years ago
Reply to  NNextremNN

Well, it’s TIm’s weak spot, so..;)

5 years ago
Reply to  Fela

Well, Tim IS Ethan, so..;)

5 years ago
Reply to  NNextremNN

*Looks left, looks right* Ehem… Monster Hunter. That is all *Mic drop*

5 years ago

The hunter is nothing without the hunt.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jéquiyot


5 years ago

lol, the boy sure knows where to hit ^^
(nice new comment system, tim 🙂 )

5 years ago
Reply to  foducool

His hitbox is massive.

5 years ago

Now.. i dont have a switch, nor do i actually want one.
But i just came to think of it.
If you play with someone via the switch, you have got to be logged into an account, right?
Wouldn’t playing with someone else while masking as a hero trying to hide your identity not invalidate this by showing the other your accountname?
Probably easy enough to figure out who is who there. vOv

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That’s how they CAN work, and it would not surprise me in the slightest if Ethan’s account name can be traced back to either him or their gamestore.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

“Nice to m33t you 3Than!” -totally not surprised if this happens.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That could be his real name. Maybe his parents were just really creative…

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

haha, yeah you are right, right now here on this comment section, its pretty anonymus, and i thank you for it. But i assume that dear ethan buys his games on the switch he is using with a creditcard.
I was just thinking, didnt want to be a downer here, i’ve been reading your comics for 10+ years. 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Evilleet

To go along with you, since the kid sees the person in real life (Analog) while playing with him, he will know his account, so if he ever happens to come across Ethan out of costume while playing monsterhunter or such, he could probably put 2 and 2 together, granted this is a very slim chance of happening, however to completely circumvent this, I can imagine Ethan was at least minimumly smart enough to have a seperate online account for his Super Hero self and for regular self, but eh, might be giving him too much credit.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andminus

He owns a videostore and the “gameboy” might buy video games. But maybe he shops at megagames. ;o)

Lola The Destroyer
Lola The Destroyer
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That’s just it, what if his mom is one of those cops bent on stopping superhero’s, the duality of having a child with superpowers might make it “ok” for him to “fight” crime, since she knows he was brought up right and will stick to her rules. But if somehow he talks about Analog and the mom (who has access to his Switch) can then see the account name, can subpoena his information and find out the real person behind the mask, and effectively arrest him for what he did on top of that building, which I am sure they… Read more »

Skull the Troll
Skull the Troll
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It doesn’t stop Nintendo from knowing who he is though. Imagine Gameboy streams his session widely publicizing Ethan’s profile name. From there, probably dozens of people at Nintendo could get the information. Gameboy I’m sure is out of luck, but its still a security hole for Ethan. Of course no where near as bad a security hole as Superman just wearing a pair of glasses… but still.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

You just can’t help being a dick the people that for some messed up reason, like your awful work.

Oh wait you put a winky face, oh OK it’s totally fine for you to be a twat to your fans.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Nope, WTF clearly is a troll and i did not think you attacked me as a person, because unlike “some people” i am smart enough not to get personal on someones comment page.

On a sidenote, i like how he thinks your artwork is horrible but is yet here to watch and comment on it while pretending to care about a different reason all together. vOv

Also Tim rocks, so go away troll, nobody likes you.


Nuno Fernandes
Nuno Fernandes
5 years ago
Reply to  Wtf

what are you doing here if Tims work is awful? the recipient of his comment wasnt bothered by his answer, why were you? at least he talks to his fans, even a-holes like you. piss off

5 years ago
Reply to  Evilleet

+1 for the shrug emoticon 😀 Didn’t know this yet.

5 years ago
Reply to  Evilleet

You realize you’re trying to factualize and make sense of a comic about a guy who is a video game based superhero and can respawn when killed, right? Considering the base premise, I don’t think the superfluous details need to be 100% accurate and a little bit of suspension of disbelief can be expected.

5 years ago
Reply to  Evilleet

The Switch and MHGX do support local play and you don’t need online connection or an account for that. Even then we can assume he uses a nickname and as long as Sam doesn’t connect the account nickname to both his identities he’s save.

5 years ago

Be nice Ethan…

5 years ago

Ooo…..shiny new comments section.

5 years ago
Reply to  FITCamaro

Be a shame if something was to happen to it…

5 years ago
Reply to  FITCamaro

“For me to poop on!”

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

Ethan feel for Monster Hunter request hook, line and sinker. In other words, the kid is already part of the Gamer hero gang, even if Ethan has yet to accept it. xD

5 years ago

Away Satan, You’ll *not get me feeling feelings this time*, I’ve read and watched enough comics to know to expect GameBoy to meet some grisly end.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

I’m way more thrilled at the idea that he sees Ethan meet some gruesome death, not knowing he respawns. Ruins his idea of heroism entirely and he gives it up.

