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Renown, p6

August 18, 2023 by Tim

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James Kite
James Kite
1 year ago

Ruh Roh…..

… Scooby Snack time?

Last edited 1 year ago by James Kite
1 year ago

In Green Latern movie, the shot where she identifies him after the kiss was improvised but has given to a lot of “wait, that’s right” conversations.
Still must remember that The Master didn’t use a facial recognition program to identify Ethan even been an program genius.

Also…once Henry Cavil once walked by the streets and nobody recognised him (I’m sure some would but they didn’t go and asked for a selfie, to avoid awkward situations or things like that), so probably the “covering cheeks mask works”

Last edited 1 year ago by Gonfrask
Sir Guestelot
Sir Guestelot
1 year ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Another good example: Do a youtube search on Reeve Superman Disguise. It pulls up a minute long scene from the 1978 film in which Reeve showcases his acting chops by switching from Clark’s physicality to Superman’s physicality on-screen. No special effects, just little acting choices. As Clark, he slouches to seem shorter and meeker, changes his speech pattern and the pitch of his voice, avoids eye contact and consistently has an unfocused gaze, and even seems to change his facial structure by adjusting how he holds his jaw. It’s brilliant and really helps to sell the idea that people wouldn’t… Read more »

1 year ago

Which is why as a superhero, you DON’T interact with people you know in both walks of life. Superman’s glasses were a joke, even Batman’s outfit works because he (mostly) stuck to that rule. That and his suit scares the crap out of people, in general! Get the hint guys, you secret identities won’t mean crap to your parents or close friends if they see you in your suits.
Wear wigs and a full-face masks to muffle your voices MIGHT work.

Last edited 1 year ago by Scarsdale
1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

That’s why I always appreciate the additional mechanisms to protect identities. For Superman, it’s not just glasses, it’s everything that is Clark Kent- bumbling, awkward, loose footing clothing, slouched, plus the constant amount of super speed vibrating that blurs all cameras while Superman… sure, Clark looks vaguely like Superman, but people can’t conceive that it could be him because the disguise is the entire person. My kids watch Miraculous Ladybug, and it always bugs me (pun intended) how they are interacting almost exclusively with their own friends and family without being recognized. In my headcanon, the magical suits actually make… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  MusicManD

Actually for ML your head-canon is right. It’s mentioned in passing in a few episodes that the suits create a “quantum diaruption” of some kind that prevents anyone from recognizing Ladybug or Cat Noir as their Civilian identities. Doesn’t work if someone sees them change costumes or they confess it outright though. But it’s not just the costumes in ML that protect their identities. Ladybug is cool, confident and a natural leader, so nobody would suspect that she’s really Marinette Dupan-Chen, the shy klutz that panics at the idea of speaking to her not-so-secret crush. And Adrienne Agreste is the… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Brian

Another headcanon theory I have about ML is that the kwamis actually influence the superheroes’ personality while in costume. We saw this outright in the episode where Tiki became lost in hunger, transforming Ladybug into this ravenous beast of a girl. With that in mind, it makes sense that the cool, confident Ladybug is equal parts Tikki AND Marinette, while the wise-cracking, laid-back Cat Noir is Plagg as much as Adrien. The sad thing is that this means the Miraculous don’t really bring out the best in the wearer so much as combine with the wearer to create a NEW… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  MusicManD

To me, the greatest advantage to Clark Kent/Superman’s disguise is that he wears the “disguise” when he’s a regular civilian. People expect a hero in a mask to have a secret identity. However, guys like Superman, Captain Marvel (Billy Batson), Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny), etc are “obviously” always heroes and have “nothing to hide” from the public. Heck, one of those three is publicly known and doesn’t have a “secret” identity, so the public assumes the other two and any other hero without a mask are all the same. It’s a lot easier to hide something if you make it… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  AustynSN

That’s an excellent point that I hadn’t considered. It seems widely known that Superman has a Fortress of Solitude, so I’m sure the common belief is that he lives there and is always flying around being Superman 24/7. You’re right, though, if nobody is looking for another identity, it’s a lot easier to hide in plain sight.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

Human being are VERY good at failing to perceive things.
With Superman it’s not just the glasses. His entire demeanor changes.
There’s been lots of studies that show just how bad human being are at stuff like this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

Time to roll out this old classic:

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

Adding to those who are pointing out that Clark Kent’s mannerisms helping disguise his identity as Superman, Lex Luthor once actually found out Clark’s duel identity and actively refused to believe it because his own ego wouldn’t allow him to reconcile the idea of someone so powerful living such a milquetoast life as Clark Kent’s.

Spider Minstrel
Spider Minstrel
1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

The glasses were just part of a whole “mild-mannered journalist” act.
See also: Robert Heinlein, Double Star. The best disguise is adding some minor details that make people go “Hey, this Kent guy kind of looks like Superman in the right light. Funny, eh? Imagine Kent flying around in a cape, hoo hoo!”

1 year ago

An approch that’s only a short leap away from a fully fledged SEP field (or so Slartibartfast would have us believe).

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

There’s one anime that made good use of it, with the MC being recognized by friends while fighting a monster outside a building in fog while wearing a scarf wrapped around his face.

1 year ago

3D print up a few action figures of himself then use the trolls to promote merchandise. Turn their attempted takedown of him into a whole hoax designed to generate ad revenue and ‘Thank you so Much for helping me get my product off the ground.’ Then all future attempts will be mocked as ‘just another ad’.

