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Missing Pieces, p17

September 11, 2024 by Tim

Zeke Plushie interest campaign still has a few days left, but it doesn’t seem like something this audience is interested in, so I’m not going to keep harping on it for the rest of the week. Message received.

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8 days ago

Glad to see we havent forgotten about getting Ethan(and Lucas) back to superheroing sooner or later. Though I’ll admit there is a part of me that likes this quirky truck-sim-enjoying Ethan. That he would stick with such a genre shows a level of focus he didn’t have in CAD 1.0.

Still looking forward to getting back to the superhero arcs, though.

Apple Norris
Apple Norris
8 days ago

Umm… Is it me, or does handle in the first frame look unfinished?

8 days ago
Reply to  Apple Norris

No patterns, no shadows. Yup, looks unfinished. Then again, who doesn’t make mistakes? Tim’s been in his A game for like forever. I would expect something slips through now and then. 🙂

8 days ago
Reply to  Apple Norris

On the wheelchair? Yeah. But I had to go back to see what you were talking about because I didn’t notice when I read the comic myself…

8 days ago
Reply to  Apple Norris

Then again, with Ethan around, having things looking strangely shouldn’t be surprising either, so there might be an in-universe Ethan experiment reason for it to look like that.

7 days ago
Reply to  Apple Norris

Could also be that the door handle from frame 1 isnt also shown in frame 3. Its just missing.

Henchman Twenty1
Henchman Twenty1
8 days ago

Ethan’s brain is ♫ Eastbound and down ♫. Yes, I am old enough to have seen the original Smokey and the Bandit t the local movie theater when it came out. It inspired one of my friends to get a CB radio.

8 days ago

Thanks for the earworm. 😆

🎶 Eighteen wheels a-rollin’

8 days ago

Whenever I see/hear people use “literally” in a figurative sense, my mind goes all Inigo Montoya. “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” And that’s the most benevolent way my mind reacts to it.

8 days ago
Reply to  FireballDragon

Yes, but this is exactly why Scott’s alarmed in panel 2, since Ethan literally spends (spent) his evenings that way, even though he was talking figuratively in that moment

8 days ago
Reply to  Tim

Honestly, for any other person “literally out in the world” would probably be a misuse of “literally”.

For Ethan though, it’s completely believable. I don’t think he sees a genuine difference between what he’s doing and the real thing, he’s literally spending his evenings trucking in his mind.

8 days ago
Reply to  Crias

I didn’t read it as figuratively at all. I mean, at least before, he did literally go out every evening and be a superhero. Now, he is going out in the virtual world every evening as a superhero of the highways. In our world there is no way to drone a 18 wheeler (remotely pilot), but this isn’t our world, not exactly. After all, superheros and villains exist. So, who knows? Maybe drone-controlling an 18-wheeler IS possible.

7 days ago
Reply to  Tim

What a world you’ve created … No Gretchen Wilson? No C.W. McCall? No Dave Dudley? Truckers are widely sung heroes!

8 days ago
Reply to  FireballDragon

Merriam-Webster dictionary, Literally, adverb, 1. in a literal sense or matter. 2 virtually – used in an exaggerated way to emphasize a statement or description that is not literally true or possible.

The figurative use of Literally is officially in the dictionary. People who get hung up on this can shove off now.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 days ago
Reply to  Cygwulf

Dictionaries don’t create language, they reflect it. Linguists simply listen to how language is used and catalogue it. I find it interesting that you list a truncated definition of the second definition, without noting Webster’s usage guide. I guess it doesn’t help your argument if you mention that they state “it has been frequently criticized as an illogical misuse. It is pure hyperbole intended to gain emphasis, but it often appears in contexts where no additional emphasis is necessary.” Meaning: Simply because the dictionary recognizes that we continue to use it this way, does not mean that it’s proper English,… Read more »

6 days ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

But who defines what “proper English” is?
There’s no single source of truth for the English language – it’s developing right as we speak.

7 hours ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

The lengths some people will go to in order justify being WRONG. It’s almost appalling, in its own way.

8 days ago
Reply to  FireballDragon

And whenever anyone comments on this I feel the need to point out that the virtual/figurative use of literally is backed up in Merriam Webster dictionary with citations going back into the 18th century, and so copmlaining about it is not only needlessy penantic, it’s also wrong.

7 days ago
Reply to  Cygwulf

Exactly. Words change meaning all the time. Like “terrific” coming from terror but if I said “this is a terrific comic.” No one would infer that I think it’s scary.

7 days ago
Reply to  Cygwulf

My head just literally exploded.

7 days ago
Reply to  Cygwulf

#sorry-not-sorry, but had to thank you for this insight in the dictionary by being pedantic about that one other error in your post, because I learned something now that I didn’t want to be true 🙂

8 days ago

I wonder if they could try that drowning thing to have him technically die but can CPR his ass back if needed? Prolly too risky though.

8 days ago

I have a thought, and I wondering if now that Lucas us allowing himself to get into a relationship, with a police officer no less, is Ethan going to die here very soon and force Lucas back on the vigilante track?

8 days ago

Re: Zeke plushie – I like them, thought they looked pretty good, but not $30 like them plus however much for shipping. No bust on it, just at that price it wasn’t for me.

8 days ago

(duplicate, sorry)

Last edited 8 days ago by Chris
8 days ago

Re the plushies…PayPal didn’t work for me, the final button wouldn’t actually work. You should check with the company and ask how many PayPal orders they have for you. It should be some percentage > 0.

Alex Pendragon
Alex Pendragon
7 days ago
Reply to  Chris

This happened to me, too. I turned off adblocker and it worked after that. Though I don’t know if that was because of the adblocker being off or because the screen refreshed.

8 days ago

I’d really love a zeke plushy, but currency is tight. 🙁

8 days ago

oh yeah this is big brain time

8 days ago

mark this day in the history books amiright?

7 days ago

I mean, Ethan’s not wrong.

7 days ago

Yeah, sorry man. I think the main issue is the cost. ~$30 is a lot for a plushie. I understand that’s probably a fair price based on what it costs to actually make and ship, but it’s quite a lot for a plushie (for me, at least).

7 days ago

I’m just waiting for Emily to show up, ready to forgive Ethan, on the condition that he proves that he is a superhero.

Umm… yea, about that…

7 days ago

Ohoho. This may be ditto fun if my guess comes true.

Shinji Schneider
Shinji Schneider
7 days ago

Time for the cattleprod i guess

6 days ago

Oh come on Scott, this is Ethan, you Know he was going to spin the night job into sales somehow. Better now as disbelief than most other things that could happen actually.

6 days ago

Shame about the Zeke plush. I’ll go back to looking for one of the original ones second hand I guess.

6 days ago

Re: the Zeke plushie, I bit the bullet on the off chance it pans out, I’m not a fan of the price point but I also get that starting this sort of thing isn’t cheap, so I see it as a gift to myself and also voting with my wallet to get more stuff like that in the future.