
November 19, 2004 by Tim

I’m so close to my vacation I can taste it, and I’m excited. Yesterday I managed to draw and ink four comics for next week. My agenda today involves coloring and assembling them all. Then I can use Saturday to finish up some shipping, and other odds and ends, and then at 12:01 Sunday morning, I’m on vacation.

Update: Brian has agreed to put the BriWorld archives back up. They should be back up within a week.

Many of you know my friend Brian Carroll. You probably know him as the man behind Instant Classic and related properties, but what a lot of you don’t know is that Brian had another comic before Instant Classic, called BriWorld. Brian absolutely hates BriWorld, but has agreed to put the archives back online only if 200 people are interested. Brian is a good friend of mine, and I’m a big fan of everything he does, so I was wondering if you might join me in crushing Brian’s reluctance into the ground, and voting. You may need to register. It’s entirely your decision. I’m just making people aware.

*Evil Grin*

Here are some of the things I’m going to be working on after I return from my vacation, hopefully recharged and refocused. These are just a few of the items on my enormous ‘list of things to do’.

I’m going to make Xbox and other console skins available for purchase, as well as auction/raffle off another one-of-a-kind Xbox skin with a free Xbox attached to it.

I’m going to whip up some original artwork to give away via contests on the site. I’ll also put some up for sale on eBay for those that prefer to rely on their wallets, as opposed to their luck and skill in contests. I figure original art will make a nifty Christmas gift for any CAD fan.

I’m going to start preparing for Winter-een-mas, which we start celebrating around New Years. I’m going to make sure there are greeting cards ready for the season, as well as trying to get Winter-een-mas t-shirts available and shipping in time for the holiday. We’re going to make this the biggest Winter-een-mas yet.

I’ve got a lot of work to do around the site, bringing things up to date, such as the CAD link banners.

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