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Born Again

October 23, 2019 by Tim

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4 years ago

Oh how I wish I could say this was even a mildly difficult wank.

4 years ago

In this age of marketing hype and promised release dates overruling quality programming & play/bug testing to ensure an epic product, its a wonder anyone gets hopeful instead of hunkering down and waiting for the bombs to drop.

Jack Bean
Jack Bean
4 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

Frankly, this. I mean… there are some companies I trust MORE than others to deliver on their promises… or at least deliver closely enough that I can accept it.
But as time has gone on… we’ve seen more and more disaster releases. Under-releases, buggy messes, outright lies, etc. So as much as it SOUNDS like I’m gonna like this game… I’m waiting until launch and read more informal reviews to make my decision.
The only game I really see myself pre-ordering now is Cyberpunk… but even THAT I haven’t made the final decision on.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jack Bean

As you said though, there *are* companies that deliver on their promise. Look at how great Capcom has been doing lately, and of course Atlas has a great track record. Sure there are plenty that…plenty that are bad, but enough quality still exists for people to have some form of hope.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Blizzard, Bioware and Bethesda were trusted companies and look how far they have fallen.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jack Bean

I only preorder games from companies I trust. Sadly, the only company I trust right now is CD Project Red. The rest are either unknown so I won’t preorder them or the rest have gone down the toilet in quality to the point that I no longer trust them and more inclined to not get their games anymore. Pretty much all the major video game companies (EA, Activision/Blizzard for example.) are in that category where I will not preorder games from them and am more likely to not buy a game from them period.

4 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

And what exactly has Obsidian Entertainment ever done to make you distrust anything they might release? The best of the Modern Fallouts (New Vegas)? Pillars of Eternity? Tyranny? Heck, Kotor II was probably their “worst” release because of bugs and being rushed out by their producers, but even that probably had the better story over the original, as much as I loved Kotor. Obsidian is an A+ traditional RPG producer, ones who haven’t forgotten the important bits about what made those games great. I for one am looking forward to it. I can think of zero reason not to trust… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

Happily having other pressing financial concerns tends to take away that “Pre-Order NOW” decision and lets you sit back and get the popcorn for either the shitshow or all the awesome react videos.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

There are plenty of things to be hopeful about that have a much lesser chance of blowing up spectacularly than upcoming game releases.

Quite frankly, I’m done with hype trains that exist solely to sell preorders and founder’s packs for games that have a high chance of being incomplete, unenjoyable messes. To be fair, this is mostly in regards to online games or games that have substantial multiplayer; offline games tend to be less likely to disappoint me.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Yeah, let’s get majorly disappointed every few weeks. That sounds like a way more fun way to live.

This is why pessimists have it great. They can either end up feeling happy knowing they were right, or end up feeling happy knowing the final product was good. It’s a win-win!

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

it is fun and is not that hard to do, become a pesimist, is really easy, is enjoyable and the best part nothing can dissapoint you because you are never expecting anything great from any game company. You can be hopeful on other aspect of life Tim, come join us.

Biff Tannen
Biff Tannen
4 years ago
Reply to  Alex

I prefer the term realist.

Tom B
Tom B
4 years ago
Reply to  Biff Tannen

Realist is one way to say someone who observes the industry’s conduct (repeated at that) and adapts to it in ways to protect oneself. Maintaining a supportive, expectant stance while time and again the industry’s major players show they are simply amoral business machines rather than people interested in creating great games that work well (except where that serves the whole ‘get the most money’ objective) is simply irrational. I get the industry needs supported. There are exceptions of companies and products that seem like a much better likelihood of a good outcome and who are making corporate decisions that… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Alex

That’s waaaaaay to hopefully for a pessimist.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Some of us have already been burned multiple times just this year alone for being hopeful.

Tom B
Tom B
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

You know, I’ve discovered I can be happy and hopeful without tying that to video games nor to new releases. Due to my financial restraints, I have a $25 cap on video game pricing (and not too many of them). That means I get games that are 1-2 years old or on great sales. I’m *just* as excited as if it were freshly out because it’s a new game to me (nouvelle vs. nouveau if you were French). My library has tens of games I got on sale but haven’t even had time to play. With this, I don’t live… Read more »

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
4 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

I dont have to do either. Pre-Ordering is unnecessary. You can buy the game after it comes out. Usually, as cheap or cheaper.

