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Tipping Point, p3

April 19, 2024 by Tim

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5 months ago

Time to reissue the original Pennsylvania road rules for powered vehicles Ethan?

5 months ago

HypSerspace 😉

5 months ago
Reply to  Mael

Hey, if you’re panicking about dying you wouldn’t speak correctly either 😋

5 months ago

Scott should tell Ethan that stress induced heart attacks are a thing.

5 months ago
Reply to  M37h3w3

That’s even more sadistic, I feel

5 months ago

So Hyperspace is 15 miles per hour … thanks for clarifying !

5 months ago
Reply to  Jedi

In all fairness, Hyperspace is just shifting to a different dimension of space-time where the speed of light limit is different or simply not applicable.

All that being said, just like a wormhole can be longer than a straight line path hyperspace can have any speed limit, including 15 miles/hour. It wouldn’t be a particularly useful hyperspace, but it can exist.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jedi

We all know that “lightspeed is too slow”. Why else would Ludicrous Speed exist?

20 days ago
Reply to  Kaz

Because plaid is a good look for some people.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jedi

Wel feel speed and acceleration differently when we’re a passenger than when we’re driving.

Though this assumes Ethan drives in the first place. If not, his perception will be outta whack anyways. xD

5 months ago

Yeah, the thin premise has run its course by now. Just show him he still has his powers already.

5 months ago
Reply to  JdW

No one is forcing you to read the comics.

5 months ago
Reply to  JdW

I think it’s only thin on this panic part. We’ve seen very little going on after he lost his powers, meaning we only have seen him in this one situation. There are many stories that can be made with him not knowing if he has his powers. This scene is a transition from his normal day to day towards his hero life. He has trusted himself in his own environment, but can’t yet put his life in someone else’s hands without panic. That being said, despite his fear Ethan is going with Scot, is going towards a potentially dangerous hero… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

This. I get that it’s a new character trait, he’s still in reactionary shock; but it’s been played for laughs (or at least a punchline) repeatedly, and that’s getting old. Ethan’s doing brilliantly here, he isn’t the master of forethought after all and keeps encountering new things to fear as a result, so being willing to risk each new significant risk to find his friend is admirable – a friend who might reasonably thank him for his efforts with a smashed-in skull, at that. But it is going to feel outplayed fairly shortly if something major doesn’t soon change. I… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  JdW

dont you dare having a different opinion from the mob! what were you thinking?

5 months ago
Reply to  leduk

People just vote to show they have an opposed opinion. JdW isn’t harassed, except for one passive aggressive comment. The masses are as entitled to their opinions as JdW is, and both as just as free to express it.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 months ago

I’m getting the feeling that this isn’t going to be the huge epic showdown that the dumb part of my brain is hyping it up to be.

Call it a hunch.

5 months ago

I’m wondering how Scott is driving. Adapted car??? I’m curious.

5 months ago
Reply to  Dany

Definitely a paraplegic friendly vehicle. I am going to guess that screen next to Scott might be for assistance, but the idea of a modified vehicle relying on a touch screen somehow sounds terrifying to me.

5 months ago
Reply to  Dany

Yup! Look up “paraplegic car”.
Considering what we see on this page, Scott likely has his left hand on a stick that manipulates both the acceleration and brake pedals (or controls those functions digitally, if the car is drive-by-wire).

Spoony Bard
Spoony Bard
5 months ago
Reply to  Dany

My guess is that he has hand controls similar to what my mom used to have in her car. In her case, there was a large handle close to the turn signal which we could pull down to operate the gas and push back to brake. That last bit was actually super handy for me years later if I had to brake quickly.

Interesting side note: you can’t wear open toed shoes with those controls, at least not with the setup we had. Otherwise, the controls can cut your feet.

5 months ago
Reply to  Spoony Bard

Really interesting detail – thank you! Commented on the parent, but to ask directly as well – is this a common standard where you live? US? In the UK we usually have to install a wheel boggle alongside hand controls if driving without foot involvement – statedly because the other hand is occupied with the brake and gas, and one-handed turning without an aid is considered unsafe. I figure either your regulations are different, or else your own accessibility controls are set up to allow more double-handed time on the steering wheel?