Last edited 1 year ago by Crestlinger
1 year ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

Brilliant. The Troll’s singular weakness: the illusion of “grift.” 😀

1 year ago

Poor Lilah xD I hope this is the first of many “wtf” faces from her. In CAD 1.0, if I recall correctly, Lilah had a pretty smooth and quick time figuring out how Ethan’s mind works. There wasn’t much of an issue, on that. He still remained unpredictable and troublesome enough, of course. But she understood him. So, I’m all for a Lilah that has a harder time with it now. — Many superhero/villain fictions have parodied the mask and secret identity thing. With good reason. If we’re even moderately realistic, finding out who they really are is not specially… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Rolando
1 year ago

I’m calling it. Lilah is a troll. Possibly THE Troll. Bolstering his spirits by pointing out that for all the heckling, they’re still not heckling Ethan? Pointing out that that mask fools nobody? Yeah, this will be followed by the Troll crushing his spirits by outing him.

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
1 year ago
Reply to  scottsmom

Unless Lilah is somehow also a green-skinned, hulk-like monster, there’s no way she would be the OG Troll, and there’s no hints or foreshadowing to even suggest for a moment that she’s one of the Troll’s goons.

1 year ago

I mean, given Henry Cavill went around Times Square in his Superman shirt and nobody recognized him, so it’s plausible the mask is sufficient! (And I know another, I want to say Christopher Reeve, went to lunch during filming dressed as Clark Kent and was also unrecognized)

1 year ago
Reply to  RblDiver

Both Charlie Chaplin and Dolly Partin famously lost their own lookalike contests.

1 year ago
Reply to  RblDiver

A lot of that comes down to expectations, though. What is your brain actively scanning for? He would be instantly recognized at Comicon outside of a Superman panel, but at a grocery store in Ohio, he’d be largely ignored.

Thomas D
Thomas D
1 year ago
Reply to  MusicManD

Not with that body tone, he won’t… Every. single. woman. and possibly quite a few men will be ogling his torso and butt.

Of course, that’ll keep their eyes off his face as well … ,)

1 year ago
Reply to  RblDiver

I’ve seen a few celebrities in public before and did recognize them. I didn’t approach them/say anything to them out of a sense of not wanting to bother them though. I figure they get bugged enough by fans as it is and don’t want to add to it. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are plenty of people that feel the same way or are just too busy to divert from their schedule to go talking to a celebrity.

John Swift
John Swift
1 year ago

Sounds like she either already has seen him or is just foreshadowing when she will. I expected her to find him kinda just by chance checking out game stores.

1 year ago

Oh, Jesus, she knows me, and she knows I’m right *sing*

1 year ago

“But I would also suggest you don’t let on to the Troll that it’s not bothering you anymore. As Analog, keep acting like it’s a problem, because the moment you let on that you’re over it, he’ll find a way to break that shield. And breaking that shield most likely means revealing your true identity to the world.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Mallengar

Ethan sort of knows that, he said he is acting like the Troll gets to him, because when he didn’t, the villain escalated his attempts up to actual violence against people.

Henchman Twenty1
Henchman Twenty1
1 year ago

The Shoveler: “Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing doesn’t wear glasses!”
Mr. Furious: “That’s because he takes them off when he transforms.”
The Shoveler: “That doesn’t make any sense. He wouldn’t be able to see!”

Mystery Men – Underrated movie

Last edited 1 year ago by Henchman Twenty1
1 year ago

I love the analyse of internet troll and the effect it has. I also love how it trashes superman.

1 year ago

From a certain perspective, the secret identity could be considered the “mask,” or “persona,” if you will, and the superhero self could be the real inner “shadow.” I know they’re both Jungian terms that’ve been around for decades, but… I AM THOU, THOU ART I!!!

1 year ago

Wonder how well Lucas’ mask works for his superhero disguise. It’s a lot better at covering his face, at least.

1 year ago

Lyla, SHHHHH. We don’t say that part out loud!

1 year ago

I really don’t follow her logic here. She seems to be going with a “You’re not REALLY Analog, so when he makes fun of Analog, it’s not even about you” but that’s… really not how this works is it?

1 year ago

‘Won’t fool anyone with eyeballs’
Says the woman who didn’t believe him when he said he had super powers when he was trying to DATE HER.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Smith

To be fair, Emily probably never even paid attention to Analog or DPad. They’re smaller heroes, and any exposure would’ve been on news articles she’d scroll past or video clips she’d just ignore.

Richard Weatherfield
Richard Weatherfield
1 year ago
Reply to  Smith

Emily had only ever seen him out of costume. She’d effectively never met “Analog” at all, so had no reason to suspect him.

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Smith

Emily and Lilah are different people. Emily said that, but never met Analog. Lilah has never met Ethan.

1 year ago

“that mask isnt going to fool anyone with eyeballs”

unless their name happens to end in ois lane.

Richard Weatherfield
Richard Weatherfield
1 year ago
Reply to  jack

Funnily enough, in the Silver Age Lois constantly suspected Clark was Superman and kept trying to out him, resulting in Clark having to find increasingly ridiculous ways to throw her off the scent. And I think in the current continuity she’s fully aware of who he is.

1 year ago

Can someone help me? In the current timeline is this the one where Ethan told gf Lilah he was a hero not cheater? Does this mean she probably has figured it out?

1 year ago

Ah foreshadowing. It’s not like the Troll, who is chronically online and plays console games, would ever go into Ethan’s work place, right?

1 year ago
Reply to  Epsilon

And risk going into the light of day? Never!

The Troll pirates all his games, I’m sure of it.

1 year ago

this is how you deal with trolls, you either ignore or troll back. ive learned much in my time on how to troll properly and its not easy to teach people new to the internet how to handle it.

1 year ago

I see a future where Ethan find himself doing ridiculous things when Lilah happens to enter his store, to avoid been recognised

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Daniel

ITs a game store, there’s gotta be a Master Chief helmet floating around somewhere…

1 year ago