4 years ago

I’m still waiting for Borderlands 3 to drop in price…but I have to admit I have preordered Outer Worlds after watching acg on the YouTube.

4 years ago

Make this the new business standard instead of a suit and tie and watch the hilarity ensue.

4 years ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

He is right that it flatters his body type 😀

Samuel G Alterio
Samuel G Alterio
4 years ago

Honestly, the second I heard Outer Worlds was going to be on Game Pass on release I instantly lost hope given the last big releases for it were lacking content or promised features (Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2).
I’m still hoping for the best, but current info is starting to sound like a short game that’s not quite as open world as Fallout New Vegas.
I’m sure it’s going to leaps and bounds better then Fallout 76, but that’s still not saying a lot.

Samuel G Alterio
Samuel G Alterio
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

But Sea of Thieves was launched with next to no content, over time it got better. I didn’t say it was terrible.
I liked Crackdown 3, but it was short and lacked the multiplayer promised and State of Decay 2 was a buggy mess that was near unplayable in multiplayer.
My concern with Game Pass games isn’t a lack of quality games, because there are good games there, just featured games coming up short when they were touted and released on Game Pass

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I wouldn’t say Sea of Thieves was a blast at launch with the lack of content it had. It was majorly panned because of that. Luckily, it pulled a No Man’s Sky and was improved and made great after launch.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Hear hear Tim!

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

… which brings up interesting questions: who else improved AFTER launch? And is this trend, unique to video games, a good thing?

You’ve already mentioned Sea of Thieves and No Man’s Sky. I know Planetary Annihilation got the same treatment, especially with the non-crowdfunded expansion Titans. LoL used to also be terrible back in the day, and look where it is now.

But here’s the thing: they’re STILL terrible at launch. So, even with the promises to be better… is it really good that this happens?

4 years ago
Reply to  wkz

AC Unity was hot garbage when released but they fixed it after to make a solid enjoyable game. But yea I do not like this trend of releasing buggy messes and letting the community basically QA their game. It is BS and leaves a bad taste in my mouth

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Indeed. 30-40 hours is a good game to me. Witcher 3 I really had to focus to get through because typically I have that mountain of a quest log, feel like I’m never making progress, and quit. But I stuck with it and was glad for it. I’m still barely through RDR2 because of how huge it is.

Also from working constantly….but hey. Who needs to relax at night or on weekends…

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I mean, you’re 100% correct. Let’s not forget that these are the devs, if not the exact company, who made the original Fallout. That was 12-30 hours of content, but it was tight and brilliant content and no one has ever claimed it to be a bad game. The outer worlds is supposed to be a similar kind of gameplay experience and there is 100% nothing wrong with that. I choose to look forward to it.

4 years ago

I WANT to play the Outer Worlds, I do. But I wanna play it on my PC as I don’t have and updated Xbox or PS4. I won’t load epic store. ARGH. Meh, I’m still deep into Days Gone to be honest, the gameplay isn’t all that but the story has greatly intrigued me.

4 years ago
Reply to  Casra

Last I heard, you can also get it on the Microsoft store. Epic isn’t the only option for this one.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

RALLY? Sheesh I’m getting old if I missed that.

Samuel G Alterio
Samuel G Alterio
4 years ago
Reply to  Casra

I can’t do EGS or the MS store, running Linux Mint in the gaming PC. Win10 wasn’t playing nice with my PC so it had to go.

4 years ago

Is Fallout76 still operational anyways?

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I mean, about as functional as Rust?

Apparently that’s basically also what that game has devolved to.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Did the rust reboot ever get back to the level of the original? I know that was buggy and had limitations but it had gameplay and not just building mechanics.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike

If you consider getting two hitted by NPCs and murdered by other players as “gameplay” then I suppose?

There’s a few keycard puzzles I guess. I did enjoy some of the private less pvp oriented servers but there’s only so many rocks you can bang on before you get tired of it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

76 is still running, and a similar story to alot of the other games mentioned, fixes over time have made it more playable even as the community shrinks.
A big BUT is the new update, Fallout 1st, gives private servers, extra in game gear etc for a monthly/annual chunk of real $.
After the BS that anyone who got in early or is still playing has put up with it may be a final straw to break many camels backs.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

Wow that’s somehow even worse than Rust then.

They should have gone the Rust route and allowed users to fix their game pro-bono in the Private servers.

Basically what people have been doing for the Fallout Franchise since it went 3D.