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago
Reply to  schnozzberries

That would traumatize the poor kid! D:

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Need to take it further. Fatal injury on ethan, gameboy freezes him in attempt to save his life long enough for help to arrive. Ethan respawns anyway right next to his corpse thats being prevented from despawning due to gameboy. Freak out ensues.

Could also have some weird power interaction result in multiple ethan’s spawning. that could be pure pandemonium.

5 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Ethan gets hurt really bad, Gameboy freezes him before death, and he stays frozen (at least until Lucas explains Ethan’s power). That would be kinda terrible.

5 years ago
Reply to  Christopher

I think his power is legit causing IRL lag.

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Man, that kids power is really useful. Just imagine all the thankful family members after some horrible catastrophe when he just froze the dying people so that the doctors and paramedics could focus on healing the wounded without losing anyone due too many deadly wounded and too little medical personnel.

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

If he can pause more than 1 person at a time, for any length of time, yes. Still useful even if it’s limited, but amazing if it’s not.

Lord Fancyton
Lord Fancyton
5 years ago

I feel like this poor kid is going to get wtfmurderkilled. Or really badly injured. Or something. SOMETHING BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HIM. Nothing good ever comes out of such a happy go-lucky character in a comic like this, *especially* considering there hasn’t been any really *serious* plotty fights in a while.

Not since the Zeke-Bot ninjas.

So I feel like something totally bad is totally going to happen, and now I’m scared for Sam. XD

5 years ago
Reply to  Lord Fancyton

“Analog, I dont feel so well…”. *Blows away in the wind*

5 years ago
Reply to  Lord Fancyton

I’m counting on the fact that Tim is a Dad and as such seeing awful things happen to children is particularly deep in the Nope zone. So while I know stuff will happen, I’m assuming it will be the character growth inducing type and not the traumatic type.

Jebus Kryst
Jebus Kryst
5 years ago
Reply to  ErinElizabeth

Nah, he’s 110% MDK’d/crippled/dark-sided. Buy your flowers and set up you in memoriums now before the price spikes. Best to start the grieving sooner than later if you let yourself get attached at all. This is where Tim really makes this the newer/darker CAD2.0.

…least that’s the gut feeling of this rambling madman, *pWahaHaHAhA-murgle-mumble-trail-off*

5 years ago

Ahh, frack. This kid is gonna turn out to be some kind of double agent or manchurian candidate, isn’t he? He’s gonna get in their good graces, learn their secret identities, find out where their lair is and then turn out to be an android or the kid of the big baddie, isn’t he? Shit, I’d almost rather they teamed up became great friends and then Analogue Joker stuffed him into a refrigerator.

5 years ago

This new comment section looks really good. It’s so clean!

5 years ago

I love how Ethan has a switch pouch as part of his costume. BTW love the new comment section but the gray dots kinda hurt my eyes.

5 years ago
Reply to  marfar

Gray dots?

5 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Its been changed already to a black background.

5 years ago

Tim, I just gotta say, I love Sam. He’s such a sweet and enthusiastic youngster. Please keep him around somehow after this story arc every once in a while. He induces joy in the reader just by looking at him. ^_^

5 years ago

analog, you are about to get your little robin soon (and thanks of adding new shiny and BETTER comment section)

5 years ago

I don’t think I’ve said it yet, but I love the new arc a thousand times more than I ever loved old CAD. Ethan is so much better, and I look forward to his continued growth.

5 years ago

I’m having trouble liking Ethan right now. Like that’s a kid, dude. And he’s being nice. Don’t be a douche nozzle. I get he’s dealing with stuff, but that’s not the kid’s fault.

5 years ago

I feel like we’re going to see this kid die, or at least get seriously injured. But maybe Tim isn’t like George R.R. Martin or Joss Whedon, and that won’t happen.

Jonathan Latimer
Jonathan Latimer
5 years ago

Hell Yeah Monster Hunter!

5 years ago

I’ve read CAD since the beginning and for some reason i am now concerned with game boy kids well being. We already see Ethan start to like him and i think it will lead to Ethan becoming friends with him and caring about him. And then i think game boy kid gets killed. Maybe not but, just a feeling.

edit: Should’ve read all the posts first, guess i’m not alone in my concern/prediction. If it happens, it could develop Ethan as a character a lot more.

Zach Brigante
Zach Brigante
5 years ago

Hey Tim,

BitDefender tried to block your site. I’m guessing for the pop-up add, but thought you should know.

P.S. Long time fan, keep up the great work. Love all the things.

5 years ago

Oh god the kid’s gonna die isn’t he

5 years ago

Alright, I’ve made up my mind. you are not allowed to inflict any significant trauma upon Gameboy, unless perhaps it results in him getting a sweet robot limb or something that is totally awesome. You have been warned!

5 years ago

Sam proceeds to basically solo a Bloodbath Diablos while Ethan keeps on being nearly killed.

4 years ago

dude. what is with comic artists and favoring monster hunter?? i mean it’s great but like