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The Starcaster Chronicles 12.09

October 27, 2023 by Tim

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Shy Hot Prince
Shy Hot Prince
11 months ago

So, the Dranglaex have spies which is not really surprising. But having one directly on board of – supposedly – Cort’s “transport” ship is worrying.

Also, this shows again how valued the Starcaster’s are that both sides are directly engaging for conflict and being ready to lose a notable part of their fleets.

11 months ago
Reply to  Shy Hot Prince

A bit too much deus ex machina, there ^^

11 months ago
Reply to  Gilles

Depends. Obviously they couldn’t have known Cort would appear, but La’Ni was the one that found him. It’d make a lot of sense if they already had spies trying to keep track of enemy Starcasters.

11 months ago
Reply to  Gilles

It depends in who is the spy…

Casper Hansen
Casper Hansen
11 months ago
Reply to  Gilles

If we accept they have spies (which is the hard part for a race that seemingly wants to annihilate every other race as inferior, but let’s go with it), then it’s not at all deux ex machina that they would have spies (assets) on every ship above a certain size. There are a LOT of people on such a starship, and invaluable intel to be gained on fleet movements, orders and plans.

11 months ago
Reply to  Casper Hansen

They didn’t say ‘we have a SPY’ they said ‘we have an ASSET’ on the ship, that means it is very likely to be someone from another race/species. More than likely someone whose family is held hostage or they were told family was a hostage when they are dead (like Dr Yui from Dune)

11 months ago
Reply to  Kenju

What do you call an “asset” that provides espionage? Usually a spy.

Anyway, I agree, but if they are resorting to hostages/blackmail it becomes a lot harder to see how they could have spies/assets on various spaceships. They’d be hard-pressed to target specific people that way. That’s why I assume they had to convince these assets to work for them some other way (monetary/power/whatever).

11 months ago
Reply to  Casper

Paying them and promising not to blow them up later is probably enough.

11 months ago
Reply to  Kenju

So I have a theory.
I think our pilot survivor is the asset. But is not a traitor. Either she really died and was replaced. Or they captured her and brain washed her. She does not even need to know she is an asset. For all she may know she is filling in a diary and it gets transmitted.

11 months ago
Reply to  Shy Hot Prince

The asset isn’t necessarily on Cort’s ship. We just saw a scene where a member of the council (presumably) received a report about Cort’s presence, so the asset would only have had to intercept that report. It could be that council member himself (he did urgently excuse himself after seeing the report) or one of his aides.

My random theory: After what happened last time, Quel took the precaution of ensuring that the report deliberately misstates which ship they’re on, leading the Dranglaex to target the wrong vessel.

11 months ago
Reply to  Ben

Who knows? A member might have struck up a deal to feed them info if they leave their home planet alone. Wouldn’t be the first time a high ranking government official made an under the table deal to save themselves or those they care about more than anything/one.

James Stakey
James Stakey
11 months ago

Oh no. Shazbot is not a strong enough expletive for this.

J3rky N[_]t5
J3rky N[_]t5
11 months ago
Reply to  James Stakey

Tribes player or Mork and Mindy fan?

11 months ago

Entirely possible that the Federation may have just baited the Dranglaex fleet into going for the ship Cort’s on, given the timing of the previous sequence. What better way to find a hidden target than giving them a prize they cannot resist?

11 months ago
Reply to  Jin

I thought there was a full fleet with proper support looking for Dranglex near where Cort got caught

This single Dreadstorm thing is a bit of a “huh?” moment, unless the unspoken bit is “accompanied by an entire fleet”

11 months ago
Reply to  Jin

I think this could be it. While the wording above is ambiguous I find it interesting that they only mention “it’s” as in singular when presumably the Federations own Starcaster is also still present.

If not a trap, leaving out the presence of the second Starcaster is a hell of a blunder on the part of this asset.

