Killer, Dude. Killer.

August 30, 2006 by Tim

Saint’s Row came out yesterday. I think it’s a blast. Especially the multiplayer. Online mode has some connectivity problems, which I trust they’re getting worked out, but once they do I think that the multiplayer for this game will be amongst the best on the 360.

Blinged Out Ride is my favorite mode, as it requires the most strategy and teamwork. Each team has a rusted out car in their garage. The goal is to earn money from killing enemy gangsters or capturing and returning gold chains, and then take your team car to the shop for an upgrade. The first team to get their car to level four wins. It’s pretty fun, especially when you add in Saint’s Row’s ragdoll physics.

I started a CAD gang, if anyone wants to roll with me. The servers that handle the gang stuff were wonky all day yesterday, so I wasn’t always able to send out invites. If you want to join, send me a message (Absath) with the subject “CAD Gang”, and I’ll try and get you an invite. You need to go to choose Xbox Live from the main menu within Saint’s Row, then go to the Gangs tab and “view gang invites” to accept the invite. Like I said, the servers are wonky ’cause the game just came out, so it may say they’re down sometimes. Just keep trying.

Bomberman: Act Zero is showing up today as well, so I’ll talk about that on Friday.

We’ve got an Xfire chat coming up on Sept 8th. Some of you may remember that we did one with them about a year ago, and it was lots of fun. This time I’ll be bringing Ryan Sohmer of Blind Ferret with me. Ryan is
heavily involved with a lot of the large projects here at CAD including
the animated series and Digital Overload. We’ll be giving away prizes, chatting and answering questions. Should be a good time.

The new CAD store was down for a bit last night. ISP problems. But it’s back up now.

Also, I’m on the fence about this. Actually, that’s a lie, even if the thing works I have no room in my gaming rig for another card. But the NIC card intrigues me. I’d be interested to know if it actually works. If anyone here ends up with one, let me know how it works out for you.

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