I am eeeeeevil!

April 24, 2006 by Tim

So I mentioned a couple of times last week that I’m getting back into City of Heroes/Villains. Once issue 7 hits, I’ll be starting a little regular playing group with some friends of mine like Brian “I needs teh electricity!” Clevinger and Mookie “I like monsters” Terraciano. We have to wait for issue 7 because Brian insists on needing one of the new power sets that will be released. So in the meantime I play around in the character creator, coming up with the villain I’ll play. The character creator in CoH/CoV is like a game unto itself.

I take pride in the characters I create for MMO’s. Especially in CoH/CoV since there is such an incredible opportunity for diversity. But for the love of all that is good, sometimes in the course of finding my theme, I come up with the cheesiest characters believable. Some of these concepts would make babies cry.

Comics like this make me cringe knowing that my family visits the site, because I know, cartoon or no, my relatives aren’t going to enjoy seeing me shot in the face. But c’mon. Cap’n Jack Arrow? I deserve it.

On the subject of CoH, I often get asked about the comic strip I used to draw for the CoH monthly comic book, and why I stopped.

I had signed a year-long contract, so Underwear on the Outside ran for twelve issues. At the end I wasn’t playing the game anymore, so it was difficult to come up with CoH material. So after my contract expired, I stopped doing the strip. I got a lot of emails about it because they filled the spot with some god-awful abomination called Q-Force or some shit.

The Conan MMO launches at the end of May. I’m not chomping at the bit or anything, but it will be interesting to check out, especially the merged single-player/multiplayer thing. At last year at E3 all I saw of it were some posters and a short video clip on loop. I’m willing to bet this year that I’ll get to see the finished product, and I’m intrigued.

Update: The source I got that release date from was wrong. They have since corrected their info, and so I shall correct mine. Conan isn’t expected until later this year. Meh, whatever.

There are rumors about the internet about the announcement of Starcraft 2, which has mysteriously disappeared. I’ll believe it when I see it, in all its glory, on the Blizzard website nowhere near April 1st.

In closing, 2007 is too far away, and I want a PhysX. Now. (so much better in high def)

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