
May 7, 2003 by Tim

Today’s comic strip (which I’ll point out is up very, very early in the AM) is based off of this news release. Well… partially based off of it anyway.

I love that I can post comic relative links now, and have it mean something for future readers, since our news is now being archived. It’s just so damned spiffy.

Anyway, I’m in the process of preparing for ConnectiCon. I know it’s still 2 months away, but I’ve got a lot of prep work to do. I want to try and get some posters printed up to sign and sell at the show, which means I have to design one, then get it to a printer. I also want to be selling original artwork, which means I’ve got to get the pen to the paper and start whipping up some pencil and ink artwork that I can sell off. And of course, while doing all of this, I have to make sure I’m making enough money so that I can afford this little venture.

I’m really starting to get into the idea of getting Ctrl+Alt+Del off the ground, and you’ve got to spend money to make money.

I guess.

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