My house now

November 22, 2004 by Tim

Well, well well. It looks like that lazy bastard Tim has taken himself a little vacation, and it now falls on me to run the show. Let me tell you, things are going to change around here.

First of all, you may now address me as “Extraordinary High Templar Ruler of Greatness”, and anyone failing to do so will be smoten. Smited. Smitten. I’ll just fuck you up.

There won’t be any more of this “work ethic” shit around here. Fuck work. From now on, it’s video games all the time, with the occasional breaks for vitamin and protein intake via various microwaveable foods, and short naps for re-energization. If you don’t like the lack of work I do, you can shove off, mate.

I think we need more pron too. I’ve always felt this site lacked pron, so I’ll be sure to put up a new section for downloaded various genres of pron. Five-hundred gigabytes of pron, right at your fingertips. I do this for you because I demand complete devotion.

I’d get used to it if I were you. I forsee a cinder-block related accident in Tim’s near future that would trafically prevent him from returning to work as master of this website.

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