The Kickstarter Lives!

May 4, 2015 by Tim

We have officially launched the Kickstarter campaign for the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set! Go check it out!

Now, most of the pertinent information regarding the box set is on the campaign page, so I won’t retread that here. However there are a couple of points I wanted to reiterate.

There will only ever be one print run of this set, and the size of it will be directly related to the number of Kickstarter orders received. So while it’s possible that there will be some books to sell after all KS fulfillment is finished, it is not guaranteed, and they would be very limited.

Additionally, the cover price will be higher after the Kickstarter, and those fairly low international shipping rates I worked out will no longer apply. So if you really want a set, I highly recommend pledging to the Kickstarter. It helps you get the best deal, and it helps me plan accordingly.

Second, while I did my best with shipping internationally, and I scored some pretty decent rates at least for the places where I know I have a high saturation of readers, shipping to some places is still pretty high. Shipping overseas blows no matter which way you slice it. However, it is cheaper to ship two sets in the same box to the same place, than those two sets in two boxes to two different places. Therefore I offered a pledge level that includes two copies of the Box Set. If you and a buddy you trust both want a book set, I highly urge you to work it out amongst yourselves to have one of you order the dual book set, and then split it. Not does it make my job a tiny bit easier, but it can save you a bit on shipping too.

Lastly, for those new to Kickstarter, you do not get charged for your pledge until the end of the campaign (in our case, June 3rd), and then only if the project has reached its goal. So plan accordingly in terms of anticipating that charge.

Otherwise, I apologize in advance for how annoying I’m about to get this month. I know I have a lot of readers that only check in sporadically, once a week or once a month, so one newspost/tweet is not going to cut it, and I need to make sure people know about this campaign. I’ll try not to go overboard, but bear with me if you see me mention this a lot.

Update: I don’t even really know what to say… in a mere 16 hours we hit the funding goal! This book set will become a reality.

While I kept telling myself that we could get this project funded, only in my wildest dreams did I dare to hope that we’d be one of those projects that hits its goal in the first day.

I can’t explain what a weight this is off my shoulders. Knowing that I’m no longer dealing with hypothetical numbers and “maybe ifs” is such a relief. And while I now have a lot of work ahead this summer making sure this book set lives up to the confidence you’ve placed in me, it’s an amazing feeling of accomplishment.

You are all so amazing, and I cannot thank you enough.

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