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Missing Pieces, p21

September 20, 2024 by Tim

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19 hours ago

Smooth, Lucas. I’m sure he doesn’t suspect a thing.

19 hours ago

His face! AHAHA

18 hours ago
Reply to  Dramabear

YES! I love it too 😀

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 hours ago
Reply to  Dramabear

Preeeeety sure he saw the Arrow fly out of Lucas’s hand. 😅

2 hours ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Wait do they fly out of his hand? I’ve never actually paid attention to that part.

19 hours ago

I wonder if this will turn out to be a nARROW escape.

Bo F
Bo F
18 hours ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Badum tshhh …
Are you here all day ? 🙂

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
16 hours ago
Reply to  Bo F

Try the veal.

19 hours ago

Now we will see which is his opinion about vigilants or… well, just superpowereds

18 hours ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

He said it in the first panel when they met. He’s a bad cop.

12 hours ago
Reply to  Joe

Are you referring to the JOKE he made about oathbreaker paladin in BG3?

19 hours ago

Internet says 10-50 is accident reporting, so thus far Ben seems to be simply doing his job.

Of course, there’s always next page to add information about the illegal vigilante nearby, and/or have painful conversations about secrets and keepings thereof.

19 hours ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

Unless I’m mistaken (I live in Canada, and I haven’t been working in software for emergency dispatch, records management, digital mapping, and so on…for a few decades now), ten codes have some rough ‘standards’, but any individual LE agency (be it a far out sheriff’s office to larger city PDs) could come up with their own version. I worked with federal police across the country and several smaller police within different parts of Canada and I saw a range of different code schemes. The real basic ones were usually there (I’m gonna say 15-20 overall codes), but the rest were… Read more »

17 hours ago
Reply to  kaladorn

All true enough, but when the situation in the comic matches up this well with (what appears to be) the most common meaning of that code, it seems safe to assume it does indeed mean the same thing in this case. It could be something different for the various reasons you mention, but that’d be a very weird coincidence.

Also note Ben already had his phone out before noticing Lucas, presumably to report the accident.

14 hours ago
Reply to  kaladorn

Yeah but almost all departments use the same basic codes to avoid confusion.
They’ve been pretty well standardized in general.

Imperator Ruscal
Imperator Ruscal
12 hours ago
Reply to  kaladorn

US DoJ and CALEA, here in the US, push for all departments to drop 10-codes (and all other code schemes) because of just this issue. Confusion when working across departments/boundaries causes inefficiencies (and sometimes dangers) in the responses. The current “standard” is to use plain language. No code #s or even code words. If it was a traffic accident, you’re supposed to say “traffic accident.” It takes hardly any additional time to say, and modern comms systems are generally clear enough where radio reception issues are no longer a valid driver for using brevity codes. Then your inter-organizational-team aren’t having… Read more »

19 hours ago

My Guess:
A) Ben is going to keep the secret
B) Lucas is going to freak and run before this becomes clear

17 hours ago
Reply to  Darkstand

Why not both ?

16 hours ago
Reply to  Jedi

Im guessing both.

12 hours ago
Reply to  John

Insert “Both? Both.” Meme here.

10 hours ago
Reply to  Darkstand

Run where exactly?

19 hours ago

On the one hand, I want Lucas to have some peace and a life as someone rooting for the good guys. On the other hand, if the GM rolled the ‘Secret Identity’ flaw, it’s a good time to put the team in trouble – either by the policeman or by him becoming a dependent NPC that could be captured, hurt or killed. (My Champions days are showing…)

Del Cox
Del Cox
19 hours ago

Gotta give credit where it’s due, switching the hand gesture to a point was pretty slick, whether it’s effective or not.

17 hours ago
Reply to  Del Cox

Yeah that was pretty smooth. If we didn’t all know he had powers, I would buy it that he was just pointing.

Terrycloth Monkey
Terrycloth Monkey
13 hours ago
Reply to  Del Cox

The “uh” at the beginning removes a few points of believability, but yeah, good move.

10 hours ago

Not really. He could be thought to just be in shock.

10 hours ago
Reply to  Del Cox

He stuck his arm out well before he said anything, and I think he stuck his arm out pretty far, almost reaching for something. It doesn’t look natural, and someone as perceptive as a cop likely picked up on it.

But yeah, nice attempt at a save.

18 hours ago

Ive been stewing on this, given that they were instrumental in resolving a hostage situation wih the troll, and that got very public, I’m betting the police have been hoping they would be able to get in touch and get them to register to ‘normalize’ things.

It also may be an avenue to getting more resources to get to the bottom of if Ethan’s powers were destroyed or not.