Last edited 11 months ago by Triforcedragon
11 months ago

“Directly from one of our assets”

Words to make any spymaster shiver in dread that their boss will decide to jump in half cocked straight into an ambush to grab the shiny loot

Probably not be a trap since, hey story, but still….

Maybe it would have been better to give the blood knight the star caster and not have the brains of the partnership stuck in a healing tank half the time

11 months ago
Reply to  Stephen

Ye, because said spymaster knows they are about to lose a very valuable asset one way or another.

11 months ago

Seems like in the end, the Prince was in fact preparing some attacks to major planets, disturbing the potential strategy of the Federation to protect minor systems…
This “coincidence” altogether with when Droma is noticed about the found starcaster (probably) is then followed by then the Dranglaex filtration make you wonder if is the spy…but is a bit obvious, isn’t it?

11 months ago


11 months ago
Reply to  Marcus

Wow, has it been two weeks already…pages back counting… yep 2 weeks. Time flys with a good story. Ok who want’s popcorn? Milk duds? those red licorice things? pop? ???

11 months ago
Reply to  KenP

Black licorice, please.

*dodges incoming fire from the haters*

11 months ago
Reply to  Marcus

Now that was uncalled for. I was able to scroll quickly past the pic and avoid that getting stuck in my head, and then I got to the comment section.

11 months ago

I’m suprised anyone is willing to spy for the Dranglaex, considering they want to wipe out all other sentient life.
Though I guess people can be shortsighted regardless of species, or maybe blackmailed into spying for them.
“Remember how I said we will obliterate your planet last?” “Yes, you did!” “I lied.”

11 months ago
Reply to  Dagroth

Let’s not forget sheer resentment. Some people will carry their grudges for any perceived slight, real or imaged, into nightmarish obsession.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dagroth

Remember Marko? His entire planet learned that the Drangalex wasn’t saving them for last.

11 months ago
Reply to  pookysgirl

Hmm. Not quite. Well, maybe, the bounty hunter going after Cort? If not, then no.
Also I don’t remember anything about his planet, did they really promise that, and what happened to it?

11 months ago
Reply to  Dagroth

Not the bounty hunter himself (that was Grin), but the guy that hired that bounty hunter. (And was initially hired by the Dranglaex to move Nyrah somewhere, presumably to some other facility or expert to extract information from her). I don’t think we ever learned anything about what exactly he was promised for his help. It presumably involved the usual riches, being allowed to live after the conquest and things like that. It probably wouldn’t have involved the rest of his planet though, he was not the type to strike deals to help anyone other than himself. Either way, the… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Dagroth

i mean, people loaded bodies for skynet…

Jimbers McTimbers
Jimbers McTimbers
11 months ago

Tim you cliffhangin’ sumbinch!

Great now I’ll just go reread the whole series a few times again while I wait.

For really, this is my favourite series of yours.

Terrible DM
Terrible DM
11 months ago

I like the scroll-tablet. Fits the space Roman vibe.

11 months ago

Might be pretty dumb to try to attack a ship with three starcasters (La’Ni, Cort and what’s his name, Duncan or something?) while your own one is on cool down.

11 months ago
Reply to  ears

I think only La’ni and Cort are on that ship. They try to spread out the starcaster users. I think because they’re actively patroling for the Dranglex, since they can sense starcaster usage.

11 months ago
Reply to  Esc

And there’s tactical importance to not have all the crucial assets gathered in one vulnerable spot.

11 months ago

I’m guessing that the rhino-faced dude is their informant. Him, or one of his entourage.

He was being way too sensible to be an actual contributing member of the alliance.

11 months ago

Let’s see… So Many ways this could play out:
Messenger is the good guy spy
Information Itself is a trap
La’Ni hunting = now prey
Cort’s going to want to be leaving

11 months ago

Welp. So much for having a moment of calm for Cort.
Both parties know where he is and most importantly what he has. So things are about to hit the fan…