Batman and Comic Bento

June 10, 2015 by Tim

Arkham Knight comes out soon… I’d been thinking about getting for a console, but now I’m not sure I can live without rain, smoke and paper! Paper, man! Paper! Gaming will never be the same again! Or at least the same as it was before 2006 when PhysX actually came out and started letting games do this sort of thing… but now it’s called “GameWorks” and so it’s toooootally different!

Bento Box is a Loot Crate-style subscription service for comics. It was started by the folks over at Blind Ferret Entertainment, and I decided to check it out. In the video below, I check out the contents of May’s “Cinematic” themed box, and find a few books I’d never have purchased on my own, but are now happy to have in my collection!

June’s Time-Traveling themed box ships in about a week, so there’s still time to sign up! 



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