5 months ago
Reply to  Kelibath

A friend of mine drives an SUV with hand controls and though I think technically she’s supposed to have a spinner knob, she doesn’t and just uses the push/turn hand control with her left hand and works the wheel with her right.
She let me drive her car with them once, it’s tricky for those of us who are used to pedals to get used to.

Spoony Bard
Spoony Bard
5 months ago
Reply to  Kelibath

We actually had one of those as well, I think it’s also part of the standard for us as well. I’ve never turned a steering wheel as well as I did with that attached.

Not sure why Tim didn’t add one of those in, possibly just an overlooked detail.

5 months ago
Reply to  Dany

I think it’s so obvious that the car has been modified to work. This sort of thing exists in the real world!

I know people aren’t trying to be offensive or ableist intentionally but in a comic series with tons of high tech things (robots, real AI, tracking beacons, etc) that are all whipped up by the science gadget genius is it really that astounding he of all people has a car that functions for him?

5 months ago
Reply to  Dany

Jumping back into the discussion from the last page, I was entirely confident Tim would draw Scott driving a car with accessibility mods and hand controls, and I *assume* that’s what is happening here, with Scott using his off-hand to work a lever. It’s not the super-swanky wheel-in variant that lets you “drive” into a lowered boot and lock your chair in place behind the wheel though! But he probably transfers seat-to-seat, likely using plates or upper body strength. That being said, as a user of such things IRL myself, I’m a bit surprised to see nothing on the steering… Read more »

Luis Correia
Luis Correia
5 months ago

typo or just plain old scared “hypserspace”?

5 months ago

I love the character development where Ethan’s sense of duty outweighs his new-found crushing agoraphobia.

5 months ago

I don’t think dude lost his powers, I think the syringe increased his fear response somehow.

5 months ago
Reply to  Danny

It is not uncommon for people who used to rely on their health and then got (very) sick to overreact. Ethan was functionally immortal, where any injury or disease could be solved by dying. Worse, he knows how easy it is to die. With his uncertainty of his powers he seems to have a very normal reaction to me. He’s died what, 80 times? 200? How easy is it to die once more….

5 months ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Had something very similar happen when I went to trades school for automotive. I used to *not* worry about every little sound, bump, or odd movement (unless it major, obv). Now that I *know* all the various things that can wear out or go wrong, things that can just ‘break’ over time….(and also knowing my home setup isn’t adequate to fix many of those) I have this irrational worry about *every* little thing. To the point I just stopped driving as much. (bad I know)

Last edited 5 months ago by Logan
5 months ago

To be fair, with a lot of the drivers on the road these days, there’s a legitimate threat more than there were 15-20 years ago and it isn’t all volume, its ‘don’t care if I zip through neighborhoods at 2x the speed limit even where visibility is awful’….

5 months ago
Reply to  kaladorn

cars are way more safer than decades ago

5 months ago
Reply to  leduk

And most people are at least as stupid. It *almost* cancels out. But cars are much more costly to repair now, too. And even easier to be written up as ‘totaled’.

5 months ago

*Insert Zeke ramming the car from off-panel in a flaming doom vehicle.*

“Mine doesn’t.”

5 months ago

Why Scott hasn’t just punched Ethan out yet is beyond my imagination

Here Ethan is, with the superpower of complete functional regenerative immortality

Here Scott is with a permanent disability acquired by being shot trying to save Ethan’s sister, whom didn’t make it

And Ethan currently panics if the wrong type of pizza gets delivered

Scott must have the patience of a saint to even cope with Ethan’s powers at the best of times; let alone when he’s in idiot mode or just treating death as a casual inconvenience

5 months ago

At this rate, it’ll be Scott who kills him, if no one else gets to him first!

Last edited 5 months ago by WereCatf
5 months ago

I just thought now that the other output of this encounter is that Ethan will rescale his danger estimation again. If he won’t get his power back after this round, he at least will be more confident

5 months ago

Why does this panel reminds me of “keeping up appearances” (british sitcom of the nineties).

5 months ago

Begs to reason that he can easily identify all his specific vital organs from unforseen circumstances :3 I really feel a bike helmet or colander is missing here XD