4 years ago

wow….broke up with fallout that badly

4 years ago

He looks ready to be sacrificed to the beast………

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Next is the part where Perseus swoops down, and saves him from Poseidon’s sea monster

4 years ago

I don’t get it, why can’t he wear white?

4 years ago
Reply to  Timothy

Old trope about not wearing a white bridal gown if it’s not the bride’s first wedding

4 years ago
Reply to  Deaks

Thought you couldn’t wear a white bridal gown if you weren’t a virgin, not the weather you were married before?

4 years ago
Reply to  Timothy

If you’ve never been married, of COURSE you’re still a virgin. Pre-marital sex is a sin. Besides who’s going to stand up and say, “she’s not a virgin! I had sex with her.” Then you’re both in trouble.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bakhtosh

Ah, purity, the standard of the puerile. 😛

4 years ago
Reply to  Bakhtosh


4 years ago

Well I’ve been dating since ET came out and if there is one thing I have learned it’s never go out on a blind date. I wanted to get Fallout 76 on release but history made me wait. I picked it up this last June (my 50th birthday) and so I missed the nasty breaking in period. Same with most games, I wait till we both know each other before taking it to the next level. The Frozen Wilds DLC was released before I picked up Zero Dawn. At my age you don’t want a virgin, you want someone stable… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Glen

Preferably, you want someone stable and without STD’s… Which is where the virgin part comes in, among other things.

4 years ago
Reply to  KitsuneDragoon

STD tests are a thing… I have no particular objections to dating a virgin, but there’s definitely something to be said for an experienced woman who knows what she wants and isn’t shy about telling/showing you.

4 years ago

KOTOR 2. Alpha Protocol. New Vegas. Every time they try to make a large project, three things are true: 1) I get really excited about the concept 2) They put together an interesting story, innovative gameplay concepts, and lay all the groundwork for a well-written and well-designed game 3) The game is released with so many bugs, glitches, and technical ineptitude that it borders on being unplayable even after years of release and numerous patches, mostly released by fans. Seriously, the average Obsidian title- after it’s been out for a year and been patched a bit- is still so glitched… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Using New Vegas and KotOR 2 as examples of Obsidian being a bad developer is disingenuous. Both New Vegas and KotOR were rushed jobs on engines that Obsidian did not have experience with, as well as the IP owners having much more control over the development of the games. You have to take into account the outside forces on the development cycle of these games. New Vegas was made in 18 months. Considering the sheer size of the game, the fact that it was even remotely playable at launch is insane. You also have to remember, Obsidian was using Gambryo,… Read more »

4 years ago

You mean in this timeline, Ethan isn’t married to Windows XP?!

4 years ago
Reply to  Yohoho

I’m surprised you’re the only one to bring this up! It’s the first thing I thought of.

4 years ago
Reply to  Yohoho


Taylan Ertan
Taylan Ertan
4 years ago

Well I will wait for Steam release non-the-less. I don’t trust Day 1 releases anymore to work properly. Not to mention I will not touch Epic Store AT ALL.

4 years ago

After reading all these comments I’m sad. I’m sad that the gaming community at large has become so jaded that they can’t get excited about anything anymore and if you -DO- get excited about something you’re immediately blasted for being naive and optimistic.

I can understand being jaded. It’s just a sad state to be in.

Samuel G Alterio
Samuel G Alterio
4 years ago
Reply to  Steve

I’m thrilled you can still get excited over a new release. Seriously, good for you.
I just can’t anymore. Everything I look forward to winds up bring a buggy mess. I’d rather these companies actually finish their games instead of push out with a “We’ll finish it later” mentality.

4 years ago

I have dodgy eyes.
I didn’t read that as PLUCKED…..

4 years ago

Funny enough New vegas was by far my most played game in 360 and most played fallout game with FO2 being a close second. Now Outerworld is coming to teach bethesda a lesson oh right and i supposed Fallout 4 is in 3rd place i liked the GAMEPLAY in FO4 a lot but the writing and character were so so.

4 years ago

Ethan’s rockin’ the dress, though, tbh. (And yes, I’m being serious about this.)

2 years ago
Reply to  Diamond655

hes p cute in that thing, emily might take him back

4 years ago

Even more so now that there is an annual/monthly subscription for features and fixes

4 years ago

I say this with all due respect, but you gots a perdy mouth, boy.

2 years ago

Well.. it’s not the first time we’ve seen Ethan as a bride. Just the first time we’ve seen *this* Ethan as a bride.