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
18 hours ago

Ben’s not stupid. He figured it out. But he just saw Lucas save a life. He’s just calling in for paramedics in case anyone’s injured. Besides, he also doesn’t have solid proof Lucas was responsible for the arrow – nothing more than conjecture seeing the man pointing. They’re probably going to have to have a talk after this, but for now I’d honestly be surprised if Ben didn’t keep his secret at this moment.

7 hours ago
Reply to  Austin Mills

Safe to say that at least he will suspect something is up and chances are he will try to confirm it. Either by directly confronting Lucas or doing more investigation into it. Plus chances are Lucas is going to act super suspicious as he tries to defect attention away from himself. Especially if he over does it or try to confirm if Ben suspects something or not.

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 hours ago
Reply to  Austin Mills

It also depends if the arrows fly out of his hand, or they appear out of thin air. I’ve seen frames where they fly out of his hand, and I’ve seen times where it just appears.

I’m not sure what happened in this particular case, but, considering Ben’s reaction, I suspect the former.

It will be interesting to see how he reacts once he’s out of emergency first responder brain.

18 hours ago

To be fair, that gesture of reaching out your hand to grab something even though you know you won’t reach it because it’s too far is something I think is quite common. It happens to me sometimes when I see something about to fall, and I stretch out my hand as if to catch it (even though, logically, I’m too far away and can’t reach it). Maybe in this situation, someone without powers could also make that gesture, and in that case, the awkward thing would be the hand movement to point. What’s clear is that from his eyes in… Read more »

17 hours ago

Inner voice *Please tell me you didn’t see that, or at least you didn’t realise THAT WAS ME doing it*

16 hours ago

Dramatic tension aside, all I want to see now is Lucas and Ben flying around on an arrow together, while a *legally distinct* version of “A whole new world” plays in the background.

16 hours ago

I’ve been reading this coming for so many years now I seemed to have forgotten for a moment that there is someone writing this and it isn’t just life happening (my heart dropped for a moment). – Thank you Tim!

Last edited 16 hours ago by Daniel
15 hours ago

Nice save Lucas. I love the Bens face in second panel 😆

14 hours ago

With the way he’s looking at Lucas’ hand, there’s no way he didn’t make the connection.

14 hours ago

So far all Ben’s done is call for emergency services/accident response (i.e. ambo and scene control/road closure).

He hasn’t called for “backup” which would be more ominous for Lucas.

I'm a human blanket
I'm a human blanket
14 hours ago

Oh man….that side eye in the third panel. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but it looks like a “I’m talking on the phone about one thing but I’m keeping my eye you about the other thing.”

14 hours ago

Oh man, something about the art or just presentation of this one hits hard. Very nicely done. That expression in the last panel..

14 hours ago

I’m loving that Lucas is currently the MAIN main character. For so long he’s been the MINOR main character and all the shenanigans have been around Ethan. Yes, Ethan’s got his own drama right now, but he’s in the background while we’re watching Lucas go through this. Thank you for fleshing him out so much more for us.

11 hours ago

Drawing his face that in the second panel is the funniest way to let us know that he definitely knows

10 hours ago

Ben isn’t going to say anything about it right now; he’s just reporting the accident and getting help sent. But he knows what he saw and this will come to a head later.

9 hours ago

Here’s hoping Ben takes into consideration just what happened here.. Lucas just acted with no hesitation, on pure instinct, to save a child. No matter what he might think of unlicensed vigilantes, that’s got to earn SOME respect, right? Not putting his own secret above the life of an innocent.

8 hours ago

Well, at least 10-50 means “motor vehicle accident” and not “super-involved incident”. Assuming the police codes are the same as in the real world, of course.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
6 hours ago

Welp, tried to give him benefit of the doubt because the previous page didn’t show he reached out an arm. GL with the explanation Lucas, you’re gonna need it.

4 hours ago

Look, unless the next words out of Ben’s mouth are “Also, can you put me through to Henry Gyrich?”, I would suggest that Lucas do what he is probably not going to do:

Don’t panic.

See how the situation plays out . Learn from Ethan and realize that outright lying won’t work but assess how Ben reacts BEFORE leaping into a bad course of action.

3 hours ago

Right, Ben’s choosing to call in the accident rather than react, but what’s to come?
This goes to prove that neither of them can turn their job off.
I’d like to hope for better, but I think “right, THAT’S why you were ending it, I won’t turn you in but I can’t live with this under my nose and not report it eventually” is more realistic.

2 hours ago

Tim Buckley. Suspense master.

Monday needs to hurry up!

1 minute ago

Reminder that Lucas is unregistered, not illegal. He’s interacted with the police more than once. At worst unregistered supers are frowned on, not arrested.